

SKU: glenwood Category: Tags: , , , ,



NFT on Foundation

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13 reviews for Glenwood

  1. Mark A. [liferplus]

    How about a winter version of this one?

  2. Mark A. [liferplus]

    How about a winter version of this one?

  3. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Ryan, while I think it would be difficult to improve Glenwood, I agree that it deserves an upgrade.

  4. Gene [lifer]

    Eight years later, I’ll second the other “Jeanne” in respectfully recommending that you revisit this image. In concept, it is a rock solid “10”. Alas, however, the technology available to you seventeen years ago wasn’t up to the task of reflecting your vision. It’s your art, your vision and your time, of course, and we all have to respect that, but if you can update this one, it would be a worthwhile endeavor, I assure you!

  5. Zian

    Extremely relaxing work of art. Slightly abstract due to its lack of details but enough to convey a sense of nature and sunlight.

    Reposting because I screwed up the rating earlier.

  6. Zian

    Extremely relaxing work of art. Slightly abstract due to its lack of details but enough to convey a sense of nature and sunlight.

  7. Jenanne

    This piece is lovely — I’d love to see an update for fall.

  8. Mike

    Hey Ryan,

    I noticed this one here:

    I first noticed it as the background on this site and followed the link.

  9. Mike

    Ooops! I first noticed it as the background on this site:

  10. CK

    Great one indeed, especially right before the winter, a wide screen version would be perfect.

  11. Aja

    Another image that’s up on my wall. I would love to wake up in the morning and see this. The dustiness in the sun’s rays are my favorite part.

  12. Lisa

    Hi Ryan! Thanks for all your beautiful work. 🙂 I’d love to see this (Glenwood) updated to widescreen. Is that possible?

  13. Striker

    I don’t think anything sums up “autumn” quite as well as this piece does. I often travel to the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in the fall, and the scenery there is breathtaking. I’ve often seen deer on my hikes in the woods, and this is an almost perfect recreation of the peace felt in a forest during autumn. Keep it up, ryan.

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