Peace in the Valley


SKU: peacevalley1 Category: Tags: ,


Jessie and I recently watched Ken Burns’ and Lynn Novik’s excellent “Vietnam War” documentary on PBS. It was a gut-wrenching series and more than a little bit surreal to think how I wouldn’t have Jess by my side if not for the war. Throughout the series I was struck by the incredible beauty of the Vietnamese countryside. It was that ethereal beauty which inspired this latest render, “Peace in the Valley”.

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15 reviews for Peace in the Valley

  1. Gayle [basicmember]

    I love this work. It happens that the last few weeks have been rather shattering, and this beautiful image — along with Remembrance — has been balm for my soul.

    Thank you for what you do for all of us, Ryan.

  2. Rick (Horseman) [basicmember]

    This artwork gives me hope for the future. As a education and life management consultant, when talking with people who seemingly do not see the horizon in the absence of hope, I say, ‘look to the East, then to the west, the sun rises and sets’

  3. Rick (Horseman) [basicmember]

    This artwork reminds me of the breathtaking sunrises and sunsets that veil our mountain town and valley. As well, provides me a window of tranquil feeling on the morning of my discharge and post-op from the hospital after my knee replacement surgery Tuesday.

  4. Ellen [lifer]

    Not only is this a peaceful, beautiful scene, but its simplicity makes it perfect as a desktop background. My icons often get lost in some of the others (although I use them anyway), but I appreciate having some pictures that do not lose my icons. As someone that has been a part of your journey for many years, I see growth, maturity and a great deal of genius in your work!

  5. Susan [nonmonthly]

    Well named – it is a very peaceful quiet looking scene

  6. Mark A. [liferplus]

    I really like this one. It definitely looks and feels peaceful.

  7. Kristen [liferplus]

    I love all your works, but every once in a while one really strikes my heart. This is one of them. It’s just so overwhelmingly beautiful.

  8. cisco [basicmember]

    beautiful indeed

  9. RJ Johnson [lifer]

    very nice, as realistic as they come. If I didn’t know any better I would swear it was an actual photo.

  10. NikB [liferplus]

    Immaculate image, Ryan.

  11. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    Love this one very pleasing

  12. Hiemdal [lifer]

    Time and time again, you create wonderful works for us. Thank you! This is a worthy addition to the Bliss-verse!

  13. Littlemom [liferplus]

    This is a very nice one. Very peaceful!!!

  14. Xetal [liferplus]

    Love the peace.

  15. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    No deep words or thoughts here, bloody excellent job on this one, I could not imagine improving on this in any way. Jaw dropping view as one gets looking from the rim of Earth’s Grand Canyon….

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