Continuing to learn Cinema4D here, concentrating on modeling and shader editing. I used the standard renderer rather than Redshift here to explore C4D’s procedural shader system.
The title refers to the opposite of “trypophobia” (“an aversion or repulsion to objects like honeycombs and sponges that have repetitive patterns or clusters of small holes“). Hope it doesn’t trigger too many people. I have tried to make it look as inorganic as possible if that helps 🙂
Expect more abstract artwork in 2023!
Molly Wakeling
I love your abstracts. Love the colors in this one! And I love how you have different parts of the image in focus vs out of focus. Gives it more depth and interest.
Jeffrey Thayer
Awesome!! I really like this one, the colours are fantastic great render my friend
Jason Bailey
I like this one….
I love how abstracts can make you think.
Drawing from personal experience, my first thought is sand dunes. Light and shadows in the valleys and crest. I feel a sense of urgency to bring structure to a location or material that cannot coexist with structure. There is a desire to flow in a natural form, but logic is ever trying to make its presence.
David Goldsborough
Yep, something about the blur thats bothersome. I’ve had Connections 1 on my screen for a while now and I really like it, so its not the blur per se.
Been here for 20 years and I have to be honest. Not your best work.
Tim Porter
I absolutely love this.
I love the color play and the sharp crystal clear and well focused areas quite a bit. I’m not a fan of the blurry bits though (granted I hate the “bokeh” effect also that folks can add to their photos on some phones and with some software, so there’s that lol.) I’d love to see a pickle jar version of this without any of the blurry bits and nothing but crystal clear focus everywhere! 😀
Sabre Runner
My wife might have Trypophobia so I’m not showing her this but I like the look of something like Martian terrain if it was occupied by Martian bee-like creatures.
Edwin Vane
No trypophobia reactions here!