
(175 customer reviews)


SKU: elegy1 Category: Tags: , , ,


In August 2011 a Member (thanks Manu!) sent me a link to a photo on National Geographic’s website which reminded him of my “Autumnwood” wallpaper. I thought it would be a fun project to make my own version of the scene and this is the result. Now, it isn’t a complete copy. I didn’t have the photo open in another window while I was working on it, but it was definitely inspired by the NatGeo photo however.

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175 reviews for Elegy

  1. Tim Edwards

    This has been one of my all-time favourites since you first posted it, Ryan.
    As others have said, is there any chance of an updated/refreshed/lossless version?

  2. Jerome [plusmember]

    lossless please! 🙂

  3. Luapog [lifer]

    This captures a mood perfectly, it’s haunting, enchanting, and a perfect combination of ethereal and dark. Into the woods…

  4. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Ryan, any chance we could get the lossless version of this one?

  5. Ryan

    Thanks! Since those monitors did not exist in 2011 I did not render a version for them. Until I get a chance to add one, perhaps you could download the 5120 x 1440 version (labeled a “dual screen”) and use that?

  6. Mike [nonmonthly]

    love the wallpapers, have loved them for years, but I joined for 21:9 versions

  7. Pippa [basicmember]

    Love this wallpaper. Your tree season themed pictures are my favourites.

  8. Marian [liferplus]

    I am looking at the autumn wallpapers and deciding which to use. I think they are your best overall collections. I use this one every year and have since it came out. Several others are my favorites as well.

  9. Maureen

    Melancholy and beautiful. Autumn was a time when things seemed to be starting up (the school calendar) and yet winding down. I loved hiking and camping in the autumn, and this reminds me of many hikes.

  10. Marisa

    I is like I am taking a walk in the forests of virginia!! Awesome!!!!

  11. Shawn

    Brings back memories of many a path I have trodden while Deer hunting. Exellent.

  12. Rob

    One of the very few I have rated 10/10 because this picture looks more realistic than most photographs. Excellent work, kudos!

  13. Rick Heckm

    10 for other than halloween – 9 for halloween: you need a headless horseman at the end of the path – when I first saw this wallpaper, that is what I immediately thought of!

  14. Charlie

    This is the first piece of yours that I’ve rated. I wanted to find the top and this is it. I judge on composition, use of light and choice of subject. This has all three. Well done, Ryan.

  15. Cheryl

    I think of this as simply “November” bleak, stark and yet the calm before the storms. There seems an expectancy to it.

  16. Calle

    Really like this picture. The first thing it made me think of was the movie “The Blair Witch Project”. It has the same foggy, spooky fell to it.

  17. Kelton

    this is one of my favorites for sure. beautiful

  18. Matt

    Hauntingly Elegant

  19. Prashant

    Brilliantly balanced light

  20. Brian

    This is going up on my monitory today because this is the kind of day it is outside my window.

  21. Thai

    this is a reminder to me why i subscribe to your art.

  22. Jim

    I’ve been following DB, on and off, since the beginning. This one is very near the best.

  23. Gilvan

    Elegy is a top picture, no more words needed.

  24. Hellsbells

    Thank you, just like the woods down the road, stunning this time of year 😉

  25. Marc

    Thank you for this wonderful piece. It’s ugly here in New England, and now it’s suddenly Autumn in my room…

  26. Donna

    Beautiful and softly haunting. I used to ride horses in woods like these in Germany. Great work!

  27. Mjodvitnir

    This captures the essence of the autumn woods I walk through sometimes.

    So beautiful Ryan

  28. catmuffet

    I love ‘Elegy’ ….it completely captures the look and feel of a place or places I have wandered thru in the past. It brings back many memories and will be on my desktop for quite awhile.

  29. macindean

    I believe that this is my most favorite yet. A true masterpiece in my estimation. Thanks Ryan!

  30. CF

    This is my favorite of all you have done. Reminds me of my childhood

  31. Miguell026

    yes Ryan!

    i have a 30′ apple monitor as you know

    and i sure notice those bad textures on the closest right side trees or twigs.. maybe you can quickly fix it!

    or let it be 😀

  32. Gilsgal

    This is a very lovely picture, no doubt. But your picture stirs up many interesting thoughts in my mind. The name you gave it “Elegy” is nice, but I would give it another name entirely..it would be “Where Is He??” (In the Halloween theme, like what HurtzDonut suggest).. Just a fun thoguht. As always, your paintings are the best.

  33. hurtzDonut

    Any chance of a night time Halloween wallpaper?

  34. Karl

    I dont know if you would be interested in this or not, but Mental Ray is an excellent renderer that I use for nearly all of my work. It is faster than lightwave and Vue and has really good quality.

  35. Foz

    Perhaps a little bit of fooling around in Photoshop would be a faster solution?

  36. D

    I’d love to see “clean” multi-monitor renders of this one but not if it delays new work. Perhaps set this up on your old machine and post when it eventually finishes?

  37. Chris B

    You could always re-render the multi-screens over holidays when you won’t be working on new projects as much.

  38. James

    The renders that look most like a picture I could take myself, are my favorites. This one looks like it’s right out of a forest in the midwest. I almost expected you to tuck a person away in the far trees, or at the end of the path. Not sure what feedback you get on those little people/animals that are sometimes present. I applaud them myself.

  39. Ted

    Although I agree that the graininess and texture issues are somewhat annoying (I am a dual-screen user), I don’t think its worth taking weeks to redo. I’d rather see new projects.

  40. Terry

    Ryan, its not a problem – live and learn as they say!

  41. Terry

    You’ve outdone yourself here Ryan, the only thing is how do you better this. Usually something isn’t right, something that tells you that it isn’t real, dodgy colours, or some kind of repeated element. This is flawless.

  42. Terry

    You’ve outdone yourself here Ryan, the only thing is how do you better this. Usually something isn’t right, something that tells you that it isn’t real, dodgy colours, or some kind of repeated element. This is flawless.

  43. Tatiana

    I think re-rendering is a good idea. I showed this wallpaper to a friend and they immediately commented that the textures on some of the trees was the only drawback.

    Re-rendering would be also be good because the trees on the left of the triscreen have lines down the middle where the colors don’t match. They have lines across as well which makes the trees look like they were cut in half with scissors and then badly pasted back together.

  44. Chris B

    so I’d start something new, but then I have a single screen 😉

    and I have to agree with AlexH, that while it is an awesome piece, I like highland spring and beginning of the end better, they are more Epic, but the quality & textures in this one (at least the single screen, I can’t speak for the multi.) are fantastic and it deserves to be high in the top 10.

  45. Ryan

    Sorry about the textures on the trees. I had wanted the trees to be mostly black but I guess on monitors with the gamma or brightness level increased you can see where the UVs were messed up when I edited the trees. Not good! It’s too bad Vue butchers the UVs when you adjust the trunk/branch thickness. I didn’t notice the problem until I had finished the 35hr render but I decided to get ahead and post what I had.Still, I’m wondering if it is a problem that most people aren’t noticing because they have their monitors set similarly to mine.As for the noise level in the multiscreen version, Vue has always had some weirdness when the aspect ratio is expanded to a ridiculous level. The atmosphere quality settings are exactly the same as the single-screen version but I single was rendered at 5600 x 3500 while the multi was rendered at 7680 x 1600. Scaling down the single seemed to reduce the noise.So yes, the multiscreen was “rushed” (if you call 115 hours to render rushed) in that I didn’t render it to scale down as I did the single-screen version.. I could re-render it and rework the textures if everyone thinks it is a real problem, but it will probably take a couple of weeks of “Bucephalus-time” that could be spent working on new wallpapers. Maybe less if I figured out some hacks…What do you guys think?

  46. Foz

    … is not only still there, but it’s even more apparent on the close up trees.

    And the trees on the right looks horribly patched together!

    Still only a 9 from me.

  47. Labanimal

    I must admit, the single version is stunning, but the triple seems rushed! many of the trees seems very fake, and you can see less of the sky in the triple version… also Very VERY grainy!

  48. Craig L

    A belated happy birthday, Ryan! Here’s to you and yours from Minnesota!


  49. Alex H

    I can’t understand how it’s become your most popular overnight though. 😛 It’s not bad, but definitely not your best. It lacks that photorealism which a lot of your other art has. I approve of the black and white suggestion though: That would get a much higher score from me. 🙂

  50. Kevin

    This one would be fun with a Headless Horsemann near the end of the trail.

    Also this image in particular lends itself to a black and white version quite well. Very well done

  51. Kevin

    This one would be fun with a Headless Horsemann near the end of the trail.

    Also this image in particular lends itself to a black and white version quite well.

  52. Ryan

    the dual screen 512×1440 currently links to a 7680×1440 image – the tri-screen version. interstingly, the “tri-screen” is cropped slightly differently at the same resolution.

    great work, highland spring is still better though. As my wife says, every time she looks at it hanging on our wall, it’s epic.

  53. Mike

    Is it just me or dose the multiscreen renders quality is not up to par with the original single screen render?

    Seems be be a lot more “Noise” and the color seems to be dull compaired to the original render. The Mutli Screen dose not do your art and original render just.

  54. Miguell026

    Ryan time waits for no one!

    Happy Birthday!

    let there be many many many more happy years to come!

    cheers from Portugal

  55. Lance7504


  56. Andrew

    Well done on this latest render. “Elegy” is definitely in my top 5 favorites. Keep up the good work!

  57. Lidia

    I’m happy to see you celebrating your birthday by having a great time with Ian. It is incredible how time flies.

  58. Youngbull

    Do the fout seasons? one with snow, one with buds and pink and red, one with lush green and vines and undergrowth, and then this one. but make sure they still have the dual screen 😉

  59. Jenanne

    The big 4-0 – wow. When I turned 40 (some years ago, I admit), I was depressed for several days. I’m glad you had an awesome time instead. As my husband says, it beats the alternative. And thank you for the dual screens! I love this render and put in my vote for a version with rain.

  60. Greg

    I don’t get you Ryan 🙂 You’re an awesome artist, but fail miserably in the basics of CG. I’m referring to the texture stretching I see in most of your works, but mostly in this one on the trees.

    Additionally is the vast quantities of noise in your recent images. I know about the ridiculous render times, but that’s no excuse. Optimize. You could render the volumetrics (where the noise is most apparent) in a different engine and composite it into the rest of the image.

    But other than that, this is the best one (artistically) I’ve seen you do for a long long time 🙂

  61. Brian

    I’ve been waiting for this ever since the single screen renders popped up on your site. This wallpaper is now spread across my three screens. 🙂

  62. Bruceam

    I really like this piece, especially the wide screen – multiscreen versions. Keep up the great work.

  63. Jonathan K

    Just had a Thought…. A image like ElEgy but with Halloween Creatures (Children in Costumes) Trick-O-Treating up and down the Path, Like they used to before the buggy but after the Horse if you cath my Drift. 🙂

  64. SCM

    I completely agree, I think rain would be a perfect addition, and it would be something that I would like to see.

  65. Kick BAck

    I want to see rain in this exact image. I imagine that shouldnt take too long to render… I think spring will look cool, but id like to see rain in this Autumn vibe. maybe a few puddles, light rain… perfect as is tho! *just want to see how real your downpour effect would look. peace!

  66. Chris

    This is an absolutely astounding piece of artwork. Your nature scenes have always been my favorites, and this might be the best of them all. Completely captures the feeling that’s inside of me when I look outside during my favorite season, and see the leaves changing color, then falling. This is top notch Ryan. Great job.

  67. Dana

    I love this image. So quiet and calm and natural. This is great!

  68. Max

    You’re getting very good 🙂

  69. Max

    You’re getting good.

  70. Lawrence H

    I really love this type of work. Someone told me it’s the serenity aspect of it. I don’t know art, but I kno what I like. Can’t wait for the multi-screen render to finish. Keep up the good work. 🙂

  71. Ken

    The more serine, natural, even gentle, the wallpapers are, the longer I linger and savor the ambiance. This one is beautiful.

  72. John N.

    As hurtzDonut suggested, this would make a great Halloween wallpaper as well. Just make it night time, a full moon, and some Jack-O-Lanterns to light up the pathway! Would probably be the best Halloween wallpaper ever!

  73. hurtzDonut


  74. hurtzDonut

    I do not know if this has been suggested, but this would be a great Halloween wallpaper if the sky was darker, and maybe a full moon shining through the trees.

  75. hurtzDonut

    I do not know if this has been suggested, but this would be a great Halloween wallpaper if the sky was darker, and maybe a full moon shining through the trees.

  76. Sigmaman

    Mate,that is one of your best! Certainly my favorite amongst your forest scenes.

  77. JDD

    I just got my new notebook from IT department and immediately went to DB to change the wallpaper. This one looks great on my new screen.

    Out of the past several new picts, I like this one the most.

    Thanks again Ryan

  78. Randall

    Some of your best work yet Ryan!

  79. Ryan

    Thanks guys. The multi-screen is rendering now but it has quite a ways to go. The trees are Adlers, “Lime”, and one other that I cannot recall. There’s also some bushes and other scatter vegetation.The spring and summer versions might be a challenge because I edited the tree models to shrink their leaves down, saved those models as new “species”, and then used those models for the ecosystems. Meaning I’m not sure I can populate the same ecosystems with larger leaves. I will certainly try however. Winter should be no problem however.

  80. Zach

    Like many here have already said, this is outstanding! I agree with PHillip D that “this is my taste.” I can’t wait to see the dual-screen versions!

  81. PHillip D

    Thanks for this Vue work, this is the type of wallpapers I love..you as a long time Worldbuilder user made wallapers of tranquil landscapes I missed in the past..(although Vue is much better now) I like the rays of light from yours from old times artwork and a new one today .. I see it on this one and it is crisp clear. Congratulations……man , overall the artwork looks almost real…exceptional good…what trees are used on this one?

  82. Magnus

    Amazing Image !! i give it a 10..


  83. Bruno

    Best of all time! Great job!

  84. John N.

    This is just simply…Fantastic! This is art that reflects reality! I feel like I’m actually there (This is what it actually looks like where I live). Kudos for a masterpiece well done! If I could rate it higher than a 10, I would.

  85. Badbrainsg

    I gasped when I saw it full-size. A numinous experience. Thank you thank you!

  86. Sangjunior

    To IJC, I get that way a lot too but it’s been my experience that things can always get worse. It’s also been helpful for me to view not only the new works on the site, but also many of the older ones. My apologies to everyone for my post, but to IJC, smile and try to move on.

  87. IJC

    I have been feeling very stressed lately. This pretty much conveys exactly how I’ve been feeling.

  88. Xris

    Hello Ryan,

    I have been a member of yours since 1999 and have never commented on anything before but I have to say that this may very well be my favorite one of all time of yours. Your titling of it is icing on the cake. The thought that I will see this change with the seasons brings tears to me eyes.

    Thank you,


  89. Jeremy A

    This is a fantastic photo.

    I was just thinking that it may also be a good candidate for an HDR render where you put some detail in the currently “blown-out” sky…

    Perhaps similar to these:




  90. Pete

    My students wanted to know where this photograph was taken, and didn’t believe that it was CG. Absolutely amazing work, as always, Ryan.

  91. Chris B

  92. Brandi

    A path under a canopy of trees is one of those “standard” images that has been done so many times (even by you), it’s hard to imagine someone making one stand out. Glad to say you did make this stand out.

    First thing that jumped out at me is the moss on the tree bark. Very realistic to what I see when I go on a nature walk. Love this one.

  93. Scott

    Amazing work Ryan, i dont comment often, but works like this make me happy i got my lifetime subscription, and though i do notice what Foz is talking about with the stretched textures, it is only a minor blemish on a otherwise perfect fall picture 🙂

    Great job and btw awesome new system you got there, as a professional repair and system builder i can say that’s some nice kit you got there.

  94. Thom

    I’d like to see what’s at the end of the path 😉 How ’bout a sequence of renders moving toward the end of the path, ending with what’s down there?

  95. wazalord

    So beautiful, one of your top images. Actually it made me rejoin for another 3 year membership! Thanks Ryan, all the best!

  96. Cougz

    Oh Ryan.. This is beautiful. I feel I’m getting to know you more and more through your fabulous artwork..

  97. Tim H

    Absolutely wonderful, I love it ryan ! I’m sure we’ll be seeing a few seasonal variations of this one !

  98. Scott

    This rendering of a fall scene is near perfect. I was particularly struck by the soft light filtering through the trees (very celestial, a master stroke)..I would be interested in the photo that inspired you….Again Stellar effort!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scott

  99. MARS

    in the words of Ali G, I LIKKKKEEEEE

  100. Jenanne

    Now that you’ve got your super fast computer, any chance of doing the dual screens of Enshrouded? As I recall, you mentioned doing them when you had Bucephalus up to speed. It’s definitely up to speed now!

  101. Anthony

    I have never commented on any picture before, but I have to say that this one is easily the most realistic one I have ever seen you produce. What a work of art! Great job Ryan – 10/10

  102. Jenanne

    I saw the NatGeo photo on which you based this — I liked theirs but yours is MUCH better. This is going onto my wallpaper immediately! Thank you for all your great renders since you got your dream computer (well, and before, too)!

  103. Kick Back

    Amazing. Simply Amazing. Im a new member since last week, and this is my favorite from the past 2 months.

    Perfect Halloween/autumn vibe here.

    I just have ONE request. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, make a “rainy” version of this one. Not spring though. Keep the image exactly how it is here, but rain. Maybe a few puddles on the ground. I think that would look incredible. Please dude, I would love to see that. PEACE!!

  104. Terry

    Amazing work Ryan, I think there was a really old image called High Road you did, it was very pink with a big sun in it. Could you do a variant of this to reflect that perhaps?


  105. Terry

    Amazing work Ryan, I think there was a really old image called High Road you did, it was very pink with a big sun in it. Could you do a variant of this to reflect that perhaps?


  106. Jason Pond

    I LOVE THIS!! This so reminds me of the woodlands of New Hampshire where I grew up and hunted all through my youth. VERY COOL, Man!

  107. Dillon

    This is amazing. It’s a cool day today and it looks like it would be such a peaceful path. Jumped over to the NatGeo site to take a look and I have to say though you are good with caves and that underwater cave diving image was amazing.

  108. Brett

    Looks great. I could see myself walking down this path very easily. I only noticed one thing after staring at the picture for awhile. It seems the leaves all fluttered lightly to the ground. They are all layered. I come from a windy area and the leaves would be in all directions not just horizontal. Again, Ryan, fantastic, I do not want to be a critic. Thanks.

  109. Littlemom

    Amazingly beautiful is all I can say. I haven’t seen the original pic from NG but I think you did it justice, and can’t wait to see this in all four seasons.

  110. T3chn0g33k

    This scene defines what autumn like around here in Michigan. Contrary to a couple of your critics say, don’t worry about the foreground details. Leave it as is if you wish.

  111. Ryan

    The leaves are (simple) models I created a while back in Lightwave. You can see one of them up close in Haiku (2007).

  112. Joshua

    Wow, this is fantastic! I think this is my favorite one to date. I can’t wait for the dual-screen render!

  113. Karl

    How did you do the leaves scattered on the ground? That seems like something done in lightwave, vue doesnt have individual leaf models as far as I know.

  114. Scott

    I agree with Foz on the thin trees in the foreground; they don’t look good. Redo those and it will be perfect!

  115. Dan

    Absolutely amazing. This looks like a photograph for more than just the first glance. One of your best to date!

  116. AriW

    I work at the World Trade Center and really appreciate this calming, tranquil scene, and the fact that you named it “Elegy,” it seems appropriate. I find this very comforting. Kudos!

  117. Gary

    Great wallpaper… I had been using Haiku2K recently, but this is now my favorite.

  118. Schaff


    Since fall is my favorite season and being from Pennsylvania, this render really hits home. It reminds me of several places here at home that I can picture right now in my minds eye. You’ve captured it for me. You have evoked an emotion in the viewer. I simply love it. Thank you.

  119. Foz

    Very good… but!

    The three thin trees on the left and right hand side closest to you – the textures look like they have been stretched all the way up the trunk!

    I can only assume that that software does that for thin branches where you can’t really make out the detail… but for trunks of trees that are visible? Ouch!

  120. mischa

    thank you Ryan,

    Elegy is beautiful, simple and perfect!


  121. Roberto

    I love it, it is my favourite picture in quite a long time: nature related pictures are the one I love most. Excellent job as always Ryan!

  122. dujeon

    Ryan this is absolutely amazing, one of the best of the year,

  123. Nightwynd

    I’ve said this before…I’d really like to start seeing some more of your original art, instead of the re-makes like the last several offerings have been. Maybe you are having a slump? I hope not…

  124. Chris B

    yes, YET!

  125. Chris B

    I thought this was the photo at first when I saw the thumbnail… Got to tell myself It’s no a real place for the first time lol

    The Texture on the trees is AMAZING! The bark & moss, Awesome Job Ryan. It does have a creepier feel because it gets darker the deeper you go into the woods where the actual picture has a light at the end of the Tunnel.

    @Angelique: It’s not glowing so I’m going to assume it’s not a mushroom jk.

  126. Khyren

    I have to agree with David M. Best Autumn wallpaper yet. It’s kind of Sleepy Hollowish but in a more subtle no headless horseman(yet) way. Can’t wait for the Dual and more importantly, the tri scereen.

  127. PHiL

    Simply beautiful. Especially the wood of the trees and lighting. I agree with the others, too me this is one of your best Autumn wallpaper!

    Question – how come sometimes when leaves are rendered on trees bunches of them look like they are unnaturally in the same plane? Anyone else notice this? This images has very little of this, which is probably why it seems so “real” to me, but I do notice it on the more yellow leaves in the upper left.

  128. Randy

    This one may stay on my screen for a long time, or at least until your next Winter scene.

  129. David M

    Ryan – this is truly great! The blend of color and the different light aspects are so well balanced. The intricate work on the tree branches and the sun’s rays must have taken a while. I think this is the best of all of your Autumn works to date.

  130. Phillip

    Immediately set it to my desktop image. Thanks!

  131. Logan

    I’m still trying to decide what I think of the rays. They would seem to indicate it is a bright sunny day beyond the trees. The NG photo does seem sunny too.

    If the goal was to mournful, as you put it, seems like it should be overcast, foggy, and gloomy.

    Don’t get me wrong, I still love the picture, just not sure on the rays.

  132. Luis Garza

    Ryan, this is one of your most impressive creations. I love your woods renders, but this one stands higher than the others.


  133. Brian

    This has to be one of your best works since Highland Spring (which I have as a huge canvas in my office 😀 ) Great job, Ryan!

  134. horcruxhp

    Ryan, I have to tell you… this reminds me of the woods behind the house I grew up in. It brings back many fond memories of my various treks through the woods. I think it’s a wonderful addition to my many DB wallpapers!

  135. Jo Jo

    This is great, makes me want to go to that place!

  136. Lidia

    Very, very, very nice wallpaper… I’m not ready to see autumn on my desktop yet, but once autumn actually arrives here, this will be very nice to have on my screen.

  137. Dave T

    Major props for this one. Keep up the good work!

  138. Miguell026


    a very realistic and…. brown’ish October look!

    definitely needs some pickle jar variations! (season mod’s)

    another EPIC piece of Art from Ryan!

  139. Alex

    This one definitely goes in my top 5. 10/10! Can’t wait for the triple-screen.

  140. Wayde

    I keep thinking I couldn’t possibly have another favorite of yours but NO, you went and created Elegy! Beautiful!

  141. Ryan

    Thanks everyone!! I’m so glad people seem to be enjoying the latest wallpaper! I rendered it over the weekend at 5600 x 3500 so I could post it on Zazzle right away. Here’s a link: Elegy by digitalblasphemyNow to get busy on the multiscreens!

  142. Michelle

    This is beautiful. It really does look like a photograph. Your autumn themed ones are always lovely, and this one is certainly not an exception.

  143. William

    This has got to be one of your most beautiful works. It depicts something so simple that I can immediately identify with it, yet it contains enough drama within the mysterious pathway to pull me into the scene. The rendering is realistic enough to capture the mood, while at the same time never straying from an artistic, computer dream-world feel. Definitely a 10/10!

  144. Kirk

    Wow, I didn’t realize Autumnwood was from way back in 2005. I suddenly feel old.. haha.

  145. Jase

    This is beautiful..were you going to make it multi-season like the Autmn/Spring/Summer-wood series?

  146. Michael

    Specifically, I’m looking forward to the dual 2560×1600 resolution… 🙂

  147. dmackoy

    Like others, I thought this was a real photo. Great work.

  148. Walo

    I’m not lying when I say that I thought this was a real picture when I first looked at it. And I’m still trying to convince myself it’s not teal. Kudos to you Ryan, this is one of your most realistic renders if not the most realistic one.

  149. Markus

    Don’t know what to say…Wow. The light, the colors, the scene, ..

  150. Manu

    This is the best yet!

  151. Celeborn

    I feel this need to let you know how beautiful this is, but I can’t find the right words to really describe its beauty… I’m speechless… wow

  152. TL

    I’m going to have a hard time explaining to people that this is computer generated since people are always asking, “where is this?!”

    I also think my rating scale may have to change as of late since you are just putting at stellar piece after stellar piece! BRAVO!

  153. Ken

    I can’t wait for the multi-screen version…and the winter, and the spring…. 🙂

  154. Geep

    Wow, the realism of this just blew me away when I saw it close up. This is just plain awesomeness. 😀

  155. Eric


    Remember the old saying – Man you knocked it right out of the park this time. Yours is by far the better “picture” – somehow more “real” looking. Also, I get a little “sleepy hallow” feeling. Way cool!


    and the crowd is chanting … “multi-screen, multi-screen, multi-screen, multi-screen, multi-screen” lol

  156. Henry V.

    Title says it all. I love this piece

  157. Angelique

    Is that a mushroom at the base of the tree?

  158. Angelique

    Oh my – so impressive! It’s very photorealistic 🙂

  159. Dan

    This is stunning.

  160. SnowWolf

    Which of your many rendering programs did you use to create this stunning image?

  161. Stewart

    Stunning. Those rays of sunlight are not quite right yet (they seem somehow not part of the scene but floating over it, like an onion skin or something) but … wow!

  162. Labanimal

    …the mood of this image you can’t compare to Autumnwood…

    The rays could be a little bit more dramatic, but overall love this image. I love the red and yellow leaves, almost feels like they pop out at you… Elegy certainly raises the bar, and will be on my triple setup for some time. 10/10

  163. Brian

    For me “Autumnwood” is September and “Elegy” is November.

  164. Jlowry

    Absolutely love the colors in this.

  165. Greg in CA

    Nuff’ said.

  166. Bruceam

    Outstanding. It reminds me of several places I knew when I was growing up. I can’t wait for the multi-screens.


  167. c

    This is sooo gorgeous. Are you planning on doing a multi-screen version of it?

  168. c

    This is sooo gorgeous. Are you planning on doing a multi-screen version of it?

  169. Ryan

    Well, it started out as a remake of “Autumnwood”. That was why I was sent the photo in the first place. In the end I thought the two, while structurally similar, had such different moods that I changed the title.

  170. Chris H

    Gorgeous as always. I agree, clicking through to the lossless thumbs is a must. The level of detail is not to be missed.

    Makes me want to take the day off and go for a hike in the woods.

  171. Kirk

    It’s beautiful, but at the same time it’s very similar to Autumnwood, so it loses a few points there… But I really love the blue color!

  172. Hoverwolf1

    Love the latest – would love to see a night version.

    @ Khyren – Given the title, I’m thinking something somber and creepy at the same time; something akin to “Forest of the Shades”.

  173. chris

    nuff said! good job, ryan!

  174. kellzilla

    ALA Tatooine: http://news.yahoo.com/planet-star-wars-tatooine-discovered-orbiting-2-suns-181404397.html

    Don’t know if you’d seen this yet, Ryan. Thought it was fascinating, and immediately thought of what kind of awesome wallpapers you could make out if the idea. 😉

  175. Christy

    I love all of the landscape your have done but this one has to be the best. A friend saw my background and asked where I took the photo. I told them it wasn’t a photo and they were flabbergasted. So am I, this is good and realistic. I know I am going to keep coming back to it in the future.

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