Sun Worship


SKU: sunworship1 Category: Tags: ,


Created this scene in about 8 hours after uploading a 65 hour render. It was nice to have Shadowfax back!

Nothing ultra-complicated here, just wanted to do a breezy, sunny, happy and quick wallpaper.

I hope you enjoy it!

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46 reviews for Sun Worship

  1. Josh [nonmonthly]

    I just realized the sizes of the boulders, due to the little guy sitting on one. I like this more now!

  2. Josh [nonmonthly]

    I’m not into these types of pictures, but it IS pretty good for a sunrise/sunset picture

  3. sundogvet [lifer]

    It looks like a nice place. It also looks almost exactly like the ending of Zero Theorem.

  4. Tyrone [nonmonthly]

    Reminds me a bit of a place not far from where I live, Lake Argyle, Western Australia

  5. Doc [lifer]

    I think you achieved your aim here, it’s a nice relaxed image, I can nearly feel the warmth of the rock and sun !. I like the water and rocks but I think the water around the rocks looks too calm / still, especially with the small waves further out. I suggest there needs to be some indication of the water lapping against the rocks ?. I’m happy with the proportions and the figure – I look at most of your images as being from other worlds so I expect them to be different to what we might expect here on earth. My other suggestion would be see some of the land in the back ground go making it more of a bay looking out to an open sea.

  6. docster [basicmember]

    At a quick first glimpse of the 8:5 sample, I thought I was looking a bug sunning on a river rock. This is a good example of a picture I like much better in a format smaller than the 3840×1080 size I run on the dual-monitor set-up here. Going from smaller-to-bigger, the perspective is lowered, making the rocks look unnaturally elongated, and the clear beauty of the shallow-water rocks is lost.

    Seems almost counterintuitive that I can see much more in the smaller picture — for some reason, I really like that.

  7. BobC [lifer]

    I find this one delightful and playful. I assumed that the ambiguity of scale (pebble vs boulder) was intended to be part of the fun. There are other oddities:

    There is no sign of life in this picture other than the sunbather. The colors (light and water) are intense and unusual. So, where the heck are we? I love the mystery….

  8. Steve [nonmonthly]

    I like the person in it. It sets the scale and makes you wonder what this world is like with the massive river rocks. I would love to sit out there and climb around on those rocks. Nice work.

  9. Alberto [basicmember]

    I really love that rendering. A beautiful get away peaceful place. My heart feels cheated though, as I feel that the scale is wrong. The lady sitting there makes it seem much larger than it is. Large boulders of that kind would require more fine detail on the edges of the beach. I think perhaps its my personal mental preference and that I shun any avatars visiting these beautiful landscapes. Makes it harder for me to imagine myself there, because of the mysterious person there. I never understanding their significance or meaning or demeanor… No too harsh, I hope. It is beautiful nonetheless…

  10. GEORGE [lifer]

    Very nice. Like the rendering. On a big enough screen it feels like the sun is really shining.

  11. Francisco Guerrero [basicmember]

    Hi, this was a good one might.. i hope to see more about SunnyWorkship coming, Love it, i will. :3

  12. Yaro [lifer]

    I know you said its a little rough around the edges but i would have to say that my thoughts are actually quite the opposite. I of course noticed that you placed a person on one of the rocks to give a sense of scale but it ends up confusing me as to whether the person is a miniature person or not. I think this is because the rocks are so smooth they give the appearance of river stones as opposed to huge boulders capable of fitting a person on top.

    I love the scene, just the bottom foreground throws me off looking at it. Keep up the good work!

  13. Kevin [lifer]

    I love this beautiful scene, I do wish there was a little more detail on the stones (I know it was one of your quick renders), but the scene is beautiful nonetheless. Makes me want to walk along the coast and stare at the last light of the sun!

    As the title says, this is definitely a great candidate for a night render!

  14. Selah [lifer]

    I think this is one of the single most breathtakingly peaceful scenes I’ve seen in a long time. There are a lot of qualifiers in that sentence but really I can’t think of a recent image that so instantly made me feel peaceful. I LOVE that it feels like an alien world, and even though I don’t usually go for people in my wallpapers, I really like her in this case. It just adds to the overall otherworldly effect. I am another one who thought it was pebbles at first and I didn’t even notice the person till someone pointed it out. I can’t wait till the double-screen versions so I can use it!

  15. Littlemom [liferplus]

    This is such a beautiful render. Very peaceful.

  16. Jeff Cook [nonmonthly]

    That’s now my wallpaper, duplicated across both monitors but you get what you can! I’m presuming that Mario has a small screen because that bug is a human (unless I’ve missed a small bug)…

  17. Olivier [lifer]

    Thank you so much Ryan!

  18. Mario [basicmember]

    Love that green water. Just right for swimming. Easy to miss that bug on the stone.

  19. Craig Donnelly re dogchops [basicmember]

    I think its an AWESOME render Ryan. The colors blend in superbly……….I love the colors as they reflect warmth and serenity…..something the planet could do with at present….

  20. Tom [lifer]

    I agree with some of the other members re the figure. It should be removed. If that is a rock she is on, how did she get on top of it? An invisible ladder? I also think that the scale of the rocks vs the water is off. I too, at first, thought the rocks were pebbles. I would like to see the rocks reduced in size, and a different title.

  21. Tom [lifer]

    I agree with some of the other members re the figure. It should be removed. If that is a rock she is on, how did she get on top of it? An invisible ladder? I also think that the scale of the rocks vs the water is off. I too, at first, thought the rocks were pebbles. I would like to see the rocks reduced in size, and a different title.

  22. Lisa [lifer]

    LOVE how crisp and clear this one is!!! I had actually stopped coming to the site for a while because of the grainy kind of “dirty” look to a lot of the pictures (would have thought that better software over the years would have cleaned that up but the original pics started out crystal clear and stunning but got a “dirty” grainy look to them after a while that just dulled down otherwise beautiful scenes) – so glad I happened to see this email notice today!! This is just splendid and makes me want to come back all the time again now!! ^_^ FANTASTIC JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  23. Lews Therin [basicmember]

    I like this one and I think the person sitting on the rock helps you realize the scale of it. If we were to think these were medium sized pebbles on the beach, I don’t think the scale would seem right as they descend into the water because the depth appears to go down fast. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. Anyway, I don’t mind when you put a person in the image. I think it makes it more interesting as if you wonder who this person is and what alien world are they on or you imagine it is yourself.

  24. Rainith [lifer]

    The 1280×1024 render seems to be missing. 🙁

    Other than that its a nice one. 🙂

  25. robin gibbs [basicmember]

    looking at it a second time and this time i saw the tiny little figure in the lower left. gives it a whole new meaning, doesn’t it

  26. robin gibbs [basicmember]

    is just beautiful. reminds me of where i grew up in washington state. very few sandy beaches there…..just gorgeous, ryan

  27. ZUL [lifer]

    I like it. Seems other worldly to me.

  28. Angelique [lifer]

    I love this scene – except for the teeny lady on the pebbles. At first I though it was a bug until I got a closer view. I have to agree with Richard H. that putting her there still did not help with the scale of things. Unfortunately instead of thinking the rocks are monolithic size, it just looks like a fairy-sized woman in a bikini, sunning on the pebbles 😉

  29. Ozaawaagosh [nonmonthly]

    This is so warm and inviting! This gives the impression that it could be our world or another beautiful world. Simply AWESOME, Ryan great work!!!

  30. Tez [lifer]

    So tranquil, I just want today my toes in..

  31. socaltom10 [lifer]

    Beach scene does not seem terrestrial. Recommend replace human figure with a larger alien figure wearing a sun hat or two.

  32. Dave Coulter [plusmemberlifer]

    Ryan, Your work improves with every wallpaper!

  33. betsey [lifer]


  34. Denis M. [liferplus]

    At first I thought is was a peaceful, rather mundane setting, until I noticed the woman. Suddenly the scale popped to the incredible. Love it.For a quicky, this is really nice.

  35. Rick [lifer]

    Excellent. When you get this dialed in and have a signed print available, I will buy one. Thanks for your work.

  36. Rift [basicmember]

    I have to say I’m disappointed. I don’t feel the connection to the title. I also have the same problem with the water as with Castlemere. The lack of water interaction at the shore and deep clarity seems more like I’m looking at a render from a way older program that didn’t have the capability instead of a modern one. The tiny figure is also a problem, and the image would be better if it was removed, or placed in shadow on the island on the upper left.

  37. lilylavender [basicmember]

    Ryan, this is just beautiful! The colors are amazing! Thank you so much!

  38. Andy [nonmonthly]

    I think you do a great job getting the colors of the sunrise/set looking great. The other one I really like is Heliocentric.

  39. Amanda [nonmonthly]

    Love this, love the colours and the clarity of the water!

  40. Russell [nonmonthly]

    Can’t wait for this to be on my desktop.

  41. Richard H. [liferplus]

    First of all, the initial impression of this is great. It feels like a lovely, warm evening in an exotic location. But I then I had to laugh, because I saw the teeny-tiny figure in the bottom-left corner and realised that my sense of scale was completely and utterly wrong! I’d thought that I was seeing pebbles, whereas what I’m looking at are enormous rocks. I somehow picture myself as a 100-foot giant in this scene, with the little person the size of an ant. Not sure why, but that’s what I get from the other visual cues in terms of sense of scale. Oh well. I still like the image very much, but this is one instance when the presence of a figure didn’t help. (I’m normally happy with the lone figures that Ryan sometimes puts in his images.)

  42. Ben [lifer]

    I could really get into a location like that.

  43. wildthotz [liferplus]

    Yep, after days of grey & rain here, I wish I was there too!

  44. Ryan

    That’s the idea. I really need to be sure things are “final” before I start rendering things at triple-5K.

  45. Chris C [lifer]

    Cool. Since this is a quicker render, does that mean we’ll see a multiscreen soon? 🙂

  46. John [basicmember]

    Love the detail, love the scale and just about wish I was at a location like that. Great work.

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