Foggy Christmas Eve Night


SKU: foggyxmasevenight1 Category: Tags: ,


Here’s a preliminary night version of “Foggy Christmas Eve”. I’m not sure if I am 100% pleased with it but I think it looks nice enough to share while I puzzle over what tinkering I might do.

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35 reviews for Foggy Christmas Eve Night

  1. Rick (Horseman) [basicmember]

    The tree line of light under a canopy of Northern Lights brings to a memory of our mountain valley during the dark days of Winter.

  2. Camille [plusmember]

    Interesting! It is warm and cold at the same time. Love the time red ornaments.

  3. Nova [nonmonthly]

    The combination of the dark snow and the bright white trees is perfect. What I really love is the touch of Aurora at the top of the image – for me that really makes this image.

  4. Jason [basicmember]

    This color scheme has just become a huge hit with me; I love the deep blues and the lit snow.

    If you’re not opposed to a request (since you’re still tinkering with it): Would you consider making a non-Christmas version of this (without the red decorations)? It would make a beautiful addition to the winter gallery.

  5. Mike [lifer]

    I’ve been following your artwork since 2004 and this is your best holiday scenic wallpaper yet! Absolutely stunning!

  6. Tom [basicmember]

    Could be used at Chritsmas time or year round. Good stuff…

  7. Jenanne [liferplus]

    Even better than the day version. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Ryan!

  8. grschaertl [lifer]

    I like it….

  9. Falkor [liferplus]


  10. Maureen [nonmonthly]

    I have always enjoyed your Christmas/winter wallpapers. Snowy Creek makes an annual appearance. I think this one will be showing up in that rotation, too. Happy Christmas, Ryan and family!

  11. Ixias [lifer]

    Enjoying the beautiful glowing trees!

  12. Jacqueline Roos [basicmember]

    Ryan, this is gorgeous! Thank you so much for this beautiful Christmas gift!

  13. Chase [basicmember]

    This is quickly my favorite. Would be nice to add in that “jolly ole elf with his miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer” to the skyline. Just for fun!

  14. lmarzinski [nonmonthly]

    This is beautiful. I love it! The snow does look a little like marshmallows, but it’s still beautiful.

  15. Shawn [liferplus]

    like this but maybe a little brighter on the red balls and maybe some green balls as well to make it really pop.

  16. Kyle [nonmonthly]

    I like the night version and the lights, but the snow looks more like marshmallows or white frosting slapped on the trees. Maybe a less snow version. But this don’t like.

  17. Gene [lifer]

    …but not any more. The day version is, as others have noted, very, very white and bright. That’s not necessarily a bad thing; such conditions are called a “white out” for a reason. Such conditions can be very beautiful, but they do send me scrambling for sun glasses.

    The night version removes the last, little lingering hesitation — now I can give it a TEN with ease.

    Well done, thank you Ryan. I wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday. Enjoy those conditions on your monitors — not through your windshield… 😉

  18. John [lifer]

    Really like this version over the daytime version, which was just waaaaay too bright on my screen.

  19. Bryan Carmody [liferplus]

    Ryan I LOVE the night version – I actually prefer it to the daytime one – colors and the essence of fog in the night is AWESOME.

  20. Kiri [liferplus]

    I’m not sure why you don’t like it, but then again, I do the same thing with my stuff. This is absolutely stunning and I’m so grateful you shared it with us!

  21. Eric [liferplus]

    Spoke too soon on my PS. Sorry. Should have known better.

  22. Eric [liferplus]

    ‘nough said.

    PS. Same for Foggy Christmas Eve too.

  23. Exitstageleft [liferplus]

    Nice job 😎

  24. Stephanie [basicmember]

    I love this night version of this! I agree with the previous poster that more Northern Lights would make it pop more!

  25. Thangobrind [liferplus]

    I love the trees and the foreground, but can we get more northern lights on here please?

  26. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    I really love the lighting in this one, and with the aurora borealis in the back ground is a fantastic blend, awesome job Ryan

  27. Ryan [nonmonthly]

    Here is my 2 cents..

    The foreground looks good with the snow and the lighted trees. The background needs work though. The fog in the back looks more like smoke from a forest fire than fog. The aurora is a good touch so what would make this picture perfect (in my opinion) is replace the fog with a snowy mountain scene. Have the mountains lit up by a full moon (pictured or not) with the aurora serving as the accent color/lighting and it would be perfect.

  28. Shaolang [lifer]

    Absolutely Fantastic! I love the glow in the trees and the subtle aurora in the sky. I just can’t help but stare at the picture. I absoluely LOVE this one!!

  29. JusenkyoGuide [nonmonthly]

    I’m not sure it needs anything, except maybe a sled and 9 tiny reindeer with a little old driver who’s lively and quick.

    This is great!

  30. Pat [lifer]

    I *love* the subtle aurora!!!!!

  31. Brett [nonmonthly]

    I love it, but have to say the same as Littlemom, the snow on the ground looks like water!

  32. Telaria [nonmonthly]

    I prefer this version – the original was too bright for my eyes. Keep tweaking this one but for now it’s my desktop background (until the final version is completed).

  33. Littlemom [liferplus]

    This is absolutely gorgeous. However the snow on the ground sort of looks like water. And I don’t know if I care for the fog above the trees. But it’s a great start on this one.

  34. Chris [liferplus]

    I can see how you might want to tinker. I like it, but it doesn’t feel quite right yet. I’ll toss in some of my gut reactions.

    I love how you added the Aurora.

    I like the warm glow (color temperature) of the lights.

    I like the concept of the snowfall, but it’s largely lost between the light range and the visible sky (cognitive dissonance).

    The red bulbs feel a little dull. Good concept, but not much life to them. Probably accurate, however.

    I like the clouds – very reminiscent of mountain clouds – but they pretty well obscure the ridgeline of the hillside.

    I’m liking the start – and looking forward to the final (or next version)!

  35. rumpu-jussi [nonmonthly]

    Nice touch with those aurora borealis up in the sky.

    Fyi, the Finnish Meteorological Institute has a webpage for ‘space weather’, too. There, the weather prognosis is not of rain, but of aurora borealis:

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