Caldera (Night)

(4 customer reviews)


SKU: calderanight1 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


Here’s a night version of “Caldera” with lava overflowing the crater.   More of an experiment than anything, it took quite a few hours to render on Rochallor but I’m still not 100% satisfied with it.   Time to move on though 🙂

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4 reviews for Caldera (Night)

  1. Richard Birnage
    [Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]

    Rushed. The caldera is too bright and too yellow, as well as the lava-flows too meagre

  2. Cathy Warren
    [Lifetime Plus]

    I like the concept behind the render but the lava is unrealistic and looks like a bunch of twigs going down the volcano. It really detracts from the beauty of the original render. I think larger streams of lava would look better and fewer of them.

  3. Travis Lee

    The concept and general perspective are cool. The “lava” is so unrealistic that it pulls away from the majesty of the piece. The tiny lava streams seem to originate from nowhere (i.e. at peaks) and are far too ubiquitous and uniform — both in spacing and distance travelled from the actual caldera. The image really needs some large meandering lava flows (rivers) to clean it up. I agree with John, looking forward to another version

  4. John Conant

    Love the overall layout and concept. For me tho there are too many small lava streams, and it looks kind of furry. Would prefer far fewer, but larger, streams. Really look forward to another version!!

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