

SKU: lavender2 Category: Tags: ,


I’ve had this scene rattling around my head for a while and it seemed like the perfect exercise to learn some skills in both World Machine (the furrowed field) and Plant Factory (the lavender). I’ve spent the past few days trying different lighting settings but I’m still not completely pleased. Better to post it here while I tinker because I do think it looks nice enough to share as is.
Let me know what you think!

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52 reviews for Lavender

  1. Russ [donormember]

    This past summer I visited France. One of our stops was in southern France to see lavender fields. East of Avignon and towards the town of Sault, the countryside is riddled with small to large lavender farms. Since true lavender (the kind with medicinal purposes) only grows at higher elevations, the farms are carved into the rolling hilltops or at the mountain’s base. Churned rock and earth are common between the rows of lavender. Since lavender loves to be hot and dry, the rocky earth is prime ground. I have some amazing photos I wish I could share with you and the group on this. I can only suggest that for those who love art that imitates life (like your beautiful work does), to go see some of these in real person. It is a “Bucket List” thing 🙂

  2. Nithilher [basicmember]

    This is a wonderful creation. I would very much like to use this as my current wallpaper, but my size is missing. There does not seem to be a 7680×1600 (16:10) triple screen render.

  3. John [basicmember]

    My first thought was that this looks like an early morning setting because it looked like there’s still a chill in the air with a light misty fog in the distance. It also promises that a beautiful day is ahead.

  4. Rodewaryer [nonmonthly]

    Love the foreground on this one, just not the background as much as the sunset version. The sunset takes the cake for me.

  5. mike426 [nonmonthly]

    This photO though synthetic delivers an analog impact on me. I feel the warm summer breeze on my face. This is an easy 10/10 photo 4 me …

  6. Natalie C [liferplus]

    I’ve had the updated version on my work desktop for a week now, and the more I look at it, the more it fills me with peace. My new favorite render! Thanks, Ryan!

  7. Ryan

    The multiscreen version has been rendering for the last several days on my Bucephalus workstation. It’s a bit slower than Shadowfax, but at least I can work on new material while it does its thing.

  8. Cale [basicmember]

    Between the sunset – also really nice – I was going to go for this for dual 16:9 @ 1080p, but there don’t seem to be dual+ screen versions of this. Any chance of rendering those? <3

  9. Justin B [liferplus]

    I have been a lifetime member of DB for years and have used many of his works for my parent’s PC, but this one REALLY went farther than all others. My mom told me that she LOVES this one because it reminds her fondly of her best friend who lives too far to visit.

    Thanks for your inspiration and beautiful work!

  10. Ty Lambert [nonmonthly]

    I think Van Gogh would have liked this

  11. Ty Lambert [nonmonthly]

    I think Van Gogh would have liked this

  12. mjr [lifer]

    Ok, you fixed the color of the grass and lavender, now do something about those clouds. Sorry, but not realistic at all. And so that you and others don’t think I’m just complaining….I love your work, and have been a member of your site for MANY years. Keep up the great artistry.

  13. ACE [lifer]

    I love this one and have it as my new favorite desktop. Would love to see more like this one. Poppies and tulips come to mind… Thank you for such beautiful images!

  14. Graham [lifer]

    Can’t wait for the triple monitor!

  15. Jason [basicmember]

    … but I do; I love it! There’s so much more detail in the new one with the green and the (more accurate) lavender color.

  16. Natalie C [liferplus]

    I love this one! It’s my new desktop background on all three computers!

  17. Brandi U. [liferplus]

    Love this. Perfect lighting on the lavender. Just gorgeous.

  18. Zahad [nonmonthly]

    Awesome work!!!!

  19. Richard H. [lifer]

    I really like the new gallery render. Fixing the lavender colour has made a surprising difference to the whole scene, and removes my previous reservations about mismatched light or insufficient sunshine on the ground. Now, ground and sky are much better balanced and the image as a whole looks much more convincing. It also looks a lot less ‘computer generated’, which I think as another effect I got from the too-intense original lavender colour. Excellent.

  20. rgtheman [lifer]

    Gallery version most matches the real color of lavender IMHO. Not sure about the sky/misty look…maybe just a real nice blue sky and puffy white clouds without the gray/mist tones.

    Sidebar: Just upgraded my mobile device…resolution 1440×2560…anything in the works for this resolution? Don’t think I missed it on your site or in any of files. Thanks.

  21. Brian J. [lifer]

    The lighter color on the lavender looks much more like the plant IRL. The other one was too saturated.

    The mist/fog here almost makes me want to see a creepy nighttime sleepwalker version of this one….

  22. Jon wayne [lifer]

    Ryan, more night wallpapers please.. more night / dark pickle jar versions

  23. betsey [lifer]

    lighter is better

  24. Ryan

    I’ve added a new render this morning with updated lavender plants. The blooms have been lightened and I’ve figured out why my stems weren’t green :-)Let me know what you think of the update!

  25. betsey [lifer]

    lighter is better

  26. wussupi83 [lifer]

    Wow Ryan. I was looking for a new wallpaper for spring. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you.

  27. Laura [lifer]

    Absolutely gorgeous!

  28. horcruxhp [nonmonthly]

    Actually, I don’t mind waiting for the multi-screen versions. They’re worth the wait.

  29. Susan [nonmonthly]

    Love the colour and I can just smell the lavender

  30. Tez [lifer]

    This is gorgeous to say the least, my first thought was just to inhale and breathe in the aroma, then felt myself begin to chill out n relax.. Wanted to just walk through the field.. Not good coz I had to go to work..

  31. Mario Carini [basicmember]

    Really adds color to the whole image. Nothing beats lying down in the middle of it taking in the scent of lavender!

  32. Richard [nonmonthly]

    I’ve been to a lavender farm a few years ago, and from memory, the purpole wasn’t quite that intense… Mind you, it was a quite some time ago, and the farm is in Australia, so, possibly differnt lavender! Can almost smell it looking at the picture though.

  33. Ashkan [nonmonthly]

    Nice job.

  34. OpelCarl [nonmonthly]

    I really don´t know when Lavender is going to bloom, but this Picture makes me long for the springtime. Very nice!

  35. Jenanne [liferplus]

    Just an idea, but a tree of the same type but closer in so it appears larger, to fill up some of the relatively empty background, would add to the render.

    Overall, really love this one!

  36. Besok [lifer]

    There’s something amazing about this picture, not quite sure what it is… the beautiful landscape, the colors, …it reminds me of some of the many amazing landscapes I’ve seen with my own eyes, but could only dream to capture in a picturesque single moment. Well done, Ryan!

  37. Phil [donormemberlifer]

    While I understand that is probably a rendering trick to prevent the scene from felling like it goes out to no where the sudden line of haze as one gets to the trees is really disconcerting it feels like it just appears out at a certain distance rather than gradually hazing out the view.

  38. Littlemom [liferplus]

    Although I love the lavender fields there’s something not quite right with this render. But don’t know what it is.

  39. Zach [lifer]


    I have thought about cropping multiscreen images from your 5K singles (to fit my dual and triple 1920×1200 monitors), but I feel like I’m mucking with your artwork and your vision.

  40. Ryan

    My 5K renders should fit most dual screens 1440p and under (with a bit of cropping). Perhaps I should post my own placeholder crops for dual screen users until I can render proper multiscreen version?

  41. celmendo [nonmonthly]

    I’m sure you can tweak this but I think it’s pretty great as is. I wish I could smell it and roll around in it!

  42. horcruxhp [nonmonthly]

    @Ryan, I’m running dual monitor, 3840×1080 combined resolution.

  43. Rowanne [basicmember]

    Why yes, this is now set to be my next wallpaper. Something in the color is bothering me a bit though – I think the saturation in the foreground is too dark given the very white clouds in the sky? The white is too light in contrast. I love the foreground colors, they just don’t seem to synch up with the sky.

  44. Ryan

    I made a few changes to my lavender plants this morning based on some excellent Member comments. I’m excited to see how the next render will look.

  45. Jason [basicmember]

    I was looking for something for spring; this is a great starter. For what it’s worth, the lighting seems spot-on for a cloudy day.

  46. Believer [basicmember]

    Ryan I really like this one. The lighting is one of the things I like the most, where the sun is out of frame and there is a white wash effect that fades to color.

  47. Richard H. [lifer]

    This is very attractive (if a little ‘blue’ overall!). My main criticism would be that it’s a bit lacking in sunlight. Yes, there are some strong shadows being cast by the lavender, but even so, somehow it looks as though insufficient sunlight is falling on the ground. There’s a lot of sunlight above the clouds, but at ground level there’s quite thick mist in the distance and the ground in isolation doesn’t give the impression of being brightly lit. Maybe I’m splitting hairs; it’s hard to say what isn’t quite right. It just somehow doesn’t look quite real to me. Though I do basically like the scene.

  48. Zach [lifer]

    Wow, Ryan, this is beautiful! I love lavender, and the scene magically fills my senses with the relaxation brought about by the herb! I just hope that we get multiscreens for this one. So many fantastic renders of late (Myriad, Fibonacci’s Flower, Castlemere, Pomology, and ESPECIALLY Painted Canyon (Night) and Twilight Atoll) have gone by the wayside without multiscreens. 🙁

  49. Laura [lifer]

    I find the scenery lovely and soothing, but I think there is something about the color contrast that bothers my eye. Is the lavender blue/purple too stark or dark against the sky? I don’t know, but I look forward to any edits you might make. Thank you for a great spring scene!

  50. paravia [nonmonthly]

    Beautiful image. Please do a night time version of this 🙂

  51. Ryan

    Yes, I will be posting a multiscreen as soon as I’ve worked out my issues with the scene. Can I ask what combined resolution you are running?

  52. horcruxhp [nonmonthly]

    I love the smell of lavender and this puts me in the mood. Very relaxing! Can we look forward to dual or triple monitor version of this image or any of the other recent images?

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