Golden Morning

(5 customer reviews)


SKU: goldenmorning1 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


January is usually the month I stop thinking about creating winter scenes and grow weary of the cold.   The only tonic for it is to create a nice warm tropical scene.   They are like comfort food for me artistically and I hope you don’t mind me returning to the tropics from time to time.

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5 reviews for Golden Morning

  1. Echo Charlie
    [Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime Plus]

    My eyes are sensitive so I have to use dark themes and warm colors with no bright spots. This excellent piece satisfies the requirements, thank you.

  2. Jedi Hawk


  3. Mike Drabicky

    Nice, quiet, serene: love it. Most relaxing. Good job on the overall theme.

    That clouds, however, do not look realistic. They are not cirrus; they are not cumulus-nimbus. They do not look like any clouds I have ever seen or taken countless pictures of. Artist license I suppose; definitely grant you that. It’s just that you’ll never have wind currents to produce clouds of that nature.

    • Ryan

      Thanks for the feedback Mike! I do sometimes indulge in some artistic license with my clouds 😄

  4. Mark South

    I love this one! I love anything that has a beach with the ocean.

  5. Veronica Miller

    As always, a work of art.

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