

SKU: cloverscape1 Category: Tags: , , ,


My son Ian is a pro at finding 4-leaf clovers. Either that or we live too close to a nuclear power plant. This piece was inspired by his special skill (see if you can spot any in the scene).

Rendered using Vue d’Esprit, represents my first crack at Vue’s built-in DOF blur.

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110 reviews for Cloverscape

  1. Ryan

    Thank you Stevie! I try to do both and hope to present you with natural strangeness for many years to come!

  2. Stevie

    You are such a talented young man. I love every one of your peices. Do you try to appeal to the young crowd or is your work what you like to draw? I ask because there are so many strange things in nature I would love to see something like that. Just a fan of your talent and user of your work….Sincerley

  3. Sebastian

    The colours! The flowers! So green! So peaceful and serene! Ooohhhh!!!

  4. Frosty

    Yes, You DO live too close to the nuke plant! LoL!!

  5. Frosty

    Dude I’ve been searching for one since I was as young as I can remember and I’ve yet to find ONE.(40+ years!!!)

  6. Wil

    This is gorgeous! I would love a version for my iPhone 4.

  7. Cheyne

    Need iPhone 4 version please…thx!

  8. Timmargh

    Any chance of an iPhone 4 version, please?

  9. Heather


  10. Heather


  11. Jon

    I’ve really enjoyed this image and was having trouble figuring out the depth of field (DOF). In my second semester taking a photography course I stumbled upon the concept of tilt-shift. That explains the very narrow DOF and selective focus.

    I really love this image. If you combine HDR imaging and tilt-shifting I could easily see this outside today.

    Thank you for your artwork.

  12. Angelique

    Cloverscape is one of the most beautiful of your works that I have seen! I’m really taken with it and would love to order a print of it sometime (when I can afford it) to hang in my bedroom. Will you be adding it to your Zazzle gallery?

  13. Rebecca

    They actually look like real flowers! Especially like the waa you’ve captured the sunlight on the flowers to the right.

  14. Josh M.

    Very nice Ryan. It looks quite real with the exception of the depth of field impact on the foreground. It’s a tad intense. Keep up the great work!

  15. Angelique

    Oh my God! Your work just keeps getting more and more amazing! This is my favorite so far this year. Thanks for making this one 😀 It so beautiful and looks so realistic!

  16. Rob

    Not a fan of this one. I can get a wallpaper like this for free anywhere on the web. Make more ‘out of this world’ wallpapers. Thats why we love you!

  17. Gordon

    Absolutely stunning… you’re digital awesomeness is next to none I’ve ever seen for stills. Kudos.

  18. Michelle

    extstgleft, Ryan does a variety of work. I’m sure we’ll be getting new abstracts and space scenes in the future. Just got to be a little patient. 😉

  19. Jen

    And these are beautiful. Thanks, Ryan!

  20. Ryan

    …is the spice of life!

  21. extstgleft

    ok, where are the uber-abstracts und space scenes???

    …nice flowers tho…if you’re into that kinda thing.

  22. Gerry


  23. Pcobiwan

    As always, Ryan’s stunning attention to detail comes through in near photographic form! The individual petals on the clover flowers, and the minute details in the dianthus make you want to step into that field and breathe the fresh scents.

  24. kellzilla

    I am suitably impressed by the explosion of color in your last several renders! The winter blahs combined with your extremely BLUE wallpapers made a depressing combination; I had gone back to some old favorites to push away the blues (Flora, for example – still one of my all-time favorites).

    Not a fan of the excessive DOF in the foreground, but am willing to accept artistic license 🙂

  25. Michelle

    The blur in the background is fine, but I think you overdid it in the front and it does detract from an otherwise gorgeous piece of work. I still enjoy the wallpaper immensely in spite of it though, and it’s really gotten me in the mood for spring. 🙂

  26. mattm

    You used to include the tools used… is it somewhere else?

  27. Carman

    The new Cloverscape is too blury at the bottom. Looks distracting.

  28. John

    Don’t know if you watch old threads but thought I’d mention here that the 3360×1050 of “In Full Bloom” is screwed up.

  29. Jon H

    Very realistic too! Bit too blurry for my taste, and a bit too feminine for my desktop. My desktop is currently set to the 2001 Lucky Charm wallpaper for St. Patty’s day.

  30. Thomas

    I need say nothing more than that this picture is the most photorealistic work in your catalog.

  31. rocy

    I, like everyone else here apparently, believe that the blur effect is a bit to heavy, but besides that, I think I noticed another little graphical flaw. Maybe it’s just me, as I haven’t seen anyone else comment on this, but it looks like the two pink flowers close to the center of the screen have pedals that pass through each other. It could just be the shadow, but it looks like the flowers are intersecting there. It’s probably just me, but if not, just letting you know.

    Keep up the good work,


  32. gemgirl

    I just put the dual-screen up on my monitors and love it even more! It’s a little less blurry but still dream-like. Beautiful!

  33. Trifid

    I DL’d the 3840 x 1200 (dual 16:10) and I love the new DOF and the added tree, but the floating flowers are distracting.

    There are two in this version, the two tallest ones. The one on the far left is very obvious (looks like its turning into a butterfly 😉 ) and the far right is also floating (but lestt obviously).

    Good work though, I love this one.

  34. Katherine

    This is one of my floral favorites! (I also LOVE In Full Bloom) It is such a lovely representation of spring, I made it my laptop wallpaper and the background on my G1. P.S. Thank you for posting G1 resolutions by the way! So much better than the included phone backgrounds. I always get complements on my amazing DB wallpapers!

  35. Ryan

    Wow, not sure how that one happened. I’ve uploaded a 3360 x 1050 file so it should be good to go now. Thanks for the heads up!

  36. Sovereign

    The dual 1680 is actually showing up as 5040×1050…

  37. rev. sK

    amazing work!! This just gets better and better

  38. sleeper

    Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

  39. Jenanne

    I saw this when downloading, too, and decided it was intentional, making the field of flowers just a little bit surreal and dreamy: you’re leaning against an old tree in spring, drowsy with the warm sun and cool breeze, almost asleep with your eyes half open. And as you drift off, the flowerheads start floating off and turning into butterflies. 🙂

    I love this one, Ryan. My Irish husband will love it, too.

    Matt says, “there is flower on the duel screen version that dosen’t have a complete stem, the flower is floating right above the end of the top of the stem, it is toward the left side and back.”

  40. gemgirl

    I was in kind of a blah mood at work today…until I saw the latest and greatest from you, Ryan! I immediately put this up on my monitors. It puts a smile on my face! Thank you!!!

  41. sigmaman

    Mate,thats teriffic. Not only is it beautiful,its photographic in its detail.Ten out of ten from me!

  42. MATT

    there is flower on the duel screen version that dosen’t have a complete stem, the flower is floating right above the end of the top of the stem, it is toward the left side and back. Awesome otherwise!! great job.

  43. Stewart

    … but there’s an odd artefact around some of the out-of-focus heads. Particularly the purples ones, and most especially the one at 12-o’clock

  44. Stewart

    … but there’s an odd artefact around some of the out-of-focus heads. Particularly the purples ones, and most especially the one at 12-o’clock

  45. Ryan

    Fixed. Thanks for the heads up!

  46. Dave

    The link to the 2560 x 1024 (dual 5:4) is broken 🙁

  47. Pat

    When I first put Cloverscape on my desktop I liked it but I felt a little dizzy because I didn’t really know where to look. I felt like the image had no focus. Then I saw the butterfly. Now whenever I sit down at my computer it’s the first place I look and everything makes sense. Perfect!

    BTW I have no problem with the DOF and I like to think that dark spot in the background is a big old tree I could nap against : ).

  48. dmackoy

    I feel as though I am looking directly at it, in person. Great seasonal images. thrilled.

  49. Ryan

    Hiding in plain sight…

  50. Walo

    you got that right.

  51. Chris

    Sometimes you look at these wallpapers and have to doubletake a bit to notice that it’s not real…this (to me) looks just like a photo! the detail is amazing. You have well and truely outdone yourself this time…I thank you!

  52. Wraith

    …but I like it. Focus effect is nice. I’ll be putting this up for St. Patricks. 🙂

  53. Kempeth

    It’s a very unusual zoom level for your work. I think it turned out really great.

    I also like that you included some cornflowers…

  54. Andy

    This is beautiful. Reminded me of FFXIII for a moment. Nice job Ryan, keep’em up!

  55. Lee

    I believe it’s dead center. Just in front of the gap between the pink flowers.

  56. Phillip D

    This is amazing image as something new you are doing; using depth of field feature (unless I overlooked your past images). Also, this render is so clear and photo realistic…guess what my desktop looks like now 🙂

  57. Ryan

    I was using Vue d’Esprit’s built-in dof blur for the first time here and I agree that it looks different. I could probably play with the settings and do another render with less blur, but I’m happy with it as is and it looks like I am not alone. This is a really busy scene without the blur and it also works to cover up a lot of places were the clovers intersect each other.The first thing Ian did when he saw this picture was search for a four leaf clover. If there was one, I would feel wrong telling you where it was. 😉

  58. Tom

    Needs improvement. Either the background needs to be in focus along with the mid, or the close-up scene needs to be in focus with the mid. I’d prefer the close-up scene to be in focus with the mid scene. I also agree with a previous poster, where is a 4-leaf clover.

  59. James

    Lovely as always, but I definitely agree that it could use a bit less blur in the foreground. I definitely like the blurring, and I don’t think it should be removed entirely, but a little less in the foreground could make it even nicer than it already is.

  60. Lidia

    Not bad, but a little too much blur.

  61. Raj Hardia

    Wow… just wow! I’ve always loved flower walls. You’ve matured so much over the years, Ryan! Keep making such realistic & lovely backgrounds.

    As others pointed, the odd bluriness and the difference in depth does take away much beauty from the picture and more so when you scale it to high resolutions like 2560×1600. For instance, the flowers in left mid-space are way too soft in comparison to right ones. Since they’re all in line, the difference in depth should be subtle and less pronounced. But still a 9.75 from me rounding off to 10.

  62. TM

    The quality of this is excellent, but it’s just not going to work as a wallpaper for me. Keep doing what you do and hopefully the next one will be more my taste.

  63. celmendo

    That really does look like a photo. I saw the email and wondered why someone was sending me a pretty photo of flowers. It might be simpler than Highland Spring but it’s no less impressive to me.

  64. GreatWhite

    crisp and clean, I’m so ready for winter to be over. Would love to see a pickle jar version with different colored flowers!

  65. Mark J.

    Very nice image. Hard to tell from a photo. Well done.

  66. TheDrooper

    Where’s the four-leaf clover?!?

  67. Steve Poli

    I would love to see more of these kind of creations. Thank you. God bless.

  68. Miguell026

    well.. someone is in a colorful mood… =D

    lovely picture.. very flowerish… O.o

    not my thing tho!

    nice work Ryan! Keep it up!

  69. Ben

    Pretty, but the blurring in the foreground and background seems very odd for some reason..

    Otherwise, very nice, one of your most photorealistic ever!

  70. Geep

    I’ve been a lurker on here for over a year and a half, wishing for the day I could join. Well, this is the day. After see this picture, I couldn’t wait any longer. It really is beautiful and will be going up on my screen.

    The best part of becoming a member is that now instead of just looking at each new wallpaper, I can actually get them. I can’t wait. Keep up the awesome work!

  71. PHiL

    Great work as usual and I eagerly await the dualscreen.

    But, I agree with others that the depth of field blur seem a little too aggressive in the foreground.

  72. Jonathan L

    Might I make a resolution request? 🙂

    1600×900, if you would! 🙂

  73. Kev

    I think the color of the flowers (obviously meant to be the ‘centerpiece’ of the image) makes them stand out enough from the green clovers enough that the blur over accentuates them. But then again, if the blur was removed… the image might be too busy.

  74. GW

    This is definitely the most photorealistic image you’ve produced so far, but I do agree with Tim that the bokeh isn’t quite right. Still an awesome image, though!

  75. Nate F

    Great image once again! I think that if you added some water droplets to make some morning dew it would be as good as or possibly better than your previous image (which btw is likely the best to date).

  76. Michelle

    Sure makes me want spring to hurry up and get here Ryan! But I can’t take Highland Spring down, gosh I don’t know if I’ll ever tire of looking at it. 😉 Thanks for the nod to St. Patrick, he’s one of my heroes.

  77. Littlemom

    I absolutely love this render. The flowers look so realistic, and the butterfly is so cute. It really does help bring in Spring. Great job Ryan.

  78. Jeff K

    Looks real! Love the little butterfly. However, those dont look like clover flowers.

  79. Walo

    I mistook it for a picture! even if I’m not a fan of flowery images, I must say this one looks awesome.

  80. Beverly

    My favorite so far is Poseidon’s Playground, but this is a lovely spring wallpaper. Excellent work yet again! Thanks so much for all you do!!

  81. Henry

    I especially like the depth of field that focuses your eye on the patch of pink flowers. It’s almost like a photograph.

  82. Hunter

    You have indeed raised the bar with Highland Spring, and I hope we see more wallpapers like that in the near future… even if they do take a long time to render.

    Cloverscape though is pretty good too, back to the old standard. By no means perfect, but pleasing to look at all the same. Depth of field in my opinion is a bit to strong though.

  83. dujeon

    Stunning, you have created some of your best work this year, well done it truely is amazing. Thank you

  84. Mark

    Wow, the last several have been amazing, and this continues that streak. Great job!

  85. SHv2

    Where’s the beer?!

  86. Nick

    This is a nice update to your previous work. There is something about the texture of the clovers that just seems a little to fake to me, but other than that I love it.

  87. Cammy

    The forefront of the image is too blurred. It looks like a real photo except that the out of focus portion looks disproportionately digital.

  88. Tril

    This is lovely, and makes an excellent wallpaper. Very realistic!

  89. Ben

    I have to agree – wow.

  90. Terry B

    Simpley stunning! Also didn’t see this one coming! Can’t wait for the triple render!!

  91. Mike

    I agree with Tim, but still – very pretty!

  92. Tim

    The bokeh effect seems kinda weird in both the foreground and background.

  93. MG

    Close to photo Real! It looks great… Makes me ready for spring!

  94. Tim

    I can’t wait, and this image makes me feel much better.

  95. TC

    This has to be one of the most life-like and photo-realistic to date. Simply stunning.

  96. Eyal

    almost like a real life picture.

  97. T-Rev

    Fantastic attention to detail, Ryan. One of your better, more intimate pictures. Does this mean that there might be more abstracts on the way? Your H20 weave leaps to mind as one of my favorites.

  98. Brian

    As others have said, it looks like a photo. Great job!

  99. Josh

    This is very beautiful, very detailed, and is just stunning! Looks like I’m looking right out of a window!

  100. Jason

    very nice! didn’t see this one coming. as usual, can’t wait for the multi-screen render! 🙂

  101. Ben

    Loaded this one up and actually whistled. Naise!

  102. Brandi

    I LOVE this! Very intimate. Beautifully detailed. Did you create these plants yourself?

  103. Joe

    Great job with this one, Ryan. Looks just like photo!

  104. Chris

    I’m not much of a flower guy, but this render is absolutely breathtaking. Great job as always Ryan.

  105. Tor

    It almost looks like a photo, but your depth of focus seems a little off. For how much blur you have in the foreground and background, I’d expect a narrower depth than what you have. I think it’s mostly the foreground that’s throwing off the illusion.

  106. Nancy

    Quite literally, that was my reaction when I saw this. Since there was no one to actually hear me, I thought I’d share with someone who might like to actually know. I really like this one.

  107. Pengman

    Love the detail. Like to see more planetscapes but this is a nice addition to my Nature desktop wallpapers

  108. a

    its nice, but a guy having this wallpaper up is questionable, especially at work!

  109. Clover…

    The colors are beautiful and the flowers sharp and clear, but the foreground is much too blurred.

  110. Alex

    I would love an iPhone 4 version. My nickname at work is clover and they would love to see this as my wallpaper

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