Purple Rain (Sunset)


SKU: purplerainsunset1 Category: Tags: ,


As is usually the case when I post a daytime render, I get requests for a nighttime or sunset view. For my Prince tribute I received requests for both. The night version (which you can find in the Pickle Jar) features a luminescent tree for a more “fantastic” look.

Let me know what U think!

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19 reviews for Purple Rain (Sunset)

  1. Jason M [donormember]

    I have to say Purple Rain (Sunset) is one of your best images yet in my opinion.

  2. Shelly K. [liferplus]

    I like all the renders! I don’t see the lavender in the sky of the daytime render. It looks like a Texas sky to me. Great work! 🙂

  3. Penny [nonmonthly]

    I think this is the best one of the 3. Thank you Ryan.

  4. celmendo [nonmonthly]

    The only nitpick on the sunset one is the weird branches sticking straight up but I love all three.

  5. Susan [nonmonthly]

    I like this version as well. In order of preference – Night version, sunset version and day version.

    The colour of the sky is far nicer in this version and the night version.

  6. Susan [nonmonthly]

    I far prefer this version to the day one. The purple is far more intense and the blue sky doesn’t detract from it, like it did in the day version.

  7. OpelCarl [nonmonthly]

    Even the day-view is a gorgeous tribute to such a fantastic artist, but the night-scene I even like much more!

    Thanks a lot Ryan…

  8. Shaolang [lifer]

    The daytime render was beautiful. This render puts the daytime one to shame. This one is far better in my opinion. Fantastic job. I always love your stuff!

  9. OpelCarl [nonmonthly]

    Even the day-view is a gorgeous tribute to such a fantastic artist, but the night-scene I even like much more!

    Thanks a lot Ryan…

  10. betsey [lifer]

    really like this one!!!

  11. Xliff [lifer]

    Simply gorgeous.

    Thank you, Ryan.

  12. Rose [lifer]

    I love this look. I think it would be interesting to add a full moon into it so that it is the moon providing the illumination to the tree.

  13. lorwynd [nonmonthly]

    Wow! I like the day and night very much, but this sunset is simply amazing. It looks so much more real to me than the others, and it’s a perfect tribute to the end of such a stellar artist’s life.

  14. Tatiana [lifer]

    And now I want the daytime version to have that blurry, out-of-focus foreground so that all the versions match and it won’t look so weird to have them all in rotation on my desktop. I usually don’t like having part of the picture be out of focus, but it really works well for this wallpaper.

  15. Chris B [lifer]

    The day and Night both look awesome. I also like the sunset one but for a different reason. The sunset makes it seem more like a weirwood tree than purple. Definitely not a bad thing though! 🙂

  16. Jenanne [liferplus]

    Night! No, day. Or maybe sunset. Heck, I like them all. The night version looks really awesome on my screen, though. Thank you, Ryan!

  17. Littlemom [liferplus]

    I actually prefer the sunset version over the luminescent tree. But get where you are trying to go with this one.

  18. Omar Calderon [basicmember]

    Just what I hoped you’d make!

  19. betsey [lifer]

    actually like the sunset better…both are perfect!!!

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