Living in the flattest part of the US has given me an endless fascination with mountains. They are almost mystical to me. Here I’ve used Gaea and VUE to create a restful mountain lake.
Living in the flattest part of the US has given me an endless fascination with mountains. They are almost mystical to me. Here I’ve used Gaea and VUE to create a restful mountain lake.
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Tom Boynton
A cool variant could be if you added a couple of planets in the sky as if this was on another world and showed the peak details a bit better.
James Tullett
Looks like it’s in the same area as “Lupin Vale” – love the clouds wreathing the pinnacle!
Patrick Howard
Jeffrey Thayer
Simply Gorgeous! Thanks Ryan.
Daniel Wiedemeier
Tim Thompson
As beautiful as the night version was, I much prefer this version. Yes, the peak is more visible in the night version, but this one clearly shows the beauty of the entire scene, and I for one, just love the fact that there are the nice puffy clouds around the peak of the mountain. I have seen a fair share of mountains in my time, and the higher up you go, the more potential for clouds to cover the peak. I think you nailed this one.
That is just my opinion though and will vary from everyone else’s 😀 Keep up the wonderful work
Matt Leavitt
Sorry, meant so say “dawn” not “night” scene above. 🙂
Matt Leavitt
This is beautiful, but I am a bit disappointed that there are far too many clouds that cover the best details of the peak that were perfect and visible in the night view. I much prefer daytime scenes, but the night scene definitely has a better mountain (which I would think should be the focus as it rises above the trees in the foreground). Overall 4 of 5 stars.