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I’ve read out-loud to my boys nearly every night since they were born. It’s just something we’ve kept up even as they have become teenagers, always finding a next book to read. Over the years we’ve moved from Dr. Suess and Margaret Wise Brown to L Frank Baum and Brandon Mull, from Lloyd Alexander to Neil Gaiman. The past few months we’ve been enjoying Brandon Sanderson’s “Mistborn” and “Stormlight Archive”.
We’ve been reading “Oathbringer” lately and a description of the “cognitive realm” called “Shadesmar” really got stuck in my circuits for some reason. Without giving away too much, it’s a dark land of black obsidian with colorful crystal trees (and lots of spirits). I thought it would make an interesting challenge to render. Learned quite a bit in Plant Factory about wind and controlling leaf color.
I don’t know how many more books Ian and Jason will want me to read as they get older. I’ll keep at it as long as they want me to. When they finally do move on I will have this scene to remind me of our bedtime ritual.

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31 reviews for Shadesmar

  1. Ryan

    Enough that I might need to start another Stormlight re-read to prepare. I’m holding off on looking at the preview chapters just released.

  2. Brendon [plusmember]

    How excited are you for Rhythm of War?!?!?!

  3. Brian [lifer]

    (accidentally hit enter)..cont..This picture really brings out brings out a visual element of the series for me. Thank you for this very striking and vivid image. Hopefully you can add this to redbubble as I would definately like to pick it up as a gift for someone.

  4. Brian [lifer]

    I have only started Oathbringer, but this picture

  5. Susan [nonmonthly]

    Especially if it keeps inspiring you to do renders like this.

  6. Chris [liferplus]

    This is striking. Thank you for making this!

  7. Terry [basicmember]

    To me this undeniably one of the best of all time in DB

  8. segmentation [plusmember]

    Incredible job!

  9. Aslan [liferplus]

    What an amazing image.An utterly stunning contrast of deep, grey darkness and colour. Wonderful

  10. Doc Dailey [nonmonthly]

    Please continue to make locals from Stormlight and Mistborn. They NEED to be made and you’re the only person I know who can do them with any sense of justice. Keep up the great work!!

  11. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    Fantástico, simply beautiful and fanciful Render, Love it

  12. Joe [basicmember]

    If you have not yet shown this to Brandon Sanderson you really should. He loves this kind of stuff. Just find him on Facebook.

  13. Phineas [basicmember]

    This landscape reminds me of that in Angmar in Lord of the Rings Online. The rocks especially. It makes me think of one remaining tree in that land.

  14. Nathan Zachary [lifer]

    This is a great image, but the story behind it makes it phenomenal. What a great bedtime ritual! It’s something that my parents used to do as well, and I hope that one day I can continue it with my kids.

  15. Paul [donormember]


  16. Dragonbreath [lifer]

    Been a member for *decades*. I think this is my first time commenting. Love the story, greatly enjoy Sanderson. Would love to see more artwork inspired by your reading with the boys.

  17. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    I can’t get my brain to accept the colors here, it just seems the radical color difference makes the whole picture not integrate in my own mind and the dimensionality looks weak somehow. I’m wondering if the tree colors were limited to blues, whites and grays that it might integrate better.

  18. Todd [liferplus]

    Ryan, I’ve been a Brandon Sanderson fan for quite a little while. (Actually, I’ve been a Ryan Bliss fan for longer, as it turns out.) I, too, read to my boys; my wife and I both do. They’re 10 and 13 years old, and we still read to them. It’s cool bit of family time that we just never got out of the habit of doing. My boys got Chromebooks this past year, and I was sure to put your artwork into their desktops. It’s just an interesting bit of synchronicity that these things seem be swirling around one another.

    That being said, I’ve had Shadesmar stuck in my head, too. It’s glimpsed briefly, but I tend to dwell on the descriptions because it’s so alien and compelling. It’s nice to see you making it more…tangible. Thanks 🙂

  19. Todd [liferplus]

    Ryan, I’ve been a Brandon Sanderson fan for quite a little while. (Actually, I’ve been a Ryan Bliss fan for longer, as it turns out.) I, too, read to my boys; my wife and I both do. They’re 10 and 13 years old, and we still read to them. It’s cool bit of family time that we just never got out of the habit of doing. My boys got Chromebooks this past year, and I was sure to put your artwork into their desktops. It’s just an interesting bit of synchronicity that these things seem be swirling around one another.

    That being said, I’ve had Shadesmar stuck in my head, too. It’s glimpsed briefly, but I tend to dwell on the descriptions because it’s so alien and compelling. It’s nice to see you making it more…tangible. Thanks 🙂

  20. feylief [lifer]

    You have excellent taste in fiction, good sir. 😉

  21. ChrisW [basicmember]

    I’ve never heard of Brandon Sanderson, or heard of “Shadesmar,” either, but this image is…intriguing. I might have to check it out.

    That aside, I really like this pic. The bright foliage on the tree really pops against the dark, black background; reminds me a lot of “Vernalis,” another favorite of mine. More, please!

  22. Bob [lifer]

    Agreeing with others below…the story of what you read with your children and how this impacts your art is what the art is all about.

  23. Todd [basicmember]

    This is very dramatic. The juxtaposition of the vibrant colors against the dark background, even makes the darkness seem more intense. Another beautiful work of art!

  24. byrontex [liferplus]

    Your story behind the creation of this picture is just as impressive and thoughtful as the picture itself. Well done.

  25. Brandi U. [liferplus]

    I think it’s wonderful you and your sons share stories together like this.

  26. Littlemom [liferplus]

    What a great memory for you and your kids. I love the contrasting colors of the obsidian and the tree.

  27. Sharon [lifer]

    I absolutely love all things Brandon Sanderson. It’s wonderful to see Shadesmar in the flesh. Thank you for this.

  28. Lisa [lifer]

    Oh I love this so hard! It’s got the beautiful pop of colors in this otherwise dark and soothing to the eyes background – FABULOUS!

  29. Phil C. [basicmember]

    I enjoy this image, but I enjoy the story of you reading to your boys even more. Anyone who shares a love of reading with their offspring is A-OK in my book. 🙂

  30. Timmo [plusmember]


    Ryan, I think we should spend some more time in that world. Love it.

  31. Susan [lifer]

    I love the way the tree pops.

    If I were to niggle at it, I think that the background could have a bit more color while still being dark and in the background. What’s there is just a bit more drab than I’d choose.

    My kid is 7.5, and we also read every night. I’ll keep it up until she makes me stop.

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