Highland Winter


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The winter conclusion to my “Highland” seasonal series. I was going for a “frosted” look here and the stark colorless look is intentional. For better or worse, after 5 years of living in Illinois this is how I’ve come to see winter…

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133 reviews for Highland Winter

  1. Byrel

    Any clue when a multi-monitor render would be possible? This is probably my favorite of the the highland series, and I just got a dual monitor system. 🙂

  2. kellzilla

    Ryan doesn’t color B&W images in Photoshop or whatever. You can’t “retouch color” on a rendered image – you have to recolor the items in question and then render the image again (taking just as much time as the first render did). There are a ton of people who are REQUESTING a colored render of this, so calling Ryan lazy is showing your ignorance of the process.

  3. J

    Retouching color on already completed works and calling them new is let’s say…ummmmmm…Lazy.

  4. Ryan

    I don’t usually render the multiscreens until I am settled on the final form of the project. In this case I am considering doing a more colorful version so would rather not render the multiscreen until that is complete. The only problem is that I don’t have a renderer free for the 10 day stretch required to do process “the Highland”.

  5. Nick

    Will there be a dual screen version of htis one?

  6. Maureen

    Ryan, as an Illinois native, winter doesn’t always LOOK like this but it sure FEELS that way. A cardinal shivering in one of the trees might have made for a good spot of color, but otherwise. . .yeah, I think you’ve got it.

  7. b

    I reacted(as usual) without reading the whole thread–sorry–but I still don’t think the pic has anything to do with depression–which everyone is entitled to–especially with Ryan’s problem!!!

  8. Betsey

    @Russ–did you read Ryan’s explanation as to WHY this picture is mainly gray and white??? I don’t think depression has anything to do with it–come live in Michiana and that’s what you see!!! Winter is gray around here!!!

  9. Russ

    Ryan, While I am not familiar with your illness I can atest to physical problems manifesting themselves into mental “low” periods. I was in a horriffic accident 12 years ago that has put me through mental and physical anguish. This past year I spent 4 months lying in a bed from double back surgery. Also, over the years I have dealt and been treated for depression. As for anybody the signs of depression can show in your work. With the exception of this picture I would never have guessed yours. Your art inspires me to do the best at what I am good at. But work aside. Make sure you are open to your loved ones on how you “feel”. As a single father of two little ones I know all too well about the negativity it can bring to your family life. You know the saying about “art is never finished only abandoned”. Don’t abandon this one.Give your self some time and maybe in the future comeback to it amd breath into it life. Keep your chin up and keep fighting the good fight.

  10. Jeffrey

    Very Wintry, makes me shiver. When are we getting multiscreen versions?

  11. nickaix

    Ryan, this is amazing. Looking at it, I imagine that there is not a sound in the whole scene–the way it sometimes is on a winter days. The surrounding cliffs make the scene almost “cloistered,” like a sort of sacred space. Very peaceful to look at. Who needs color?

  12. Ryan

    Yes, they asked me to use it about a month ago (after it was their “Picture of the Day”). They just released it today though. I’m honored!

  13. Andrew

    I hope this cheers you up a bit Ryan; it looks like e-on software liked the spring version of this scene so much that they’ve used it on the cover of the box for the new Vue 9 Esprit software! (Just in case you didn’t already know this ;)) http://www.e-onsoftware.com/products/vue/vue_9_esprit/

  14. Thomas

    I’m not depressed or anything, but I love your starker, dark stuff probably the most of all of your work (though planetscapes win big points here too). I feel like there’s a raw beauty in the austere coldness of works like this one. Your newest one adorns my desktop in subtle grace.

  15. Thomas

    I’m not depressed or anything, but I love your starker, dark stuff probably the most of all of your work (though planetscapes win big points here too). I feel like there’s a raw beauty in the austere coldness of works like this one. Your newest one adorns my desktop in subtle grace.

  16. gummy

    A little color in the trees wouldn’t hurt, but I actually appreciate the stark whiteness of this piece. I find it bracing – stimulating to the senses in a pleasant way.

    I look upon this scene much the way I see the fractals and other abstracts (which I love) – sometimes it’s OK to go for something that a smaller number of people might really like. Seems like the vast majority of what Ryan produces pleases the majority and it’s not reasonable to expect that everything will.

    So Ryan if you ever get around to a pickle jar version of this with a little color that would be interesting. If you don’t, oh well. I’d personally rather see new stuff anyway.

  17. gummy

    A little color in the trees wouldn’t hurt, but I actually appreciate the stark whiteness of this piece. I find it bracing – stimulating to the senses in a pleasant way.

    I look upon this scene much the way I see the fractals and other abstracts (which I love) – sometimes it’s OK to go for something that a smaller number of people might really like. Seems like the vast majority of what Ryan produces pleases the majority and it’s not reasonable to expect that everything will.

    So Ryan if you ever get around to a pickle jar version of this with a little color that would be interesting. If you don’t, oh well. I’d personally rather see new stuff anyway.

  18. Geep

    Ryan, depression really sucks (having gone through it but never diagnosed), but there is always wonderful things to lift you out. Blue is very calming, and personally, I enjoy the blue themed wallpapers a lot as it calms me down after a busy day at college.

    Your family, and if I may say, your fans and members will always be behind you and your work (creativeness ftw!). Even if its blue. 🙂

  19. Daniel

    I have been depressed most of the last two years,like you, for no good reason. A book called “The Mood Cure” has done wonders for me. I added one supplement and have felt great the last two months.

  20. Mythobeast

    I’m from Missouri, and I think you’ve captured the feel rather well. Not technically accurate because I’d expect more green in the coniferous forest, but art isn’t always about technical accuracy.

  21. Mythobeast

    I’m from Missouri, and I think you’ve captured the feel rather well. Not technically accurate because I’d expect more green in the coniferous forest, but art isn’t always about technical accuracy.

  22. Ted

    Depression may not take years from your life, but it can really suck the life out of your years. Have a talk with your doctor. It’s very treatable.

  23. Kelley

    I have been following you for years… you’re doing something therapeutic by making kind of blue images… Guys, let him create, if it helps, then it helps, and we’ll have many many more awesome images from Ryan!

  24. Fred B

    I’ve had as many people come into my cubicle to comment on this wallpaper as any other I have had up. A lack of color is fine by me, but maybe because I like to shoot pictures in B&W as much as color.

    The one “trademark” I am missing: A person standing on the peak in the foreground. 🙂

  25. Jade

    Physical illness (especially something that is long-term in nature) has a direct impact on our mental and emotional well-being. Basically, you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. While I am fortunate not to be dealing with physical ailments, winter and the subsequent lack of sun depress the bejeezus out of me, which is why I can relate to the starkness and lack of emotion and vibrance in the image. This is exactly what I see in my mind’s eye on a gray and wintry day.

  26. Mike


    First let me say that I’ve really appreciated the way you’ve shared the journey you’ve been going on these last few years. I’m sure I join the rest of the community in expressing my support for you and your family, and the fact that you’ve been able to keep churning out such great artwork.

    Second, I just wanted to say that I have always been a big fan of your “Blue Period”. Of all your works, I generally found the blue ones to be the most calming (especially the space and underwater themes). I’ve branched out since then, but the blue ones continue to be my favorites.

    Keep up the good work, and thanks for throwing the “blue” fans some new pieces every once in a while! 🙂

  27. Ryan

    Well, it certainly looks like the interest is there to experiment with a Pickle Jar version. I will see what I can do guys. Re: My “Blue Period”…On a personal note, I must say that ever since my surgery in early 2009 I have not felt quite the same. I am moodier and have a lot of the what I’ve read are symptoms of depression (haven’t sought a diagnosis). Part of it I attribute to the ongoing medical problems I have faced over the past few years. Let’s just say that I have non-life threatening problem that is very difficult to fix.Of course I couldn’t have picked a worse time to get sick. The stress the economy is putting on me as a businessman is enormous (as I’m sure it is stressing most of you). I’ve had countless emails from fans who say that they would love to keep up their memberships but times are just too hard to justify even the small renewal fee. I have no illusions as to where my site sits in the hierarchy of necessary purchases. The last part I’ve come to suspect is biological. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2008. My 2009 surgery removed my cecum and some important connected parts. It also permanently took away my body’s ability to absorb vitamin B12. I now need to receive periodic injections to keep my levels normal but it is an imprecise science. The symptoms of low B12 levels are pretty scary so it is something I need to keep on top of. Just wanted everyone to have a little background on where I’ve been coming from over the past few years. It is probably pretty obvious in my artwork but I thought I might as well confirm it.I certainly don’t want my artwork to be overly gloomy. Nobody wants to be depressed by their wallpaper so I need to work in some sunshine every once in while. It’s too bad that I need to be reminded though.

  28. Matt

    I love the B&W idea. There’s just too much medium colour in this wallpaper. Maybe if it was a sunrise or sunset the B&W contrast could bring accent the details better.

  29. Russ

    Ryan, as always your artistic ability puts me in a state of Awe as I have zero talent in this arena. I might say this was done during your “Blue Period” for the simple point that it seems void of emotion, lifeless, colorless. Even though I live in Atlanta I have had plenty of experiences with snow. Enough to say that even in the cold and white embrace there is life. There is beauty and there is color.

    But you are the artist. It is what you feel. It is how the art speaks to you and how you interpret it. While this one will never grace my monitor I am sure it will for thousands of others who it speaks to. So keep up the great work and do what is in your heart. Yes your art is “a business” but you can’t expect to win everyone over all of the time.


  30. Firefly

    While your work artistic ability is stellar as always this looks like a black and white photo. I have lived my whole life in the evergreen state and you say these are evergreens…but there’s always just a hint of color still even when they’re covered with snow even if it’s the barely perceptible.

    Also if that is a sunbeam on the water, it would reveal some color in the water. I agree the snow/fog in Snowy creek made the difference. This one looks like it should be a sunny day which to me means that evergreen green should stand out.

    I really love the other versions you’ve done on this image. This one just didn’t speak to me the same way. Either way, please keep up the good work.

  31. Tor

    I’m sorry you feel depressed, it’s a horrible feeling I wouldn’t wish on anyone. However, I couldn’t say I’ve ever been depressed by your art. Your work is gorgeous. I love to look at it and it helps inspire me to keep working on my own 3D skills. That you can also keep working despite the strain of a serious medical illness is also inspiring. I hope you can continue making such wonderful art for a long time to come.

  32. Tyler

    I will definitely be keeping you in my prayers buddy. Everyone struggles with depression to some degree, and fortunately you and I both know how blessed you really are. There will be brighter days.

  33. Alex H

    Best one in the series (mainly because i’m a sucker for black and white 🙂 )

    I’m totally peeved by you saying there wont be an autumn one though 😛 “The trees are evergreen” lol, you could make them whatever you want, it’s your image. If evergreen is your preference, let it be, but a red version would have been magical.

    Either way, this one has my seal of approval

  34. Alex H

    Best one in the series (mainly because i’m a sucker for black and white 🙂 )

    I’m totally peeved by you saying there wont be an autumn one though 😛 “The trees are evergreen” lol, you could make them whatever you want, it’s your image. If evergreen is your preference, let it be, but a red version would have been magical.

    Either way, this one has my seal of approval

  35. Alex H

    Best one in the series (mainly because i’m a sucker for black and white 🙂 )

    I’m totally peeved by you saying there wont be an autumn one though 😛 “The trees are evergreen” lol, you could make them whatever you want, it’s your image. If evergreen is your preference, let it be, but a red version would have been magical.

    Either way, this one has my seal of approval

  36. Alex H

    Best one in the series (mainly because i’m a sucker for black and white 🙂 )

    I’m totally peeved by you saying there wont be an autumn one though 😛 “The trees are evergreen” lol, you could make them whatever you want, it’s your image. If evergreen is your preference, let it be, but a red version would have been magical.

    Either way, this one has my seal of approval

  37. Alex H

    Best one in the series (mainly because i’m a sucker for black and white 🙂 )

    I’m totally peeved by you saying there wont be an autumn one though 😛 “The trees are evergreen” lol, you could make them whatever you want, it’s your image. If evergreen is your preference, let it be, but a red version would have been magical.

    Either way, this one has my seal of approval

  38. Tom

    We’ve already seen two beautiful, full color versions of this, so we already have an expectation of what we’ll see. I think that makes the B&W seem lacking in that regard.

    Snowy Creek was first put out in monochrome, before you did the color Christmas version, so we had nothing to compare it to at the time. I prefer the colorful Christmas version myself but to each his own. Well that’s my 2¢ anyway.

  39. Alberich

    I’d say the difference between this piece and Snowy Creek is the sky. Snowy Creek is obviously overcast, with the trees fading into the distance, suggesting fog or even snow falling, in the background if not the foreground. Overcast skies and precipitation make the lack of color, even on snow-covered evergreens, more believable.

    Here, we have a bright crepuscular ray shining though the clouds and striking the lake, which should impart some color to the water and maybe the surrounding trees. Makes it look more like a monochrome photo instead of a naturally colorless scene.

    That’s the logic as I see it, anyway. I’m not too bothered by the scene myself; I could see myself hiking, turning a corner, and finding this tableau in front of me, even in this color palette.

    I tend to agree about Highland Summer’s similarities to Highland Spring. I think the first title implied a four-season series for a piece that didn’t actually need one, even though I know that was your ambition for it at the outset. Highland Spring stands as one of your best, and while Winter provides a nice contrast, the other two seasons don’t/wouldn’t change the scene enough to be considered, had the title Highland *Spring* not implied their future existence.

    All that said, I’d rather not see an established gallery piece like Highland Summer be yanked to the Pickle Jar after standing and being judged (highly) on its own merits.

  40. Alberich

    I’d say the difference between this piece and Snowy Creek is the sky. Snowy Creek is obviously overcast, with the trees fading into the distance, suggesting fog or even snow falling, in the background if not the foreground. Overcast skies and precipitation make the lack of color, even on snow-covered evergreens, more believable.

    Here, we have a bright crepuscular ray shining though the clouds and striking the lake, which should impart some color to the water and maybe the surrounding trees. Makes it look more like a monochrome photo instead of a naturally colorless scene.

    That’s the logic as I see it, anyway. I’m not too bothered by the scene myself; I could see myself hiking, turning a corner, and finding this tableau in front of me, even in this color palette.

    I tend to agree about Highland Summer’s similarities to Highland Spring. I think the first title implied a four-season series for a piece that didn’t actually need one, even though I know that was your ambition for it at the outset. Highland Spring stands as one of your best, and while Winter provides a nice contrast, the other two seasons don’t/wouldn’t change the scene enough to be considered, had the title Highland *Spring* not implied their future existence.

    All that said, I’d rather not see an established gallery piece like Highland Summer be yanked to the Pickle Jar after standing and being judged (highly) on its own merits.

  41. Ryan

    Strange that this image is so polarizing. I do not recall anyone complaining about this color palette when I did “Snowy Creek” a few years back. Oh well.It wouldn’t be popular but I probably should remove “Highland Summer” to the Pickle Jar and have Highland Spring and Winter be the series. Summer doesn’t really look all that different than Spring (besides the clouds and lighting the differences are minor).It was this similarity that made me hesitant to try an Autumn version. Since the trees don’t change color only minor changes would be made. I don’t want too many similar renders crowding my main gallery, even though Highland Summer is highly rated (and the Winter version is not).

  42. Daniel

    Would have been okay as a pickle jar version, but does not come close to the others in the series. A true winter version would be nice.

  43. Tom

    Good point on autumn. I’m no expert on highland vegetation, but I bet there’s a variety of bushes that might change colors. For that matter, who says the trees absolutely have to be evergreens? A little artistic license is allowed. Of course the render time might be insane. It all depends on what’s going on in Ryan’s brilliant mind.

  44. Vaul

    I’ve never been a big fan of B&W for nature scenes. There’s just too much that gets lost IMO. I grew up in the Rockie Mountains of Colorado and for me winter was always a beautiful thing, with the colors of evergreen, earth, stone, water, whatever was there trying to push out against the contrast of white snow. I’d love to see a color rendition of this if you’re up for it. either way, I’d have to agree with others that once I brought up the full view on my desktop the bottom right did look a bit washed out/high contrast.



  45. Dale

    My first thought when I saw this was “boy that looks like an Ansel Adams photo”. I see many others have the same thought. Very nicely done!

    I do agree with the comments about the lower right part looking a little washed out. In any case, this is an excellent finish to this series.


  46. Ryan

    I too would like to see a pickle jar version with some color.

  47. brucam


    In the text of the release for Highland Winter, you mentioned that an Autumn version of this scene would not be possible because the tree’s were evergreens. While this is true, not everything that changes color during the Autumn is a tree. Sage Grass turns a beautiful golden color; some flowering shrubs put on a list harrah before winder; and there can be changes in the color balance of the sunlight. Please reconsider your decision to Skip a Highland Autumn wall paper.

    As Always, Thank you for your efforts, and artistic sensibilities.


  48. John


    Like this one best of all.

    Only thing I’d like to see is the bottom-right not be so white-washed.

    Bring some shadow into the bottom-right and you’ll have nailed this one for me!

  49. Andy

    I think it needs a little colour, not much, just a hint. It just looks like you’ve greyscaled the whole thing.

  50. Miguell026

    very.. black and white… it needs a tiny bit of color but it’s awesome as usual!

    can’t wait for your next renders!!!


  51. Renee

    Thank you Ryan for your years of imagination and rendering! I look forward to what DB has in store for 2011!

  52. Xenon

    I very much enjoy the change of pace with a B&W picture. The lone tree looks especially nice with the detail on it. The cluster of trees on the lower right seem a bit unnatural with all of the lighting on them. Perhaps a more subdued light would make it more realistic. The rest of the picture works well in my opinion. I’ll definitely enjoy having this one in my collection!

  53. John

    It is supposed to look lifeless and desolate. The landscape in winter doesn’t lend itself to beauty per se. Some people may find it, some won’t. This is probably my favorite one of the set.

  54. Loremaster

    Why is everyone complaining? I think that the black and white effect is one of the best parts of it. After all, what would color do for it, but the black and white makes an important statement!

    I personally prefer Spring as my favorite in this set, but it is still a wonderful piece!

  55. kellzilla

    I love how people seem to think that rendering something this complex without color would somehow take less time than rendering it with color (quoting, “so that a winter could be done fast”). He still has to render everything in the image, folks. LOL

  56. Rob

    Its one of my favorites of all of your works.

  57. Greg in CA

    It needs something to convince the eyes that it’s not in black and white…

  58. LX1T

    Sorry man, I just don’t like it. I commend the effort, but without color it just looks lifeless and uninspired and feels like you threw it together so that a winter could be done fast. Can we have a pickle jar version with a blue sky and some green in the valley?

  59. Mars

    This thing hurts me eyes!!! Awwww

  60. Atma

    …but, after thinking a few seconds, I think it is fine as it is.

    Color palette would be limited : white (snow), dark green (firs in the background) and dark brown or dark grey (rock) would almost represent the whole picture.

    In my opinion, light and shadows are more important in this scene, and the black and white effect highlights that well.

  61. Drew

    Highland deserves better than black and white winter image. Gotta figure out a way to add color. I want to see the valley covered in snow, like Canopy Creek winter!

  62. Tyler

    Just wait until Ryan’s next project when once again you’ll be “ooing” and “aahing.”

  63. McKab

    Ryan… I just wanted to add my two cents to all this. I actually really like it. I love B&W photos and think this one works really well without color. I think the lack of color shows how harsh winter can sometimes be. If there was color, it would negate the harshness of the landscape. Good job and keep up the great work. BTW, I ordered a print of the newer version of Haiku and have it up in my new house’s foyer. It’s the first thing people see when they enter. Looks totally great. Thanks

  64. Ryan

    No apologies are necessary! You have a valid critique and you are using this thread in the manner it was intended. Constructive criticism is always welcome.I am thrilled and honored that people are interested enough in my work to take the time to write thoughtful comments. Having said that, I do believe that trying to please everyone leads to mediocrity. . .

  65. varun

    Beautiful, except the sky doesn’t have enough clouding to be this dark and gray. Maybe a bluer sky and a slight blue tint?

  66. Henry V.

    I wasn’t trying to be mean or rude to you in my last comment. I understand it’s art and not everyone is going to be pleased with all of your work all of the time. I am glad that you were able to please some of your customers with this render though. So please accept my apology. I tried to be constructive with my criticism at least.

  67. Scott

    First off Ryan i wanted to say it’s a beautiful render and captures the bleakness of a high northern winter, yes it could use more color, but that all opinion as sometimes at twilight or dawn it can be very much shades of gray and i feel this captures that perfectly 🙂

    Now to Logan: While i wont tell you how to think or what you can and can not say in a public forum i will express my extreme sense of distaste and disappointment at your lack of respect and blatant disregard for artistic rights and creation you displayed a few posts ago, yes your a member & yes you paid a fair sum to gain the privilege to personally enjoy any quality level of Ryan’s beautiful works of art, but that is a privilege and not a right to try and tell Ryan how to produce his works or tell him when he is “wrong” and he should change it because you feel it isn’t good enough, even in your response you act like Ryan isn’t listening and is choosing to not change this piece, he does not need any excuse as to why he does not or can not change this. It is “His” work of art and if he wants it to be as it is, then you have the right to not download it or save it and the right to say so without being so disrespectful to the man.

    I am normally a very quiet member of this wonderful site and sometimes i don’t always like the direction some pieces take, but i never have nor ever will assume i have a right to tell Ryan how to put his signature on canvas because i “payed” to be in this sites membership.

    I think some members need to remember they do not own Ryan’s works of art but are person who enjoy the beautiful things he creates and should keep there comments to constructive progressive comments and not try to tell him how to do what he loves.

    Peace all.

    PS: Ryan i apologize if this ruffles feathers here, i just hate seeing people do that to good people like you.

  68. Dan

    This picture, to me, is just beautiful. I feel that it really captures all that winter really is – quiet and serene. There are no popping colors; nothing eye catching. Winter itself is really a ‘dead’ season – no plants, no life, short days and long nights – and this picture really speaks volumes of that. The one, lone dead tree on the edge of the mountain says it all. When you look out of your window in the middle of a blistering winter, you don’t see color – you see white and gray. When you go outside during winter, its very quiet. I’ve set this picture as my background, and I just can’t stop staring at it.

    Ryan, I truly commend you for your gift and ability to capture the true beauty and essence of a landscape. 10/10

  69. Will

    ryan, i love the winter version of this work but i feel its completely monochromatic. i know this is your brain child, but i feel if that this was really a mountain lake that would get this much snow, the water of the lake would be a light blue because it would be glacier fed. just an idea.

  70. Logan

    I didn’t know you were limited by technology on this one. It just seems like you are always receptive to user comments from your customers, and you seemed pretty determined on this one not to change anything. Sorry if I offended you. Forgive me?

    For the record, I think it is artistic, it’s just not you; It looks like a great Ansel Adams piece, not a great Ryan Bliss piece like I’ve come to know and love.

  71. RoninStorm

    I think it’s the slopes on the left, but this rendition reminds me of Where Eagles Dare. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see a few figures in arctic camouflage making their way down the valley…

    That said, the lack of colour puts me off using this as a backdrop, but I still appreciate the scene.

  72. Ryan

    Of course I appreciate your support and I am happy to make changes when they make sense to me and they are technologically feasible. This scene is actually very challenging to work on with my 6 year old workstation so making changes would mean a sizable time investment (were walking over a week to render on my alternate box, or 4 days on my main machine). That’s time I could be spending on new projects and the multiscreens that I am behind on.I’m sorry the reviews are mixed on this one but changing the scene is far from trivial, especially when a number of people have said they like it the way it is. I wouldn’t mind doing a Pickle Jar version in the future, but I can’t say when I will have the CPUs open to render it.

  73. KRingg

    It’s been mentioned already, but I feel like it’s worth saying again… this really reminds me of some of Ansel Adams’ work. And, especially coming from me, that’s a huge complement. Thanks for sticking to your artistic guns on this one.

  74. Truett

    I was skeptical (like everyone else at first) but then I decided to try it as my wallpaper anyways. And let me say it looks amazing. It is kind of cool with colored icons (on a Mac at least). Thanks Ryan (again) and I can’t wait to see more!

  75. Logan

    I agree with everyone else that it needs color. This would be a good pickle jar version, and it is artistic in its own right, but winter does have color.

    Ryan, it’s too bad you won’t listen to our feedback on this one. Remember, we are the ones who pay your bills after all.

  76. varun

    Beautiful, except the sky doesn’t have enough clouding to be this dark and gray. Maybe a bluer sky and a slight blue tint?

  77. Unclegumby

    I think this is one of your best and my favorite in the Highland series…

  78. anna_writr

    The stark colorless look is kinda cool, but the trees are evergreens and should still show some green even with that much rime on them.

  79. Patrick

    For me, this doesn’t work as a Black and White image. If it’s supposed to be colour then I’d expect to see some green from the evergreens in the background. As a B&W image the tones just don’t convince me.

    I respect the fact that you’re trying something new and the art here is to express your feeling of Winter so please carry on doing your own thing. 🙂 I like the fact that some of your works really impress me and some, like this one, don’t.

  80. Foxfire

    Sorry that this is no anyplace close to your usual work. All you did is make a black and white image of some of your older work.

    Where is the color? And yes winter has color to it, I live in Northwestern Pennsylvania so I know winter. Winter is white, grey, brown and green from the evergreen. If you’re lucky you’ll see some red from some berries and cardinals.

  81. Henry V.

    Ryan, I’m usually impressed by your artistic work. This one however is not one of them unfortunately. It happens.

    I looked at the image at full screen resolution 1900×1200 and it just seems blurry, or soft in some areas. I’m not sure if you were going for that effect. The trees on the right side seem blurry. The sun shining on the lone tree in the foreground seems a tad too soft. I don’t know if you were going for this effect or not.

    One compliment is the snow on the mountains. I think the B&W effect would work even better if the viewpoint was over that lone tree and down the mountain slope focusing on the lone island lake. But hey that’s another idea for another wallpaper. I’d like to see a pickle-jar version of this with small touches of color. Hunter’s suggestions are good ones.

    BTW Super Harvest Moon. 😉

  82. littlemom

    I also love the fact that you are doing seasonal renders with some of your artwork, however this one needs more snow, and color added to it. I do like the feeling of cold that I get from the black and white in this, but think that a color and more snow, would add the beauty this one needs. I look forward to seeing something new from you.

  83. Brian

    Much like your summer version of Gotham Garden, I think you nailed the feeling of the season. I remember summmer GG getting a larger than normal negative vote as well. I think it all goes to what people want to get out of their art. I appreciate both kinds: flashy and moody.

  84. Sovereign

    One: The “comment” link off the Series page for this set redirects to Gotham Garden.

    Two: Agree with sentiment preferring color over B&W.

    Three: The fact that you’ve made a habit of doing “seasonal” adjustments of your work is awesome because that’s what I do with my wallpapers (seasonal changes).

  85. Nightwynd

    I’m not fond of stark black n white. I’d have preferred leaving the trees their natural dark green at least.

  86. Chris

    It is a little black and white for my taste but still nice.

    Side note, I’m curious if you have a Gotham Garden winter version in mind 🙂

  87. Hunter

    Apologies for the double post, but if you take the original full colour image and this image, and then put the winter version at 50% opacity over the original, you will see exactly what I meant below…

    You will see areas appear where the snow has melted, where the snow couldn’t land etc. (It really makes for an interesting image aswell, it’s a shame that the tree’s don’t line up!)

  88. Hunter

    Not a fan of this one. Winter wallpapers have never been one’s that stand out for me (with exception to Arctica)

    The one problem with this one, and a few others, is that it’s just too “black and white”. Desaturate the original full colour version and you will end up with an image that isn’t too different to this. Next time it snows, take a look outside – you will notice that not everything is white… there are still “pockets” of colour – places where the snow couldn’t settle, the underside of trees… and most strikingly is that it is usually perfect sunshine and blue sky when it stops snowing.

    Apply the above to the followng and the trees will still be green (though less saturated), the lake at the bottom will still be blue and so will the sky, the last few leaves on the ‘main’ tree will be green etc.

    I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound like I am on a rant – I’m not. My constructive feedback is to simply ask for more colour! When it snows, it’s never black and white, there is still colour. It’s just slightly less saturated.

  89. Phillip D

    Great render, one minus detail, snow is very white on trees so I suggest add more specular lighting on the trees.

  90. Tom Thomas

    Ryan, as usual your skill is impressive and your vision a place I want to go. I agree with others however this is way to gray for my tastes and it appears very grainy on my monitor. There are also some odd lines running vertically on the mountains.

    As for autumn the tree in the foreground is not an evergreen and the ones on the island in the lake which in the autumn ought to be a brilliant ice blue.

  91. Benson

    Colors are overrated. 😉

    A blue jay landing in the foreground tree would make it even better, IMO, but it probably wouldn’t show well on non-gigantic monitors.

  92. Foz

    I really like the grainy look that is coming through. Another belt winner again I think… now I just have to wait for the dual screen to render…

    About Autumn though – I know you said that the trees are evergreen… but the main tree in the foreground clearly is not an evergreen! It would make a remarkable contrast to see the autumn colours and the evergreen colours clashing!

    Autumn please!

  93. kellzilla

    Nearly all of the mobile wallpapers have the watermark. Most of them, it is unreadable.

    Basically none of the single screen renders have the watermark. The iPad version does, and that’s it.

  94. LisaB

    I didn’t think I would like this because of the lack of color, but now that I see it as my wallpaper, it’s actually kinda nice 🙂

  95. Tyler

    Many would agree with me. At the least I would have based this image off the spring version and not summer. The beam of light is entirely out of place in a winter scene. YES, as everyone is screaming about the lack of color is a huge shortcoming. This doesn’t do justice to the Highland series at all unfortunately. Not the best way to finish out what was one of your greatest works to date, “Highland Spring.”

  96. Sebastian

    It’s a little too colourless IMO. A few tones of green of the trees, but absolutely not much, would really help!

  97. Noliving

    Can’t even see the digitalblasphemy .com watermark!!!

  98. Chris B

    I think it looks amazing personally. It makes the tree stick out way more than the other versions. It’s more artistic than the other versions and I like the frosted look. Right around the time the sun hits the trees and it’s still all frosted, there doesn’t have to be clumps of snow, though is there anyway to add it in after the render that only allows frosting? Winter is blurry some times with the cold wind blowing in your eyes and the sun reflecting off of everything. plus a lot of the valley is still in shadow, which would mute the colors.

    My only complaint is that I’m not ready for winter yet, though we’ve gotten quite a few frosts already and I’m not sure I like them yet 😉

  99. John

    I like the idea, but I don’t think the technology is quite up to it. It seems like the whole thing is just a bit blurry, or at least not quite defined. I feel like it’s looking for a very stark feel and it can’t quite achieve that.

  100. Jesse

    I love the four-seasons pieces you do, but what’d be cool is if each season was a slightly different perspective of the same scene. Close enough that everything is recognizable, but different enough that you’re always showing something new as well.

  101. Brian

    This is a fantastic completion to a fantastic series. Love the B&W. Thanks Ryan!

  102. Bradley

    You are from Central Illinois, right Ryan? Winters are pretty gray, black, and white… 🙂

  103. Tam

    At first, I immediately agreed with those who said it should be in colour, but the more I look at it, the more I like that it’s in black and white. It makes it a very different image from the others in the series. Definitely original as far as D.B. pieces go.

  104. Mat

    I think you’ve nailed this winter look. For people who are asking for color, take a peek at Ansel Adams, the beauty isn’t always in the vibrancy and palette, but in the image itself.

    If you’ever visited a similar setting in winter, you’d know that with the heavy overcast and the natural shadowing – there’s not much else besides black and white.

    I’ve loved all the Highlands and this one is my second favorite.

  105. NikB

    As a big photography buff, I can really appreciate this image. The first thing it reminded me off was Ansell Adams’s great B&W landscape photos.

    I have it on my desktop now and I think it looks great. It certainly makes my coloured icons and gadgets stand out more!

  106. Agni451

    I think the B&W version is good, but I personally like a bit of color. Two other things- I think an autumn one would be possible, even if it just affects the hill in the foreground, with maybe a yellowish autumn light. Also, is there going to be a dual-screen of Highland Summer?

  107. Ryan

    I appreciate the feedback, I really do, but I’m sticking with the colors as you see them here. If Vue allowed me to add clumps of snow to the trees (rather than simply “frosting” them) then I would have done so. That’s all I would want to change however. I’m sorry more people don’t approve but I guess I will have to live with it in this case. My next winter piece (coming soon) will be a bit more colorful…

  108. Omar

    Needs color! Although this is an old wallpaper

  109. Liggs

    I’d love to see a color version. I’m not a big B & W person. Of course I’d want it in dual monitor size…

  110. Geep

    This is the first Highland version that has made it onto my desktop. Not that the other ones weren’t pretty, they just never captured my attention like some of your other pieces.

    This one however, is stunning. I adore black and white pictures, and I feel with this one you’ve captured the feeling of winter rather than the color. Whether you make a colored version or not, I think the B&W will always be my favourite Highland season picture.

  111. RC

    This to me is a very good black and white picture-like render. However, that said, I personally care for more color myself. It looks desaturated completely, not just the result of winter, but due to a B&W “camera” as well.

  112. James

    Why you thought this was up to par with your regular work. I think b&w could work if the scene calls for it. However this simply looks unfinished.

  113. Kristin

    Sorry to say that I can’t picture this to winter. The first thing that popped into my head when I saw this was ‘Oh look, a black and white copy of Highland Spring.’ I had to look for the winter aspect of this one.

    I live near mountains and frequent the slopes in the winter and there is still colour. Green and brown from the evergreens, light brown from the stubborn vegetation that refuses to be covered in snow, blue in the clear sky, which tinges the snow a slight blue.

    Have to say that I am not all that impressed with this one…

  114. Bradley

    I happen to think the black and white adds tremendous depth to the image and I like it a great deal. Ansel Adams is one of the greatest nature photographers and all of his photos were in b&w. Granted, the technology probably didn’t exist for color. However, I would much rather see his original work. I think the winter version in b&w is incredibly effective and I for one like having to use my imagination to visualize the scene in color.

  115. Mike

    I don’t like telling artists how to do their work, but I have to unfortunately agree with some of the others. I really like the overall impression, but it needs some green in there. I don’t think the snow would completely blanket out all the green from the trees. It ends up looking just like a black and white version of the others.

  116. Will

    I think this might be my favorite highland picture if it was in color. I think the vivid colors of highland spring and summer are what make it great

  117. Thomas

    Looks a tad bland.

  118. Ryan

    I have to disagree with you. This isn’t a rehash or a remake. It was planned as a seasonal series from the beginning and this is simply the completion of the project. Now if I were to put out a another version of “Highland Spring” that would be a different story. That said, I do have a couple of “all-new” projects in the pipeline and they should be up shortly.

  119. Tor

    The black and white color doesn’t work well. Winter still has a lot of color in it and this just seems to ignore it. The sky and water should still be blue, the bare trees should be brown and the evergreens should be green. The landscape looks cold, but it doesn’t look like winter.

  120. Josh

    We’re getting enough remakes and rehashes in Hollywood. No need to continue the trend of proving that creativity is dead. Let’s see something new from that limitless imagination of yours. This wallpaper is little more than a pickle jar version of all the other Highland seasons, and really looks more like it was just desaturated. Hope to see something new and original soon.

  121. James

    I like the concept of this wallpaper. But it is to much black and white. It would of been nicer if the trees were to show some green.

  122. tubes

    I really love this winter picture but I don’t think I am ready yet for the looooong winter ahead. This picture is already depressing me out. I see what you are saying about no autumn with all of the valley trees being evergreens. Why couldn’t you do an autumn with just the lone tree on the peak changing color? Or even make some of the trees in the valley non-evergreens. I have always loved the landscape pictures & how you create seasons for each.

    But still not complaining I love all of your work. Keep it up!

  123. Ted

    Are you planning on doing a multi-screen render of the Summer version? or was it just too many polys? Thanks!

  124. Utoxin

    Not that I’m complaining really… but I don’t see a watermark on the 1080p image? Haven’t checked the others.

  125. Robert

    If a bit dull, this picture is beautiful, keep up the good work!

  126. Molly

    I don’t think you’ve ever done anything in black and white before. It’s a pretty neat image. Looks like a photo. Spring and Summer are still my favorites, though 🙂

  127. Walo

    I’m not a fan of winter images as they look too monochromatic to me. But it looks nice for the people who are into that.

  128. Morphino

    Amazing, I’ve been waiting for this for ages!

  129. Greg

    Very nice! the oly thing i can see is that the hill closest to the camera is a little undefined if you know what i mean. a bit bare

  130. Anthony

    Incredible work. Love the use of black & white. A solid addition to the Highland seasonal series.

  131. Kirk

    This is beautiful. It looks like a painting.

    However, I think it’s too depressing to set as my wallpaper…

  132. Chris

    I’ve always been a huge fan of Ansel Adams and this really reminds me of a lot of his work. Actually had a friend see it as my wallpaper and thought it was a photo.

    Well done.

  133. Matt K

    I love your images, and the multi season landscapes are wonderful, but making the winter version black and white ruins the realism for me. You have some wonderfully beautiful winter images in full colour with lots of blues like harbinger, worlds edge, canopy creek, and even arctica, and they look much better, more realistic, and refreshing.

    For people like me who can enjoy winter, it is not a wholly dreary, depressing, and dead time of year, but a kind of freeze frame of nature where snow and ice blanket the world in a serene calmness.

    Cold has a certain beauty to it. I urge you to consider recolouring these drab B&W winter scenes.


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