The Standing Stones


SKU: standingstones1 Category: Tags: , ,


Working with Lightwave (the background), Plant Factory (the foliage) and Vue (for the rendered environment) here. This one isn’t technically a Christmas image but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was used as such. I originally intended to have the Stones serve as a portal to another world but I thought the light competed with the sky for focus. I may add a version with the portal open at a later date.

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21 reviews for The Standing Stones

  1. Pippa [basicmember]

    Fabulous picture. Just downloaded it onto my iPad.

  2. Michael [liferplus]

    I agree with Kody – first thing I thought of were the standing stones dotting the Skyrim landscape. I tend to use the dark WP on my laptop as they tend to be easier on my eyes after hours. Well done, Ryan! Keep them coming!

  3. Susan [nonmonthly]

    Nice colours and seems quite mysterious with the stepping stones leading to the standing stones.

  4. Vixen [basicmember]

    This is one of my favorite pics and my desktop background. I would love to see a version of this with a full moon replacing the bright lights above the stones. Thank you so much for the beautiful work.

  5. Rodewaryer [basicmember]

    I love what this does for the imagination, history and distant worlds cross each other at the same time. Very cool.

  6. Chris Heins [liferplus]

    Very cool. Haunting.

  7. Mark Burgess [lifer]

    … could we have a version without the bright lights in the sky? It’s a bit much for me. Thank you!

  8. James [lifer]

    Another awesome job! I’m really into using darker wallpapers right now and this one fits the bill. A mix of Avatar meets Stonehenge!

  9. Halfwolf [lifer]

    This image looks amazing as a triple! (5760×1080) Though I loved “Skygate Night”, it was time for something new. Still, nothing beats the “World’s End” and “Gotham Garden” collections.

  10. Mario [nonmonthly]

    These standing stones are for the space traveler. Eerie looking.

  11. Mark A. [liferplus]

    Ryan, are you working on the lossless version for this one?

  12. Phineas [basicmember]

    A curious mixture of Christmas and Halloween!

  13. Afya [lifer]

    This is a stunning work of imagination, it really is, but visually I find it overwhelming – my brain doesn’t know whether to react to the energy and chaos of the sky and glowing plants, or the brooding mystery of the stones and water. I would love to see the scene with the galaxy out of frame so I can take in the stones and their surroundings.

  14. DarthSync [liferplus]

    Ryan, I’ve always loved your planetscapes and nightscape artwork. This one is no different.

  15. Suzanne [lifer]

    I love the fine details of the landscape here, especially the texture of the misty water, and the lights on the ground (will-o-wisps?) The standing stones make a nice point of focus. Any chance of a pickle jar version without the big starry swirl in the middle? It would be a very peaceful, kind of pleasantly eerie wallpaper without that.

  16. macolva [liferplus]

    Ryan, as always I love the views into your imagination. My favorite features are the ribbon-like trees and the lights of the ground foliage. I second the notion that shifting the focus to the stones and dialing down the sky could be a great alternative version. To detail my personal preference when I see this piece: I want to imagine walking to those stones to see what adventure may awaken if I dare get near them! (or if I press the select key per Kody’s suggestion)

  17. Kody [plusmember]

    Honestly reminds me of the standing stones around skyrim 🙂

  18. Xetal [liferplus]

    And I like the idea of a portal when you can get round to it

  19. Ozaawaagosh [basicmember]

    Love the Other-worldly of this one, the colours and shadows work well together Great Job Ryan

  20. John [basicmember]

    Love the concept! I’ve always been a fan of your “otherworldly” work and this is in the top ten.

  21. Littlemom [liferplus]

    not a personal favorite. I just think it’s way to busy. But I do like the concept, just with less stuff in it

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