
(15 customer reviews)


SKU: galatea1 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


And now for something completely different… Was playing around the Gaea creating colorful, alien landforms and thought it would be fun to create a scene for them.   The foreground flora was created using Plant Factory.  Might attempt a night version next…

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15 reviews for Galatea

  1. Natalia Najder
    [Plus, Donor, Lifetime]

  2. Jeffrey Thayer

    Perfect, Absolutely Gorgeous, Planet-scapes are me favorites. I love it, Awesome render my friend.

  3. alexandregaudreau0

    Very nice scene! With the style of the plants and the style of the mountains, it really reminds me of No Man’s Sky. Great work!

  4. Josh Washburn

    Amazing! Daytime is my lockscreen and nighttime is my wallpaper. I love them both!

  5. Daniel Wiedemeier

    I don’t care what Luiz or Lewis think, this is 5 ♥’s from me!

  6. Robert Caldwell

    Love the painterly, “Fantasy Art” vibe of this, with its improbable colors, shapes, and textures. Nicely done.

  7. Lewis Cloud

  8. Kenneth Klotzback


  9. Jennifer Jonsson

    I love love love the colors on this one. The pink brightens up my office! Thank you!

  10. Chris Nagele
    [Patron, Lifetime]

    Spaceman Spiff once again finds himself shipwrecked on a strange planet. His instruments utterly scrambled by the gravity of two moons, he finds the plants he thought would be no bigger than moss towering hundreds if not thousands of feet over him. “I hope this isn’t a repeat of that time I landed on an alien thinking it was a hill.” Spiff starts exploring the planet until his ship is cool enough to repair.

    I love the way the scale on this isn’t anchored to anything; It’s proportional only to itself. My monitors are sub HD, so when I zoomed in on the 5k it became a whole different world. Now I just want to go exploring, maybe without all the crash landings Spiff kept having.

  11. oldtowneast

    I applaud you going out of the box. I’ve been taking photographs for almost two decades and I don’t like swaying out of my comfort zone too much but to see someone as decorated as you plunging in, it’s definitely inspirational to us all. Great work.

  12. Michael Schmitt

    Perhaps from same biosphere as Boardwalk.

  13. Cathy Warren
    [Lifetime Plus]

    I think this has potential. The pink sky and even the oddly shaped blue mountains are fine… but you lost me at the with the flora. It just doesn’t feel like flora to me, but more abstract. Overall I’d give this a 3.5-4 stars based on the flora.

  14. Luiz Marques

  15. Ian Warren

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