“Close Encounters of the Third Kind” has always been one of my favorite films, and I had the opportunity to re-watch it recently. It’s lost none of its power after all these years. Watching the ic0nic ending, with the mothership hovering over Devil’s Tower, summoned this scene to my mind and I knew I had to realize it somehow. I modeled the visitor ship in Blender, the mountains in Gaea, and rendered the scene using VUE.
Jeffrey Thayer
Awesome! This is the coolest render, love it
Owen Weston
This is a good opportunity to revisit Abduction for this upcoming Halloween.
Jen Helgren
[Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]
I love this! Well done.
Robert Lanktree
Well, been waiting for a long time for an image that included such things. All those planetscapes and no spacecraft. The wait was worth it.
Steve Swartz
Mark South
Love this! looks so cool! Great Job!
Randall Bowman
A great movie, and this render is so awesome! It makes one wonder, what is the story of this Visitor, anyway? Thanks, Ryan!
Tim Porter
That is just lovely, quite wonderful.
[Lifetime Plus]
You hit this one out of the park Ryan. It’s amazing!!! this would be beautiful with or without the spaceship. I love it!!!
Cynthia Gary
Dee dee dah dum dah! This one makes me smile, Ryan.
Gian Luigi
brrrr! who are you mystery traveller?