Nice, but I prefer the original – I think because it’s more colourful
Rated 1 out of 5
Cathy Warren [Lifetime Plus]
I really tried to like this, I really wanted to like it, but even after looking at the ones in the pickle jar it just doesn’t do anything for me. I normally really love your work, I guess there was bound to be a time when there would be one that I wouldn’t like. All that being said I look forward to your next render Ryan.
Jeffrey Thayer
Love the black and blue
Richard Birnage
[Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]
Nice, but I prefer the original – I think because it’s more colourful
Cathy Warren
[Lifetime Plus]
I really tried to like this, I really wanted to like it, but even after looking at the ones in the pickle jar it just doesn’t do anything for me. I normally really love your work, I guess there was bound to be a time when there would be one that I wouldn’t like. All that being said I look forward to your next render Ryan.