

SKU: nocturne2k201 Category: Tags: ,


Recently I’ve been going through my 90s Bryce creations looking for highlights that deserve to be re-rendered at higher resolutions. I feel like “Nocturne” from 1998 is one such project, but I’ve been disappointed to find that my copy of Bryce cannot open my earliest projects such as this one.

I decided to reimagine it instead. The planet was created using Lightwave on Bucephalus and the scene was created and rendered using Vue & Gaea on Shadowfax.

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Nocturne Dual

20 reviews for Nocturne

  1. Susan [basicmember]

    I’m really enjoying your re-rendering of some of your old work.

  2. Ozaawaagosh [plusmember]

    I simply love the peaceful, otherworldliness of this render, great detail, so life like. Great Render Ryan.

  3. David Bridgeman [lifer]

    I also thank you for updating your older classics! I have followed you for too many years to count (before your son was born!) and now I can inspire my adult children anew with the beauty ind inspirational images you create. Thank you!

  4. Donna [liferplus]

    Thank you for reviving and renewing some of your older creations! I joined because I loved them when they were new, so I am looking forward to what you do with them now. Nocturne was a favorite, and now it’s even more inviting!

  5. Doc. [liferplus]

    Love this. Everything fits together and It’s just a fantastic image.

  6. Tyler [lifer]

    Instantly changed to my background. This is why I signed up for DB in the first place. Planetscapes and abstracts will always be my favorite works from Ryan. This one is stellar in every way. Thanks for hooking up a longtime fan!

  7. Rodewaryer [lifer]

    Killer render and you really nailed the scale of life vs the vastness of it all. I lost count of how many previous renders literally screamed for the addition of a subtle sign of life in them. Fantastic!

  8. Lisa [lifer]

    I do love your planetscapes!! They are so beautiful & serene.

  9. Nathan Zachary [lifer]

    Another GREAT remake, Ryan! I also just noticed the figure, and it brings such an amazing sense of scale!

  10. Telaria [basicmember]

    Love this – it took my attention the moment I saw it!!

  11. BobC [lifer]

    I agree that this is stupendous. It all works so well.

  12. Omar Calderon [basicmember]

    I have the 1998 version as the lock screen and the new version as my home screen on my iPhone today sort of a times have changed theme or before/after

  13. Travis [lifer]

    Yes, I never tire of your otherworldly planetscapes! I especially love these dark, hellish moons, but with the glorious gas giant they orbit in full view in the sky. The contrast reminds me of viewing Earth from the Moon…or even more recently, viewing the little blue speck of Earth from the surface of Mars.

  14. Yanna [basicmember]

    This is definitely one of your best remakes!

  15. Melchior [liferplus]

    I have always liked your Night-scenes and planet-scapes wallpapers

  16. Littlemom [liferplus]

    This re-render is so beautiful and calming I love it!!!

  17. Mark [liferplus]

    it’s a nice, new spin on an old classic.

  18. RC Davison [basicmember]

    Nice!! Two thumbs up!

  19. Mangoman232 [liferplus]

    That’s what happened when I looked upon Nocturne for the first time – I literally gasped-it’s that beautiful. Just the way everything flows in the image; it’s unreal how everything melds together to materialize as one gorgeous image. Yet again, Ryan continues to show us why he deserves our support;something I’ll do for my lifetime.

  20. ChrisW [basicmember]

    Ever play any of the Mass Effect games? This could’ve been some kind of peaceful, nighttime scene from any of those games, including the latest one. If only they had a day/night cycle like GTA. Oh well…

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