Sunbeam Rock

(10 customer reviews)


SKU: sunbeamrock1 Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


Experimenting here with interacting VUE’s sunbeams with objects on the ground.

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10 reviews for Sunbeam Rock

  1. Matthew Matticussimuss

  2. ali

    It seems from the comments that I am the only one who thought of Circumpolar when I saw this, even though the depicted climates are very different. I love the “arching” rock.

  3. Natalia Najder
    [Plus, Donor, Lifetime]

  4. Terry Palmucci

    On my dual screen the Pelican is almost lost… and yet when I go to my task bar icons, I see him there on his little rock….very nice!

  5. Mason

    Really like the interplay between light and clouds here, especially the low-hanging clouds wreathed around the rocks. When I first saw this one on the small screen on my phone, I at first thought the the rock formation in the back on the left was a lighthouse or structure of some kind, or that there were structures on the rocks in back.

  6. Tatiana Taylor

  7. Jen Helgren
    [Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]

    Wow, I love this one, Ryan! Really good. I can’t wait to see Moonbeam Rock!

  8. William Overesch

    Incredible scene! Love the attention to detail, like the lone Pelican in the foreground, and the multiple layers of clouds.

  9. Edward Adamczyk

  10. Nathan Zachary
    [Plus, Lifetime]

    Wow! I don’t know what the previous renditions looked like, but I understand that notion of tweaking a piece to the point of exhaustion. This is a gorgeous scene, Ryan, and immediately became my new background. If further versions are coming, I can’t wait to see what they bring to the table!

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