Park Place (Holidays)

(16 customer reviews)


SKU: parkplacexmasnight1 Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is how we transform our day-to-day spaces into festive wonderlands of light as the days shorten.    I’ve decided to make that my theme for Christmas 2023, decorating two of my scenes with lights.   The first, “A Christmas in Paradise“, takes the holidays to the tropics.    This piece, a Christmas version of “Park Place (Spring)” is a bit more traditional in nature.   I hope you enjoy them both and have a wonderful holiday season wherever you might be in the world!

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16 reviews for Park Place (Holidays)

  1. webworx
    [Lifetime Plus]

    My favorite time of year 🙂 I love the contrasts (peace in the nearby metropolis; reflections of lights in the pool; brightness in the dark… sigh). I thank you for this beautiful gift!

  2. Jeffrey Thayer

    Awesome, so peaceful, reminds me of the parks in Japan

  3. Ronald Fisher
    [Lifetime Plus]

    A break from the mundane and transposed into a calm, if just for a moment.

  4. Louise Waugh

  5. Teri Mears

    I can just imagine sitting on that bench in the quiet. This is really pretty!

  6. Richard Birnage
    [Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]

    Love this more traditional offering. Inspired choice, Ryan: have a great Christmas!

  7. Brandon Brownell
    [Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]

    This is great! Gotham Garden Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas theme wallpapers, so I really how this feels like an updated take on that.

  8. Robert Lanktree

    I don’t leave reviews much. Sorry about that but this one deserves one. This is the best version of the Park Place renders…BY FAR. Wickedly excellent job and that water reflection, I can’t stop looking at it….

  9. Kevin Matthies

    Beautiful Christmas or Winter scene. Well done as usual.

  10. Chun Meng
    [Lifetime Plus]

  11. Chris van Dijk

    Very nice bro!!!


    A beautiful urban holiday landscape to bring me good vibes while I work from home. Great job!! A pickle jar version with multicolor lights and a little more fog or atmosphere might be nice, if you were inclined. 🎄🦌

  13. Prévost Cécile

    Really feel Chrismas beauty in this one !

  14. Matt Leavitt

    Beautiful! Far surpasses the previous two versions IMHO.

  15. Cathy Warren
    [Lifetime Plus]

    very pretty

  16. Thomas Geldeard


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