

SKU: cytokinesis1 Category: Tags: ,


This is a project I started on my “Asfaloth” mobile workstation
while “Sierra rendered on my main
workstation. It is supposed to depict the process of cell-
division. Hope you like it!

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22 reviews for Cytokinesis

  1. Billy D

    I love the colors and detail here. It’s so imaginative and just intriguing, like it makes me wonder what’s inside. IT’s hard to say why. It just really strikes me.

  2. Mike

    Haven’t popped in for a year or so, and I like a lot of the new images. I grabbed this one for my desktop, but really would prefer it without the lens-focus trickery.

  3. di inferi

    I am getting some weird pixels on my left and middle monitor (eyefinity 6000+x1080) that are showing up which appears to be on all the triple size images. Otherwise this is great. I am really hoping for an updated version because I am OCD and it is bugging me and this has to be my favorite background of all time. PLEASE fix this before I go crazy haha. Seriously though. Great work.

  4. di inferi

    I am getting some weird pixels on my left and middle monitor (eyefinity 6000+x1080) that are showing up which appears to be on all the triple size images. Otherwise this is great. I am really hoping for an updated version because I am OCD and it is bugging me and this has to be my favorite background of all time. PLEASE fix this before I go crazy haha. Seriously though. Great work.

  5. Chef Mike!

    ….. is it just me, or does this look like a giant cosmic cork shooting out of a giant bottle of champagne?!?

  6. JK

    3840×1080 version does have a big ol’ “dead pixel” in it. Very nice otherwise.

  7. Jason

    Thanks for putting the center of focus off to one side in the dual-monitor render! It’s GREATLY appreciated. lol

  8. Hoverwolf1


  9. Ryan

    Thanks for the feedback! Could you request it here? I’m sure they will be happy to add it.

  10. Kana

    Ryan – they only have a few of their many types of devices enabled for your studio, and neither of my devices is on the list! 🙁 ASUS Transformer TF300 & Atrix 4G *sigh* I’d love to get some of them if they were allowed 🙂

  11. Zach

    Hey Ryan,

    Very cool image, and neat idea behind it as well. There are two clusters of some “artifacts” in the 3840×1200 render, and they end up looking like dead pixels on my monitors. The first cluster is positioned near the centre (horizontally), and closer to the top (vertically), to the upper-left of the splitting cell. The other patch is near the centre (horizontally) and right at the bottom (vertically), on the right-side ring around the out-of-focus cell in the foreground on the left.

    Were these blips intentional, or are they rendering artifacts?



  12. Thomas

    Like the texture of this work very much. Also, thank you for the addition of the ‘Facebook Timeline’ size option. Now I can share the complete images with my friends!

  13. tazz

    Need to renditions, it is perfect in it’s current state.

    Bring on the multiscreens.

  14. Patrick

    Nice one Ryan. I have always preferred the not so bright wallpapers, as I find they are easier on the eye. This is why I love the abstracts, planetscapes, and night scenes. I am waiting to see what Sierra2 looks like, so this one has gone straight onto the desktop in the meantime.

    Chris has a point on the grey stuff, but why not make this cell have metallic components to it? It’s an abstract after all.

  15. Lidia

    Very nice. I like the red glow hidden behind the rest of the fibers. I love your microscapes, fanciful as they are.

    Looking forward to the updated Sierra, too.

  16. Littlemom

    not really one I care for reminds me of gorey stuff but looking forward to next render

  17. Labanimal

    Just above the middle bubble (almost top left) there’s a couple of dots that makes it look like dead pixels…

    otherwise, love this! 😉

  18. Hunter

    I love the detail! An excellent wallpaper Ryan, as always, but right now my desktop is reserved for Sierra – i need something “warm” to cling on to the last of summer in England.

  19. JMK in CT

    Nicely rendered but no emotional connection.

  20. Chris

    I love it Ryan! I really enjoy all your microbial scenes done over the past few years. Only thing that I might change is the spindles of the cytoskeleton (or whatever the grey stuff is). It looks more like strips of scrap metal than cell cleavage being pulled apart.

  21. Nico

    I like Great stuff!

  22. Ryan

    I give just about all of my images a 9/10. Never a full 10 though.

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