

SKU: wintermoon1 Category: Tags: , , ,


In early 2010 I was asked to create a brighter version of “The Ride” for use as a printed Christmas card. After I removed the sleigh from the image I felt it made a pretty nice standalone “winter” wallpaper, deserving of its own spot in my gallery.

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31 reviews for Wintermoon

  1. webworx [liferplus]

    I agree with everyone here. This is a great image to revisit more broadly (so to speak)!

  2. Telaria [nonmonthly]

    When I saw this on FB it took my breath away. It’s amazing how the whole aspect of a scene can be altered with just a simple change (removing the sleigh). I can almost feel the chilly crisp air on my arms. Wonderful piece and so appropriate to celebrate the Super Moon!

  3. Lorwynd [nonmonthly]

    This is a great image and would love to see a dual screen version.

  4. Kevin [lifer]

    This is one of my favorites, but can we get a dual/multi screen version?

  5. Kelton

    multi screen?

  6. Paradox

    Absolutely love this one!! Has such a calming feeling to it but it still tethers you to reality. A daytime spring render of this would be interesting 😀

  7. Kelton

    absolutely gorgeous, just wish it had the dual screen

  8. Ryan

    I need to make a multiscreen for this one (I base the “Timeline” versions off of those).

  9. Tamz69

    Hey Ryan,

    Is there any way you can make a Timeline rendering for this one? It’s absolutely gorgeous..


  10. Klikevil

    Your artwork is absolutely phenomenal something about this image really relaxes me.

  11. Frostwolf7

    Any plans on a dual monitor version of this? 😛

    This is amazing.

  12. Steve

    I either forgot about this one or missed it, but this is spectacular. It’ll be great to look at when it’s 90F in August 🙂

  13. Gaia09


  14. Jeffrey

    Wintermoon is breathtakingly great! When are we getting dual screen versions? Can’t wait.

  15. docpixl

    Oh, to be on the edge of that lake. I can hear the coyotes barking and yipping as they follow the plaintive bleat of elk seeking escape to higher ground.

  16. docpixl

    Oh, to be on the edge of that lake. I can hear the coyotes barking and yipping as they follow the plaintive bleat of elk seeking escape to higher ground.

  17. Roberto DG

    This winter lake at night with a bright moon is really one the best work I have ever seen. It reminds me some snowy Christmas wallpaper, just wonderful!

  18. iElvis

    Another hugely distracting work. I waste 10 minutes a day at work just staring at this.

  19. Henry

    The colors would work well for an early October wallpaper. After all something like that only occurs like once every 20 years or so.

  20. nickaix

    I agree with Henry. A harvest moon would be awesome! I would suggest eliminating some of the clouds and putting the moon lower in the sky tho — a giant moon peeking out behind trees and low clouds is really a sight!

  21. Henry

    In recognition of the spectacular evening event that occurred recently (which I missed), would it be possible to get a new version of this but with a super harvest moon version of it? I think it would be very nice.

  22. Wraith

    Awesome! But we’re just leaving summer! Something to look forward to? 🙂

  23. M G Reed

    I think it is very tastefully done. The moon could have a little more detail added in the luminosity. The moon looks too bright and foggy. If you could see more of the ‘man in the moon’ face (can’t remember the names of the seas (tranquility?)) it would make this picture more complete IMHO. But I’ve already added to my desktop, so….

  24. Noliving

    I personally think it is to “bright”

  25. Walo

    winter sure came early this year. Joke aside, this looks cool.

  26. Mars

    Wallpaper like this is what makes me feel that you still got it. Keep your quality like this from now on.

  27. Nicholas

    It isn’t cold enough for this yet! You’re making all of us in Minnesota depressed way too soon!

  28. Nicholas

    But I really like it otherwise… 🙂

  29. Greg

    Nice, I think I like this version more

  30. Mez

    WOW, great job… look really amazing.

    Is there a dual screen in planing too?

  31. Vanessa

    love the blue coloring. It’s what a perfect moonlit night is to me!

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