

SKU: cosmos Category: Tags: , ,

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96 reviews for Cosmos

  1. Eirik

    Simply stunning. My only wish is that the dual-screen render had the same morose/pensive/isolated feeling as the single screen. The planet and dust cloud should fill a screen, with a spacescape that fades from multi-hued to a simple black replete with stars.

    Something about the additional satellites and having the planet straddle the divide between screens ruins the feeling for me. It’s like the planet has lost its grandeur, maybe? It’s very hard to describe.

  2. Ryan

    Thanks! This was done in Lightwave. It is a combination of a 2D textured background, volumetric particles (Hypervoxels), a volumetric light (the central star) and polygon geometry (the planets).

  3. Karl Shaw

    This is a really nice image. I’ve been working with 3ds max, vue and photoshop but i still have troubles making good space scenes. What process do you use to make scenes like this?

  4. Scott Wray


    I understand how DPI works & thanks for the responds. However, i wasent aware it would take so long to render a high DPI image! I really wanted to put this image up over my bed… I’m fishing around for something to buy from this labor day sale =P

  5. Ryan

    I wish I could offer print versions of all my work. Unfortunately the render times to produce even “digital” resolutions can sometimes be up to a week which means that producing “print” renders (which can be twice as large) would tie up my renderers for months. I need to find a way to keep producing digital renders while still offering prints.

  6. Kempeth

    I’ve always been a fan of pretty space images and this is simply amazing!

    Please make this a poster!

  7. mischa

    hi ryan, did you intentionally draw the faces in the clouds or are they just a happy accident? Very enchanting image 🙂

  8. Devon Shaw

    After experimenting with just about every single iPhone wallpaper in the .zip pack, this one has settled in to become my everyday favorite. It’s rich in texture and responds well to the screen’s pixel density, and the colors are subtle and classy, which makes it ideal for business professionals who really can’t get away with psychotropic mushrooms on their screen. 10/10 on the go. I love it.

  9. Heather

    This is my all time favorite. It’s beautiful.

  10. ghol323

    I know you’re really busy and this piece isn’t exactly recent, but I was wondering if you could possibly do a re-render of this in a different color. I messed around with it in photoshop and came up with a really cool blue. It looked really nice. if you ever find yourself looking for something to do on and extra machine while you’re waiting for a render on your new one, this could be a fun little side project.

  11. Pat

    I concur.

  12. Snax

    OH please please please turn this into an animated image… I would love to see this on my Vista Ultimate desktop it would be amazing!

  13. Josh

    I was a member before but after seeing this one in the new images section I just had to renew again. Great job as always and the detail in the picture just blows me away.

  14. SlyVoltaire

    I have always been a fan but it was this pic that I saw the thumbnail on that made me just purchase a membership. Fantastic artwork. It couldn’t be better. Luv the warm colors. Congrats 🙂

  15. Luke Rounda

    The use of color here is mindblowing. The piece as a whole borders on abstract. The way you paint with nebula gas deserves some kind of award for beauty. Definitely among the best Digital Blasphemy has to offer.

  16. Chad

    Man, I really love your work. I honestly think this is your best yet!!!

    Thanks for such quality work–membership is SO worth it!

  17. Tyler G.

    I really like it, how it blends the colors but i was wondering if u could make the red into like a blue like u did with the shrooms?? Just a thought

  18. Tad P.

    One of the best yet, my friend. Love the vivid colors and perspective — and the sense of something huge about to happen, a looming phenomenon. Bravo! This one’ll be on the laptop for many a moon, I expect.

  19. Russ

    There is no other word for it than, Amazing!

    The latest stuff you have been cranking out is just amazing.

    As an aviator I only hope that some day we may actually be able to see stuff like this in real life ;p

  20. Yong Zheng Yu

    As above. The amount of detail is simply incredible and the colors are just right. I think you have outdone yourself this time Mr. Bliss. 😉

  21. Scott Glasgow

    I’m not sure how to commnt on other works of yours so I guess I’ll comment here—- How do we comment on other images? I see we can rate it but not make comments,,,

    I think “Reverie” could be one of your best works.. It is one that I go back to often.. It sort of reminds me of a Dreamworks image (which many producers and directors who come over to my studio comment on,, and of course I always give them the low-down on your site).. But it also reminds me of dreaming of a career when I was younger or just dreaming of anything fantastical..

    Thanks for your wonderful work. It opens my studio up. I work in a fairly light-less environment (music studio) so it really helps to have your images on my monitors (3)..

    Other favorites: “Last Light of the Sun”; “Archipelago”; “Endless Blue”; “Coalesence”; “Roche Limit”; “Planitia”; “Cloud Canyon” and “Cosmogony” all are wonderful work..



  22. Eric

    You are simply genius. Every thing you do i appreciate, as well my computer.

    Thank you.

  23. Scott Glasgow

    My friend—

    You cosmos and other galactic renderings are the best.. I think the “nature” ones just don’t come out as well— especially anything with human forms or other animals.. Abstracts,,, Planets,, etc. are just killer!!


    your work helps my work (composing music).. so keep it up.. LOVE the 3-screen renderings (I am a 3-screener so until you post triscreens I do not change my BG).. You ROCK!!



    (Hollywood composer)

  24. Dave Goucher

    The planet and central effects are wonderful but the subtle effects stretching out into the two outside monitors in my triple monitor setup at work is astounding

  25. david

    one of, if not the best, artwork i’ve seen yet. although i’m not a fan of a lot of reds, I see that it creates a hugely dramatic , and striking scene of space. the nebula effects look truly realistic, and i’d say this is the kind of stuff i wanna see NASA finding. The space in the background gives a lot of ambience and atmosphere. 10/10

  26. david

    I’m seeing some criticisms of the art piece. And although i know the author appreciates it. I do think someone with his caliber knows of the issues viewers are speaking of. The distortion on the edges, in my view is quite intentional. in general composition in many art forms, the edges of artwork should not detract from the center, and creates a stronger impact. As for the craters, i think they may not be craters, but mounds. if i’m not mistaken, 3d software could not render a surface light from an angle, and accidentally render a cast shadow on the wrong side. They must be mounds, not craters… if such mounds exist, i’m not sure about. but there’s my two cents..

    again, great piece…and much respect to the creator.

  27. andar

    Had to post again. I change my background probably 2-3 times a year and after having this one up for a bit I think it is one of your best.

    There is so much in that nebula. It is so beautiful… digital reality and fantasy.

    Thanks again

  28. Steve

    This is excellent work…..however, I still think Song of the Sky is still your best piece by far.

  29. Cajmoh ( simon )

    This 3D art truly captures the imagination. I find my self staring at it for hours, wondering if its actually a real picture. Excellent work

  30. DJ

    Of all the DB wallpapers I definitely have an “inner circle” of favourites. There seems to be a common theme – dark backgrounds with subtle detail that to my mind make an ideal desktop background. Gregarious colours trying to shout at you from behind your documents and browser windows don’t make for restful work environment.

    For me, Cosmos is an instant classic and is smugly enjoying its immediate membership of the clique!

    I can see what people are saying with the convex rather than concave craters, but for me it doesn’t spoil the image at all – reality should not get in the way of a damn good picture 😉

    Ryan – thanks!


    PS – Is it just me, or can anyone else see faces in the nebula?! 😮

  31. Mike

    Wow!! I always loved your space-theme wallpapers

  32. bradkw1219


    i have been a member of your site for almost 2 years now. i have never commented on any of your art. so i thought i would take a second to let you know that i am a huge fan. i change my display almost everyday and only use your images. i have 3 monitors (4800X1200)and everyone who sees them are always impressed.

    Keep up the outstanding work!

    Brad Walker

    [email protected]

  33. Edward Kozlowski

    Wow, simply amazing! 9/10!

    My only minor hitch with it that stops a 10/10, is that it appears that the lighting on the craters on the near planet is from the wrong direction.

  34. Anonymous

    the comment made below mine made no sence

    so is this why some of your images have ratings like 6 when they should be 10.. just because someone voted a low number because of some lightning defects… lmao you dumb ass >:/

  35. Danny

    Even though I will most definitely add this wallpaper to my wallpaper randomizer cycle (all DB), I tend to agree with Bart here.

    The sides are distorted.

    I am assuming it is possible to avoid this in the 3D software, if you work a little differently with it, but I am only guessing. If it is not the case, then the software developers should seriously consider patching it (and the software users, replacing it…).

    Although it is not too bad here, it brings up bad taste from Metropolis 2006 – the distortion there was too much, and I like the urban scenes the most.

    I also agree with Edward below – the lights seem to hit the craters from a wrong angel – but it creates a nice effect and therefore worth it in my view.

  36. MarkM


    Just a little note to let you know that your efforts are appreciated. Images like this are why I tell all my friends to sign up here.


    -MarkM =)

  37. JWM

    The first sounds out of my mouth were, “Ooooh, I like it.” There is just something about it. I can’t wait for a dual screen version. In fact I may just download the largest resolution and have two…



  38. bart

    beautiful picture, but i’m disappointed once again that in the tri-screen render the objects are increasingly distorted — stretched horizontally — towards the edges. it makes the planets on the left and right look distinctly squashed. there must be a way around this.

    (and my usual request for tendrils tri-screen)

  39. John A

    Been without a net connection for a month so not been able to check the site until now. The last addition was rubbish imho, but god damn this one is awesome.

  40. WACoddington

    I like the picture quite a bit.

    I don’t know if it is possible or if you want to do this Ryan, but I believe that most dust clouds form relative rings around their parent star.

    The over all effect that you have gotten here is quite nice however.

  41. Jef

    Love it… !!!

  42. Moredhel

    Wow, your space art is superb!

    This is very Doctor Who-ish and instantly became my new wallpaper, awesome work!

  43. Chris

    This is another one of your renders which make me wish i had a higher resolution monitor. Well done indeed.

  44. Randy

    Red, I believe that’s a color you don’t use much of. Very nice.

  45. Aesir

    I like it. Haven’t seen a space wallpaper for a while. But unlike everyone else, I don’t feel this was your best work. I can’t seem to pin what it is about it, it just doesn’t capture me like your other space works have. I think the middle is just a little too bright and takes away from the colour and textures around. Also, on the left side, the gas just ends, and the rest just feels empty. Not the gradual thinning of the gas as on the right side.

    By normal people standards this truly is an amazing wallpaper. But you Ryan, have set the bar so high.

    Just my 2¢

  46. kain

    i have to say i was loseing faith in this site last week….. you wow me everytime



  47. Kevin

    Simply amazing. It’s one of those scenes that looks as if every speck of dust and beam of light exists in that paradoxical way; it formed naturally but it appears to have purpose. Definitely my favorite image so far this year. Makes me wish my feet weren’t planted firmly here on earth 🙁

  48. Steven

    I was sitting in front of the TV the other day watching discovery science about the sun and saw a picture of a nebula and thought to myself it’s been a while since Ryan’s (really I thought “the digital blasphemy guy” but that sounds nicer and more personal) done a space scene. It’s an amazing picture and you’re timing is quite impeccable. I love the light scatter off the helium clouds. It just looks great.

  49. Danny

    I gave it a 9.

    It nice to see how one image can represent both hope and no hope at the same time.

    You may see it as the far planet that mankind is about to populate, or you may see that there is no other blue planet out there.

    As Anne said – engaging. I agree.

    It would be interesting to know what is the average rating of ALL the images combined, and how it changes in time.

    I feel like it will be more or less flat around the 9 figure.

  50. A Fan

    Simply amazing.

  51. Jennifer

    Just wow.

    Really, that’s about all my brain can process right now. Absolutely amazing work!

  52. Morgan


  53. Tay

    Thanks Ryan. What a juxtaposition of light and dark! You have a gift my friend. Thank-you for Cosmos.

  54. Macmage

    Wonderful Art !

  55. ChrisSpera

    This is one of your best yet. It might be interesting to do these with different base colors (blue, yellow, green, etc.) and see what kind of effects you get.

    This is one of my all time favorites!

  56. Fvr

    For the 1st time, I gave a 10 to one of your images. In my opinion, iIt’s probably your greatest image. I like all the variations of color in the numerous gas clouds. And I really love the foreground planet quite discrete, just lightened by the far light.

  57. jaycottrell

    Outstanding!! I agree with one of the others, that I would be interesting in seeing this with some color variations just for curiosity’s sake.

  58. darthwhat

    Your planetscapes = 0wNeD! A color variation would be sweet like a deep burple color!

  59. Paul

    I haven’t commented before, but this is just a truly stunning work. Great job!

  60. Eugenio Barreto

    my jaw dropped.. simply amazing, 10/10 ^_^ i would love to see some color variations as well, can you please? ^_^

  61. Konstantin

    Have nothing to say.

    Image speaks itself.

  62. Matthew

    Glad to see another space render. B-U tiful!

  63. Terry

    When I saw this at work earlier I wasn’t to impressed but having seen it at home I think the computers at work need the colours sorted out. This is amazing Ryan, usually with your work I try to think how you made it as I have basic knowledge of the software you use, with this I’m lost lol.

    Gave you an 8 purely as i can’t keep giving you top scores all the while!


  64. Joel

    The only part of this work I don’t like is that dark texture that can be seen around the bright light in the center. Can we get a pickle-jar version without it?

    Other than that this is the most realistic of your planetscapes. Good job!

  65. Zep

    This is really incredible. I dont care how long the multi screen takes,I’ll be using it as soon as it comes out. Just amzing work, I had to comment.

  66. Nina

    This is fantastic. Good work.

  67. Liz


    Wow! I think this could possibly be the BEST image you have ever created! It’s so beautiful with gorgeous fine details. Ethereal and gossamer like breath in the winter.

    10, of course! I look forward to any pickle jar pictures you might come up with =)

  68. Wolfjourn

    This wallpaper is simply amazing. Excellent work! I really enjoy how the crispness of the planet contrasts with the fuzziness of the nebula.

  69. Todd

    I usually never write anything but this I had to give you a pat on the back. This is the best piece of art you have done to date!!!! I’m completely lost for words. Well worth the wait!! These space abstracts are the reason I signed up for your websites!! Keep up the great work!!

  70. omar;

    man… i wanted to be the first comment…. lol

    this is too amazing. great work. I usually like blue-themed wallpapers, but this one is just excellent.

  71. Doug

    Wow…truly amazing work. The play of the light and the “clouds” is amazing, and the reflection off of the planet is beautiful.

  72. Anne

    your best planetscape to date. It’s dynamic and engaging and has a generous dose of mystery and fantasy to it. Awesome.

  73. Ben

    Very excellent! Well worth the render time.

  74. Marc

    What else can I say… I agree, this is one of the best planet scenes I have seen. This one might be a good one for the pickle jar… maybe have one in a blue or grey color…

  75. Mark

    Dude, don’t let anyone fool you, this one’s awesomeness. Good job … really really looking forward to the dual / triple monitors of this!


  76. Overdrive

    This one could have been made with the Hubble itself, thát realistic!

    Deserves 10* for realism, but 8* if i compare it with the far more difficult landscape-scenes you create. Therefore:


  77. Matt

    I love this!! It looks like it could be real

  78. Ben

    I work at an IT company and I have four monitors on my desk with three different computers. They all have different DB backgrounds. I love bragging about your work, but the trouble with pictures like this is that people automaticaly assume that this is a photo and don’t ask about it as much.

    I usually prefer your scenery picts over your planet scapes, and I love the last one you posted with the thunderstorm. This one however, is increadible! I had to change. Great job, increadible imagination and beautiful art.

  79. Sean W

    I just saw this new addition, and my jaw’s nearly touching the tops of my feet. This is amazing!

    I am always partial to planetscapes, and this one nearly tops them all! I can’t think of anything that might be improved; an earlier statement by another admirer regarding different colors would be icing on the cake, but not necessarry to improvement.

    Sweetness! Thanks for the add, Ryan!

  80. Michael K

    I absolutely love the way the “clouds” look translucent against the starry background. And the “atmosphere” of the planet. Oh man, so cool. It’s a really incredible effect. This is one of my favorites in recent memory.

  81. Larawen

    This is the first time I have been compelled to post a comment. Not that the rest of your work is not worth commenting on, but this last piece is truly amazing. I can’t wait for the dual monitor version so I can toss it up on my desktop.

  82. Meathead

    Instantly on my desktop. Thanks again! Keep up the great work.

  83. chandler

    this one works great, and i cant see anything that should be changed

  84. David

    This is fan-freaking-tastic. Seriously. I’ll echo what others have said: this is easily your best planetscape to date. Keep up the great work, Ryan. 🙂

  85. Ed Miller

    Awesome color arrangment; it gives a really nice depth perspective of outer space.

  86. Jason

    Ryan, you have really outdone yourself with this one. I’ve always been a huge fan of your planetscapes, but this one is just beyond description.

    I can’t wait for the dual-screen version!

  87. Alvaro


    That is really one of your best this year!

  88. Bryan

    Wow! I love your space images and this one DEFINITELY doesn’t disappoint. I think this might be one of your best works yet.

    Also, this looks great with Vista’s glass effects.

  89. Mike R.

    As an avid fan of the MMOG Eve-Online, I am also a huge fan of your planetscapes, and… This. Is. Gorgeous. 9/10

  90. George

    I really like this. It’s just plain amazing. It really does kind of look like a Hubble photo!

  91. Skulldude

    What can I say that hasn’t already been written below, other than I WAY agree. Ditto — Op. Cit. — Et al.

  92. carmen

    Personally, I really like it. Your colors are always amazing. My current background :). Keep up the good work.

  93. Jason

    You have done an amazing job with this render. I absolutely enjoy your planet wallpapers the best out of them all. The colors are pretty sweet as well! Great job Ryan

  94. andar

    Ryan can see farther into the universe than the hubble! This IS a real Image, the hubble just hasn’t found it yet.. 😛

  95. Anonymous

    When you say that it takes days to render, does that mean it takes days to render one image at one resolution? or days to render the image and then a short amount of time to develop the different resolutions?

  96. Scott Wray


    I’d like to take more of your artwork onto my walls. Why is that there is a only a few handful of images available to print?

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