

SKU: enclosure2k6 Category: Tags: , ,

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11 reviews for Enclosure

  1. Gene [lifer]

    . . . of the Tholian Web!

  2. Mario [basicmember]

    Looks like a future Earth made into a spaceship. Perhaps this is what will happen once the sun has died out and mankind must find a new sun to light up the skies.

  3. jettero

    In ages past (epoch of Gentoo iirc) this was one of my favorite desktops.

  4. Ken Smith

    This image perpretrates the feeling of our real world! I is inprisoned by our human stupitity. I do not understand the ring around the equator, but it does not matter. You have made a statement here I agree with. I just hope we have the key to unlock it.

  5. Rob

    Looks like a giant generator. 😀 I love this one.

  6. Skylark

    Beyond just being a great image I really like the concept here. It makes me wonder what the builders of the Enclosure were intending; to keep ‘things’ out or hold them in? I like it when as an audiance I am given the chance to ‘fill in the blanks’.

  7. James

    Perfectly executed. Not quite as subtle as your other planetscape’s but definitely the best to date. Keep it up, I always look forward to the planetary art.

  8. Eugenio

    i like it alot.. i really do, but mostly the background, if it was at a different angle to show off the colloms heading into the earth i think it would be alot better, but thats just my opinion…

    still love it though ^_^

  9. Chris

    I love planet scapes and this one has kind of a dark tone. A great rehash of the 1996(I think its ’96) one of the same name.

  10. Omega

    That’s just…


    Words are insufficient.

    I somehow expect to be saying that a lot.

  11. Hoverwolf1

    I like to put this one up around Earth Day.

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