

SKU: visage Category: Tags: , ,

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3 reviews for Visage

  1. Susan [nonmonthly]

    A suggestion of a forgotten age about them. I can just hear a voice over saying “and just who was this forgotten race that created these mysterious figures, where did they go to and where are their decendants?”

    It would be nice if you did some more like this one.

  2. Romarch

    It’s got that Easter Island or Abu Simbel feel to it… You have a few more like this from the early years, most notably “Regis” (’99) for its monumental face and “Equatorial” (same year) for the equally monumental rocks that are likewise perched on the very edge of a shoreline. I’ve never lost my fascination with works like this; they always leave me wondering who built them and how long it’s been since anyone but me has seen them.

  3. David

    This image is cool – I like the funky tiled background. Seems like you’ve fallen out of favor of doing a lot of faces in your work.

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