Forest of the Shades — Halloween 2006


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28 reviews for Forest of the Shades — Halloween 2006

  1. Holoc

    This version seems to be missing cause it’s causing a 404 error. When you have time could you please reupload it? Thanks! ^^

  2. Ryan

    Try it now…

  3. Ray

    Had to view a larger version to see what it really was, spooked me a bit. Nice job!

  4. Puff’n Stuff

    Ya this site is very good for rendered pictures, but if you like the other side of digital art, check out this forum. it is centred around a program that is used for moreless organic objectss. But some of the pictures are very good, even though the forum is also meant to help build up new users

  5. Overdrive

    … for adding the ‘shadeless’ version! Love it!

    Rated 9

  6. Nina

    Part of the reason I love this web site so much is because of the wide variety.

    Acquila: This most definitely not the same forest as was used in the seasonal ‘woods’ tetralogy. Look closer, there is no path. This forest is also less dense allowing one to see the shades, and see farther off in the distance. This is also a more zoomed-out image, so the tangled, shade-providing branches overhead are visible. Hopefuly this has cleared things up for you.

    I love this picture, it makes an awesome Halloween background. Thanks for such a wonderful variety of images.

  7. 918 girl

    I love these dark, and scary, not-sure-what you’re-looking-at pics.

    They never fail to get people at work to stop by my cubicle to see what new pic is displayed.

    At this time of year, it is perfect.

    I like mostly sceneries and this one fits my bill.

  8. Acquila

    Sometimes I wonder if I wasted $25.00 in purchasing an annual membership.Images like this one fuel the thought. This image has been previously represented as winter wood, summmer wood, autumn wood etc…you keep reusing your image in many ways(the pickle jar concept is nice) but including this in newest images in not acceptable.I wish we could have more “reveries” “sakura” “endless blue” etc so that I feel I am getting the bang for my buck…I hope you take this critic in constructive light. I admire many of your other works…

  9. Morgan

    .. once again a little dark for my taste. Can we have some brighter images soon? 🙂

  10. Illy

    Nice work, Ryan. This one is creepy enough to satisfy nearly everyone. I love it with the shades, and just as much without. I’m looking forward to making folks that visit my office shiver to see this.

  11. Overdrive

    Great picture! Dark and mysterious scenes always belong to my favorites.

    I would find it even more spookier if there was just one creature with burning eyes in stead of so many. The top of the picture could be darker to suggest it’s night, to make the scene even more threatening.

    But in general I really appreciate ‘Forest of the Shades’!

    Rated: 8

  12. omar;

    Quote: “This background seems a little too dark. It is difficult to make out the shades.”

    That’s why they’re called ‘shades’.

    Anyways, it’s a great wallpaper. I can’t decide which one is my favorite Halloween wallpaper now… this or the headless horseman/moon one. Also, a friend said that the Chikusei wallpaper looked very spooky, although it isn’t Halloween themed.

  13. Alucard

    As usual Ryan, there is a standard of excellence present here that is very transparent to me. The placement of the shades is absolutely perfect. The only finishing touch in my humble opinion would be a slight layer of fog at the base of the trees. I think this would accelerate the scarey factor even more than it already is. I am beginning to adore this background though, it grows on you. I am looking forward to its enduring display well into the holiday season this year. Talk about a nightmare before Christmas! Keep pimping hard as you do my friend, and Happy Halloween sir.

  14. Nina

    This background seems a little too dark. It is difficult to make out the shades.

  15. Michelle

    This is just he wallpaper I needed to get me into the Halloween mood. Thanks Ryan! 🙂 I don’t think it’s too dark either—on my monitor at least the shade seems just right.

  16. Brothernone

    Yay, i’m a big fan of the darker works. I really like the odd feeling this one prevokes, i’ve already had several people comment on it here at work. Very good style for a *bump* in the night.

  17. Phibster

    Love your work once again. I love darker sinister pictures. If you could do a multi monitor version that would be awesome. I run tri-19’s at work and love showing off your work on them!

  18. April

    I love this image. It’s just creepy enough to give me the chills. Thanks for the Halloween spirit.

  19. Michael

    Very spooky! I love it!!!!!!

  20. Frank

    Would like to have a three monitor of this with maybe a very of the eyes of the shades up closer.

  21. Derek

    Love the image…good for Halloween…but I agree…we need a Dual and Tri Monitor version! 😀

  22. Lazarus

    I love this image just like I have loved all of your seasonal images. Keep em comin!

  23. Tril

    Evocative and well-rendered, though not the kind of picture I like to put on my desktop! 8/10.

  24. Andrew

    Those shades are very spooky! Nice work.

  25. Andar

    Freaky, just like it should be!

    Love the eyes, reminds me of Batman Begins with the glowing eyes the people see when hallucinating…

    Good stuff!

  26. Sean W

    Wow, this is amazingly creepy! I think it’s hard to make a still (relatively) 2-D image that conveys a true sense of utterly inhuman eyes watching you, which to me is one of the creepiest things I can think of. However, you have most definitely done it with this one. Well done, and thanks for making a Halloween background that’s not just “themed” artwork!

  27. Adam Werner

    I think you have once again stunned us with another wonderful image you have created. I like how it seems like the “shades” are slowly coming towards you.

    One note: is it possible to add a bit more fog near the front of the image and possibly a few more “shades” closer to the front..

    If you could get the “shades” to be all up in the trees, and give the person looking at the image a sense of overwhelming, that would be awesome!!

    I love your work!!

  28. Pauly

    Will we see a multi-monitor version? I sure hope so! I dig this one and would love to display it. Keep up the great work!

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