Ring of Fire


SKU: ringoffire2k151 Category: Tags: , ,


This one is still sort of “in-progress” but I thought it the first draft looked good enough to share in the gallery. I rendered the single-screen version on Bucephalus while Shadowfax is rendering the triple-5K. Hope to have that version finished soon!

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34 reviews for Ring of Fire

  1. geomercenary [lifer]

    As wonderful as the tropics can get… as occasionally seen in nature with potential for pyroclastic flow. A great rendering!

  2. Tyler [lifer]

    Blobby? Sorry I disagree. Do you have a low res monitor by chance?

  3. Krysta [nonmonthly]

    Not really digging 2015 projects, they’re blobby…

  4. DaveSp [lifer]

    The shading on the cloud above the mountain, and on the mountain greenery, is perfect. The “midground” clouds seem a bit over-exposed and/or out of focus; if those were as defined as the cloud above the mountain, this image would be nearly indistinguishable from a photograph. Very nice!

  5. ccpetersen

    This reminds me of the time I took a trip to Bora Bora… the only thing missing is the humidity! Very lovely!


  6. Bob

    5120 by 1440 dual?

  7. Zach

    This one is really great, Ryan! It immediately became my new wallpaper. Honestly, I’ve been going back to a lot of your older works (Canopy Creek, Cloud Canyon, et cetera), but this one brought me back to the new stuff. Thanks again for your outstanding work!

  8. ER

    Actually, I love your tropical island scenes the best! My only possible complaint here is the texture of the bark on the palm trees. It needs something to make it look more alive. Dead sun-bleached palm logs look like this. And so do burned and charred palm logs. More browns, less grays. Otherwise, it looks great! Keep up the good work!

  9. Brad

    I love this, it became my wallpaper, but the leaves in the foreground reflect too much light, making them look unnatural. additionally your light source from that direction lends an unnatural look to the entire scene because of the decidedly terrestrial nature of this image, eliminating that light source to simulate the sun better will help you in the long run.

  10. dw


  11. Greg

    Everything about this image is great. I REALLY love the water in this one. Ryan, did it happen to work out nicely or is there some new software or trick to it?

  12. Russ

    Very impressive Mr Ryan!

  13. Tyler

    Getting anxious Ryan. Gloomy socal in need of a cubicle getaway. Love this piece BTW.

  14. Angelique

    Wow – it looks very realistic! I could almost mistake it for a photograph. The flowers along the shoreline are a nice touch and I notice the water is looking more realistic than in some previous wallpapers. Did you get new software to render water? In a lot of recent wallpapers you had the most excellent super-realistic clouds but in this one they are more opaque and too bright on my screen. Otherwise it’s a perfect picture 🙂

  15. pat

    looks nice, ryan. i think the composition is a little heavy on the right side though. overall i’d say it’s a neat reimagination of the first one. it’s obviously a remake but has a very different tone, e.g. the volcanic rocks instead of sand is cool.

  16. Hawk

    Almost looks like a photograph.

    Keep up the good work.

  17. Kevin

    This one looks great. Any plans for a night version?

  18. Hoverwolf1

    Night version! (Please)

  19. Mike

    I love the look, but the clouds seem very well lit, almost too much so that they lose definition. If you improve that before the final release this will quickly become one of my favorites.

  20. Deatherage

    There is a distinct lack of grain in the water and the overall image that is great!

    Other thoughts, the texture on the tree to the right look low resolution. The plants look a bit glossy. Also the geometry on the mountain looks a bit off.

  21. Richard H.

    @Ryan: Would you please re-upload the 5K render? The bottom half of it is missing (just black pixels)! Thanks.

  22. Richard H.

    Love this one! No negative comments, really. I suppose maybe it looks a bit lacking in sunshine (i.e. foreground is possibly very slightly dull), but there’s no reason why it should have to look sunny. Overall, I don’t have any significant criticisms. I like it a lot.

  23. Littlemom

    Parts of this look really good, but the sky against the volcano, look off somehow, almost fake or at the very least not computer made. Otherwise everything else looks good.

  24. Ryan

    My internet was acting very strange last night when I uploaded these. I’ve reuploaded the UHD and lossless 1440p. Let me know if there are any other anomalies.

  25. TM

    I like it, but the 2560×1440 Lossless is corrupt.

  26. Eric

    Love the image, but the bottom of the 3840×2160 looks like the bottom didn’t render right. There is a distinct line at the bottom with color and image distortion. Also looks like there is a box of text in the water to the right of the stones. Looking forward to using this one to brighten up my office soon!!!

  27. Ryan

    …is actually part of the ash plume from the volcano. I sort of lost all definition because it is in the shadows.

  28. Nico

    Sorry meant top right

  29. Nice

    Only thing I can see on my meager monitor is the clouds on the top left just look like a grey smear instead of clouds.

  30. Jenanne

    Another one that will have friends saying, “Wow, where was that taken?” The water and reflections, in particular, are beautifully done. I do agree there’s something not quite right about the cloud on the mountain top, but that’s my only quibble. Terrific, Ryan!

  31. Magnus

    WOW 10/10 This will be my wallpaper for awhile ! I could do without the cloud in the top right corner, it looks so different to the other clouds on the left but I love it nonetheless ! 10/10

  32. Fred

    Great work !!!

    Just the 1920×1080 is bugged…


  33. Ben

    Of this should be pretty flipping epic. This one is getting there.

  34. Laura

    This one is going to be awesome when it’s finished. The only thing I feel isn’t finished is the far left side… just seems empty compared to the rest. Really gorgeous overall.

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