I thought it would be worthwhile to create a daylit version of “The Visitor“. The original, as I’ve said, was inspired by “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and most (all?) of the alien encounters in the film take place at night. This takes the scene in a different direction and I hope you all enjoy it!
Natalia Najder
[Plus, Donor, Lifetime]
Stephen Hedge
I like it, but as a triple monitor user I’d like some more interest on the non-central screens. My centre screen (and so the ship) always has stuff on it, so the best bit is hidden and I only see the trees left and right. A couple of smaller ships, sort of like Close Encounters at the left and right extremes would make this perfect for me. This comment is true of a lot of your work and some Easter eggs for 3 screen users would be much appreciated, thanks!
Robert Lanktree
Again, thrilled to see a spacecraft added to a piece of your art, not as eye popping as the darker (night?) version but still pretty cool dude. I’d sure like to see more of this in future planetscapes…..
[Lifetime Plus]
The night version gives off the proper “Close Encounters” feel. The daytime version is still pretty but just not the same vibe as the night one.
Jen Helgren
[Lifetime Supporter, Lifetime]
I like the night version better, but this one is terrific, too.