California Poppies


SKU: poppies Category: Tags: , , ,


These flowers used to grow in a field near my house in California.
I thought they were so beautiful that I created this wallpaper to
remember them.

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= No watermark version, for Plus members only. NOTE: On this page, this icon is a link by itself.

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The a la carte tool is intended for non-Members who which to purchase individual wallpapers. Members can use this tool if they wish to send images as gifts to friends and loved ones.

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7 reviews for California Poppies

  1. Tom Levers [basicmember]


    I have been a customer on and off for about 10 years 🙂

    I purchased a new 32″ video game monitor for my home.

    In the future would you consider a resolution format of 2560 X 1080 output, it is a growing market.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Tom Levers

  2. Jenanne

    In spring, the fields and hillsides around here are dotted with these bright golden flowers, and my screen is similarly decorated with this lovely image. You capture the cheerful beauty of the California state flower perfectly, Ryan, thank you. 🙂

  3. Joe

    Ryan, may I request permission to use this wallpaper on a personalized credit card?

  4. Ryan

    Yes! You have my permission to use this piece on your credit card.

  5. Joe

    Ryan, may I request permission to use this wallpaper on a personalized credit card?

  6. horf

    The yellow of the poppies really works well with the purple of the other flowers. Simple but very striking.

  7. Tyler

    I just came across this image for the first time. It became my wallpaper in less than 5 seconds. The colors are amazing, and it looks beautiful. I would love to see more new wallpapers like this one!

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