

SKU: inspiration1 Category: Tags: , ,

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Wallpaper À La Carte

Wallpaper À La Carte

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5 reviews for Inspiration

  1. Dan

    is good.

  2. Alex H

    If there are any improvements to be made, I would guess…

    The lighting could be made more like it is in those old still life paintings. The floor could be changed to aging stone tiles with grass creeping up in between the cracks, the furniture could look more beaten up. Wack a half eaten apple on the table. Up the polygon count and detail level on the model herself of course. Maybe have a window with a non-intrusive planetscape outside.

    And if you want to get silly: Have a mouse and keyboard in place of the brush and palette, and have a computer monitor in place of the easel 😛

  3. Dan

    Yeah, this one is def a sort of ‘sister’ wallpaper, would be great iof this could be updated to suit perhaps?

  4. Terry

    I disagree with the comments that this needs to be remastered. A lot of the works that have been redone have offered room for improvement, due i na large part I expect to the technological capabilities of the time. Apart from changing the canvas image I cannot see how this could be improved, suggestions?

  5. Joel

    Chamelea has always been a favorite of mine and I’m suprised I never saw this image until now. Gives me a new perspective on the original image.

    Maybe you could do an update of this one to go with the update of Chamelea.

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