An update to a piece I created in 2000 using World Builder. I’ve always been fascinated with the view just beneath the surface…
An update to a piece I created in 2000 using World Builder. I’ve always been fascinated with the view just beneath the surface…
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Creighton Grotbeck
[Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]
I tend to go for tranquility inducing scenes. So this fits the bill nicely!
David Goldsborough
Thank you Jessie
Aaron Aguiar
Kamal Gathani
Nice one, Ryan. Great render.
Kenneth Degel
[Lifetime Plus]
Absolutely love that another render from the past. Keep it up! I love your Halloween ones and look forward to some of those being redone
Robert Lanktree
Now we’re talkin’, this is an excellent render.
Jennifer Helgren
[Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]
Wonderful remake!
John jlavin
Very nice – listening to your wife was a good idea! Best render in a little while, IMHO!
Nick Tyrrell
[Plus, Lifetime]
Got him… after a chance of aspect ratio.
Nick Tyrrell
[Plus, Lifetime]
Ah… found the little green fellow on the single screen version but can’t see him on my dual version.
Marian Justiss
I have always loved these waterlily wallpapers. This actually looks very much like my pond. Thanks for the remake
Michelle Best
For those looking for the little green frog, it can be found near the flower on the bottom left. 🙂
Michelle Best
Looks real and the little frog is cute. The image would not be the same without it.
Nick Tyrrell
[Plus, Lifetime]
A delightful image.
Very peaceful and tranquil but wait…. not a single frog anywhere to be seen
Cathy Warren
[Lifetime Plus]
This is a great remake and I love it.
Nathan Zachary
[Plus, Lifetime]
Though it is a nice remake, I find the difference in colouration between the left screen and the right screen (of the triple-screen render) to be too stark. I also think that the perspective is jarring with the sharp angles (almost fisheye-lens-esque). I’ve been stuck on “Bluebell Season” for some time now, but I hope that we get another take on this one. As always, your work is stellar, even when it is one that I don’t personally favour.
I’ve posted a newer multiscreen render since this morning. Not sure if it fixes the problems you mentioned but it’s a little better I think.