Mist Upon The Meadow (Night)

(9 customer reviews)


SKU: mistmeadownight1 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , ,


By popular request, here’s a night version of “Mist Upon The Meadow“.    It was a bit challenging to light the foreground here.   There’s no human activity in he scene and, since it’s winter, no fireflies.   Hopefully I’ve added enough mist and fog so you can make out the trees and the general outline.   

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9 reviews for Mist Upon The Meadow (Night)

  1. Natalia Najder
    [Plus, Donor, Lifetime]

    I love the night…

  2. Ian Warren

  3. Brandon Wilson

    Love this one!


    One of my favorites! Nice.

  5. Tatiana Taylor

  6. Cathy Warren
    [Lifetime Plus]

    Just as beautiful as the day version!!!

  7. Robert de Forest
    [Donor, Lifetime]

    Spooky! I like it 🙂 Only reason I’m giving it four stars is that I have to save the fifth star for the pieces that blow my mind. Most of your work is 4.999 to me.

  8. Darren Bruno

    Looks great!

  9. Michael Hogan

    I like this version much better than the daytime version – but then again, I’m more into Black and White photography too.

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