
(6 customer reviews)


SKU: lakeside1 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


Started out as a simple landscape doodle on my Shadowfax workstation while another piece was rendering.   It got a bit more complex as time went on.

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6 reviews for Lakeside

  1. Ed Rosenau

    Very serene looking and pleasing to look at. I definitely prefer this one over the Lakeside (Morning) one since that one seems to take away from the colors and brightness that this one offers.

  2. webworx
    [Lifetime Plus]

    Love the water in this! The ripples, the reflections… amazing!

  3. Robert de Forest
    [Donor, Lifetime]

    I haven’t commented on a piece in a while, but this one really speaks to me. I like the foreground/background contrast, the bird for scale, and most of all I want to _go there_.

  4. James Smith

    Details and more Detail… Your time is well spent.. Thank you,

  5. John jlavin

    You’re the artist! Do whatever scenes you want 🙂 I personally think this is a good base scene for all seasons, holidays, day and night and look forward to more variations. Zooming out, adding some more sky, for when the inevitable night render comes, you could have room for a moon or clouds, etc

  6. Cathy Warren
    [Lifetime Plus]

    Absolutely beautiful!!!

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