Silver Night

(8 customer reviews)


SKU: silvernight1 Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


The moonlit companion to “Golden Morning“.    My Rochallor workstation went down over the weekend due to a mystery ailment and I was fortunate to save these renders off of the data drive.    Was torn between a bluish moon and an orange one.   In the end felt the bluish tone made a nice contrast to the sunrise version.  What do you think?? 🤔

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8 reviews for Silver Night

  1. Mark South

    I’m glad you decided on the bluish! I think it looks awesome!

  2. Ruth Blue
    [Lifetime Plus]

    I understand being torn. This has the peaceful feel that consistent blue gives, and its amazing. However, I got up last night and the moon outside was orange over the ocean, it was mesmerizing. So I happened to see your email today, and can’t get that out of my mind having read your question about it. Very tempting!

  3. Louise Waugh

  4. Joe Demmer

  5. Timothy Sullivan
    [Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]

    To your question – The bluish moon is definitely more in line with the “silver” title. If you do a version with the orange moon, it would be more of a topaz night?

  6. Michael Stewart

    This is awesome. It captures the night-in-the-tropics feeling of waking up to a late-night full moon in the Caribbean. Plus, for those of us who prefer dark backgrounds, it more than does the job.

  7. Annalisa Sapone

    Very beautiful! I love the images that have this blue shade

  8. Jeanine

    Ooooo – this is beautiful

    thank you

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