

SKU: furcati1 Category: Tags: ,


If you’ve been following my work for a while you’ll recognize my fascination with branching structures (recall “The Spark“?). This scene is a continuation of that theme. This time the geometry was modeled using Plant Factory and the scene rendered in Vue.

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6 reviews for Furcati

  1. Ryan

    I see what you are getting at but this is a theme that has shown up many times over the years. It’s all auto-biographical somehow though šŸ™‚

  2. Ozaawaagosh [plusmember]

    This looks like a really cool star-fish, something we would discover at the far depths of our oceans, which we know so little about, Great Render Ryan

  3. ChrisW [basicmember]

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s an excellent image. And it also kinda reminds me of “Pathways,” another excellent abstract you did.

    I just don’t want to say HOW it’s similar, given your current difficulties. I don’t want to be that guy.

  4. JoeB [liferplus]

    Your abstracts have been ON POINT lately! Bring this kind of stuff ALL THE TIME!

  5. Littlemom [liferplus]

    I hate to be critical of any of your work Ryan as you are such a talented artist, but this render just doesn’t do anything for me. As far as abstract renders go I guess it’s ok, but it just isn’t my cup of tea. However, that said I look forward to your next render.

  6. Patrick T [lifer]

    Love this! One of your best in the branching structures genre.

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