This piece was born from my working to learn how to create nebulae in Blender. The process is a quite a bit different than using C4D so I wanted to explore it a bit. Once I had the result I liked (after much tweaking and rendering using Cycles) I set about creating a foreground world using GAEA2 and VUE. The result is a somber, half-lit world but I hope it makes for a nice background on your desktop.
Chris Heins
[Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]
Robert de Forest
[Donor, Lifetime]
Ryan, I love how, no matter how far you’ve come, you continue to strive to hone your craft. After your first two years, when you were severely limited by the technology of the day, you had a few rough pieces, but since then your work has improved year after year. A part of me keeps thinking, “how much better can he get?” And that part of me continues to be pleasantly surprised. You are an inspiration, thank you!
Diane Genthner
I *love* this! It’s my favorite type of sky lighting. Thanks for the new wallpaper!
Rob Robbo60
Mike Drabicky
Well done, I mean, REALLY well done. Very serene and peaceful. Liked it a lot.
If you want to mess around with it a bit, change the rock abutment near the upper LH side into a castle wall with a light shining out of one window. That will immediately catch everyone’s attention. They will wonder, “What is that?” as it stands in sharp contrast with the rest of the image. Would definitely be an immediate attention getter.
Rémy Nauret
[Lifetime Plus]
Love it!!!
Nathan Zachary
[Plus, Lifetime]
This one has a neat “older style” digital nature to it, and that takes me back to some of your work from years and years ago. I really like the colours and lighting on it, but for me, figures take me out of the scene. Hopefully we can get a Pickle Jar version without the figure. 🙂