Cloud Tree


SKU: cloudtree1 Category: Tags: ,


My first render conceived, created and rendered using my new Rochallor workstation. This was an idea I’d had for a while and it seemed like a good “Hello World” for the new machine. The bad news is that these clouds still take a long time to render. The good news is that they render a lot faster than they did before (around half the time). I hope you enjoy it!

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18 reviews for Cloud Tree

  1. Dav [liferplus]

    I really liked this one when you published it, and even months on I only like it more. These really are the best looking clouds in the whole gallery in my opinion. I hope you don’t mind me saying that the long render time for clouds that look like this is really worth the wait!

  2. Marek Turnovec [lifer]

    I like this, even the night version. But colleague of mine who saw them both on my desktop as wallpapers is complaining about the clouds – he says that they look (because of they complexity) like much more bigger cloud that it could be for any real tree and from this reason it looks tu unreal for him. 🙂

    I’m only mediating his opinion, but from my point of view – I like it. 🙂

  3. Hebers81 [basicmember]

    My first thought when i saw this was, This is the top of the world tree

  4. LILYLAVENDER (Jackie Roos) [basicmember]

    I love the peace in this render! Thank you so much for the gentleness and calm…

  5. Chris Pederson [plusmember]

    I love this render! Awesome concept and glad to see it come to fruition. I like Romarch’s comment of pie-in-the-face. For myself the clouds have an almost cotton candy texture at least at the lower res so I immediately got the vision of a kid in a candy shop trying their best to eat as much as they can.

    Great job Ryan, keep ’em coming!

  6. Ozaawaagosh [plusmember]

    So peaceful and soothing, easy to look at and get lost in fantasy and or meditation. Great Render

  7. Susan [lifer]

    Soothing and fantastical. This is exactly the right image for my mood at the moment.

  8. cutterman [basicmember]

    That’s more like it!

  9. Romarch [lifer]

    Oh, how whimsical! The tree has an almost human shape if you think of the most visible limbs as flailing hands and arms, and it looks like it just got smacked with the cloud-tree equivalent of a pie-in-the-face. Maybe some people feel this way about their face masks (not the DB ones, of course!)… I love that I can look at a render of yours and come up with a fluffy little notion like that. This has the feel of your older “fantasy” pieces like _Regis_ and _Shibaozhai_, or one of your pagoda-in-the-clouds scenes, or, especially, your World’s Edge series. I love them all!

  10. Littlemom [liferplus]

    I love the idea and concept behind this render but the cloud covered tree looks like a huge cotton ball, So it leaves me feeling undecided about this one, I love the rest of the render even the tree trunk. I’m just not sure about the cloud on the tree.

  11. RDC [nonmonthly]

    Cool, but actually, it kinda looks like Cotton Tree.

  12. Adam K [liferplus]

    What a great landscape for meditation. I can hear the wind.

  13. Tracy [plusmember]

    I’m so happy to see Rochallor’s first render! So beautiful! It’s wonderful to be transported to a place so separate from our current reality. And thank you so much for letting us contribute to Project Rochallor. It’s exciting to feel like we each get to be a tiny little piece of your creations.

  14. Michael [lifer]

    I say this with a heavy burden, but it is.

  15. Patrick [nonmonthly]

    Absolutely so! Thank you!

  16. Todd [basicmember]

    I think you just made your next number one. This is so beautiful, Thank You.

  17. Afya [lifer]

    Magical. Dreamy. Beautiful enough to be real, whimsical enough to set the imagination soaring.

    I particularly love the soft light and mild colours. Sometimes I find your ‘flowers in vegetation’ overwhelming – too lush, too bright, too many colours – but here the moss and small flowers are perfect, subtle, not drawing attention away from the tree.

    Love it. Instant 10/10.

  18. Jenanne [liferplus]

    I love this, Ryan!

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