At World’s Edge (Winter)


SKU: worldsedgewinter1 Category: Tags: , , ,


The second in my “At World’s Edge” series. As I did with the “Green and Gold” tree, I fashioned this one out of many individual Vue tree models. I learned from my first mistake however and made sure the branches all intersected the trunk. That made possible this leafless Winter version. It is my personal favorite of the series.

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131 reviews for At World’s Edge (Winter)

  1. Marcus

    Would like to see this in 4K

  2. jonblanck

    Hey there. I just want to say that I love your work. I have a suggestion for you. Your pictures are an inspiration to me. I’m a musician/composer and I have different backgrounds for different moods. I work on two monitors. One monitor is a Macbook pro (2880X1800) the other is a wide screen (3840 X 1080 (16:9) I try to mix two different backgrounds that match. It would be amazing if you had a spot on your website where you have two different desktops that match… for people, like me who love your work and work on two monitors. It takes me a long time to sift through all of the pictures and find a match.

    Just a suggestion.

    thank you


  3. kellzilla

    I love that this image has remained in the top ten pretty much the entire time since its creation. It is one of my absolute favorite landscapes you’ve ever done, even five years(!) later.

  4. Les

    Ryan! Any chance you can produce a render of 3840×1080 for this version? 🙂 I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

  5. Vaesse

    I first found Digital Blasphemy when browsing through the absolutely massive collection of images on DecalGirl’s website. This image in particular struck a chord with me and I set it aside to come back to.

    I ended up with two images (the other not by Digital Blasphemy) and picked the other one because it had more color and I was worried about getting bored with the almost monochrome look of this image. But after living with my choice for a few months, I realized I had decided wrong and re-purchased skins with At World’s Edge (Winter) on them.

    Over a year later, and I’m not only still absolutely thrilled with this image, I’m finding more and more places to use it. It has become a personal theme.

  6. Ced

    This is gorgeous. Any chance to get a 5120×1600 dual-screen version ?

  7. Ryan

    We are working on getting Portals up on DecalGirl ASAP. Thanks!

  8. Jonathan A

    Just got the DecalGirl Skin of this piece in for my PS3 and it looks awesome. You should put Beginning of the End and Portals up there as well.

  9. Ste

    Literally bought a membership for this! It’s such a calming piece of art 🙂

  10. Ryan

    Thanks BC. I haven’t read that book but I was a big fan of “The Belgariad” and “The Mallorean” when I was a younger person.

  11. BC

    I love this image! What’s crazy is that it looks like it has brought to life the descriptions of the edge of the world from David & Leigh Eddings’ “The Redemption of Althalus.” Was this it’s inspiration or just a crazy coincidence?

  12. Ray

    The imparted sense of desolation depicted here is only equaled by the real landscapes around the desert southwest. The scraggly grass, the lone tree: it works wonderfully. I know you were going for snow but could easily be white sand.

  13. KD

    I love all your work but this one is the absolute best! I keep coming back to this one as my wallpaper.

  14. jw

    This is my favourite image: it’s why I bought a membership.

  15. Winter

    Great pic

  16. Chris B

    Tempt the new people to join up 😉

  17. Greywolf

    Been there, seen that 🙂

  18. Morphino

    I had an account one year ago.I saw this and I decided to renew my membership 🙂

  19. Pawan

    I love this one ..

  20. ico

    Normally I am more partial to the sunset/sunrise images (I love those brilliant reds and yellows), but this winter version definitely tops the original. This version preserves the softness of the original, but is even more dramatic. The lighting, atmosphere, snow particles, delineated tree, grass stalks–everything works perfectly.


  21. D. Brake

    This is probably going to go in my top 10 fav of all time, and I’ve been here a LONG time. Great job, and Happy New Year!

  22. that guy

    yeah, amazing how this reminds me so much of one of my old works posted in the user gallery. dont worry though, this one does look a lot better 😛

  23. Taigitsune

    I can finally put up your stuff at work. I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback about your stuff in the past, but I’ve had to resize the triple screen stuff until now. This is also an amazing piece and really captures the raw emotion of the cold and isolation of being at the end of the world. <3

  24. Starkiller

    thx for going the extra mile, this picture is just great and will stay on one of my displays until it gets warm again.

  25. gysgtusmc7

    One of my favs. Thanks.

  26. Daniel

    This one is absolutely amazing, possibly my favourite one yet.

    My membership expires in a week, but i’ll be renewing this time with a life membership.

    Keep up the good work!

  27. Threnody

    This image is absolutely beautiful. I love winter/darker images and this one is absolutely perfect. The snow in the grass and the bare tree is lovely. I am definitely keeping this one as a background for a long time.

  28. Marvin


  29. Dementia 5

    Well, this settles it – I’m becoming a lifetime member.

  30. Justin

    holy crap the largest resolution looks incredible with the sun! your work is epic! seriously, this picture is LEGENDARY, even my mom would be in awe LOL. oh so epic! ahhaha

  31. Smithy

    I’m just in awe…. i don’t know what to say…

    This is amazing… incredible…..and absolutely stunning

    great work yet again…

    Proud to be a lifetime member 😀

  32. John A

    On a whole new level…

  33. Pat

    Ryan, am I wrong or is this the first time you’ve incorporated a definite sun in a winter scene? It’s funny, I was thinking about requesting something like this earlier, but you beat me to it with the multi-screens.

    Anyway, lookin’ good.

  34. Mischief

    This wall is simply stunning. I just went WOW when I saw it. Fabulous.

  35. Hunter

    This is my favourite wallpaper of 2008, but the 2560×1600 (widescreen) seems to fit better on my two monitors (each at 1280×1024.

    I didn’t bother to resize it, just ‘place it’ in photoshop. It turned out with better results than the dual-screen version in my opinion, as one screen is focused more on the “edge” and the other screen is focused more on the tree.

    10/10 for the image, but I prefer to use the widescreen version over my two monitors than the dual-screen version.

    Nice job Ryan!

  36. Lily


    I LOVE IT! Each time you bring us a new one, your talent amazes me even more than the last!

    Keep up the good work!

    Happy Holidays To You & Yours..

  37. Cartroo

    This joins the original “At World’s Edge” as one of my favourite designs on this site! I love the grass and clouds, especially – if only I could take photos that look as good as this!

    One thing that did occur to me is that it would be really interesting to see how it looks without the snow and high-level cloud – I think it would be the most wonderfully tranquil scene. Still, I appreciate you’re probably much more interested in moving on to new designs than endlessly tweaking the same one.

    Either way, it’s fabulous – keep up the good work!

  38. Sly V.

    You have truly done a great job with this one Ryan. It doesn’t beat Cosmos for me (I’m a sucker for your planetscapes lol). I must admit I would have preferred to see a night scene of ‘At World’s Edge’ as opposed to a winter one. However this winter one is definitely not lacking in awe.

    I noticed a lot of other people nip picking on this piece. Mostly I just ignore this (especially if I disagree) because I just view it as their constructive criticism. However most of the complaints here (such as those on the snow) hold no weight. Please do not take it out; I don’t think it would be as good without it. I especially laughed at the one comment about this type of tree not growing at this elevation. I think most people forgot what Digital Blasphemy means. Ryan, you should make an image of a pine tree growing straight out of nothing but water with a penguin flying in the air and an owl swimming deep within the cold water. That would make them go, “What!? Wait, that’s not right!” lol.

    I hope you have time to make a holiday one before you take a holiday break with the Misses, Ian, and Jason. By the way, how are they doing? Hopefully not driving you too crazy 🙂 Happy holidays.

  39. Revelation

    As soon as I saw “At World’s Edge” I thought, “that’s a nice wallpaper, but I can’t really see myself putting this up when winter is approaching.” This is just what I was looking for. A usual, nice job with the trees and vegetation.

  40. Kell

    I love this – just beautiful. I love the smoothness, the details, all the delicate shades of blue.

    One comment, though, on the widescreen – the big white spot (the sun) is very distracting – I keep having to put a window over it because it’s too bright.

  41. Tim

    I really liked the other version but wow, this is just awesome. Once again you have outdone yourself ryan. I can’t wait to see what you come up with for christmas. I’d love to see something with santas sleigh and reindeer. Keep up the good work and I hope your feeling well !!!

  42. Anne

    Best wallpaper ever, and there’s this fairytale element which I haven’t seen since ‘once upon a time’. So beautiful.

  43. Rob


  44. Nebulaeus


    This might be amongst the best work you have ever done. I had to rate this one as a 10!

    Great work Ryan.

    // Chris

  45. Cyrius

    Looking more than great, first though “this one i would like to have it for ever on my desktop”

    You will win a price with this one 🙂

    Superb !

  46. NikB

    The Autumn version was beautiful, and this Winter version is fantastic, but for those of us in the southern hemisphere is there any chance of a Summer version? I think that would be outstanding.


  47. Erik

    I put this one on my 20″ iMac (brilliant I might add). Two things about it so far. For some reason, there is a sense of relaxation I get when I look at it. The other is this, last night, I had my computer on, my sister looked at the image and asked where the picture was taken. She still thinks I am pulling her chain. That is how good this one is Brian.

  48. Jonathan

    I get a sense of serenity when I look at this piece. Breathtaking as always.

  49. Paul

    I really like this wallpaper, but the I have to use a larger resolution of it and it looks whack. I was wondering if you could offer a 1280×800 for some of your wallpapers.

  50. celmendo

    This is an amazing picture and I think you’ve outdone yourself. The only thing that keeps it from being a 10 for me is the bottom front branch of the tree. It doesn’t look like it’s part of the tree. It looks like what it is, a CG branch placed there. It’d be better left off.

  51. Obsydian

    The subject says it all… Thomas Kinkade can do no better!

  52. Shae

    So I’ve been staring at this on my screen all day, amazed at the detail, and realism, deffinatly one of your best works ever.

    However i have been staring at the snowflakes on the worlds edge baffled (until now) on why they bugged me. I’m no professional and im probably way off base with this, but felt the need to throw it out anyway. The shade on the snowflakes doesn’t change with the elevation, theyre the same white all the way down. Instead theyre the same size and color and tend to look like the wear and tear on an old black and white photo..anyway awsome job btw!

  53. Mark

    I’m always a sucker for winter scenes, especially with winter on the horizon. I really like this one.

  54. Kyle Langr

    Your work just keeps getting better and better, and the lifetime membership was a very worthwhile purchase for me. Thanks so much. It’s amazing to see how far your work has come over the past ten years.

  55. Ben

    It’s snowing “above” the clouds? I don’t have much experience with snow but I thought the snow would have come from the heavier clouds.

  56. Jon W

    When I first pulled this up I thought of Tim Burton, one of my favorite directors because of his dark stylings in cinematography.

  57. Chris

    Beautiful! It’s the background on my blackberry, and people keep mentioning that it looks great and wonder where I got it. One even asked where I took the picture…

    Thanks, Ryan!

  58. Chris

    This is one of your amazing works yet. The leafless tree is the most lifelike, realistic, and aesthetically sound model out of any render yet. It’s absolutely breathtaking.

    It reminds me of one of my favorite games, Zelda: Twilight Princess. In the game, you come up a hill and meet a Yeti and his wife, and they’re sitting around a tree. Only difference is, this is way more photo-realistic than any Zelda game.

    Awesome job bro.

  59. Pat

    This has a VERY strong similarity to staind’s break the cycle album cover…just thought I’d point that out…

    All that aside…WOW…

    Ryan, this is definitely one of your best yet, I’m almost dumbstruck by this image…it’s simply outstanding

  60. Stefan

    Beautiful in a 24″ black-piano LCD display.

  61. Catherine

    Absolutely stunning. Best wallpaper in awhile!

  62. Joel

    This is really magnificent! So much detail in so many different aspects of this picture.

    The snow on the tree trunk looks a bit strange just because it’s reflective and looks a bit like water. But it’s not distracting at all.

    In any case this picture is brilliant.


  63. Cathleen

    This is definitely my favorite one so far. This one does say a thousand words. Amazing!

  64. seth

    That just really works. Perfect.

  65. Are

    I really get the cold feeling with this image, and the tree is just fantastic! This is a great piece of work. The only thing I feel is not /quite/ there is the snow: In the air it seems it only snow right at the edge and I would expect a /bit/ rougher look on the ground as it is so close. Maybe some hints of light reflecting in the crystals would have done it? But all in all a great picture!

  66. Serafina

    Love this one!! It looked like stars in the sky at first. I like it better than the first version. A string of lights might look cool, too, to make it not so depressing, but nothing too multi-colored – maybe just white and/or blue….

    Cant wait for a dual-screen version!

  67. MikeD

    Outstanding feeling of the coldness and starkness of winter: the partial covering of the tree, the grass sticking up out of the snow. Good job.


    A couple of things seem out of place. One, the light area in the lower righthand side. Nothing else is illuminated. This seems out of place, like the light source is coming up from the ground. And two, the little white dots within the clouds: what are these? Stars? Snow? City lights? They just seem out of place, like they don’t belong. If they are snow, the clouds overhead don’t support the notion: they are really too thin for snow to be falling. If they are stars, they don’t belong there. If they are city lights, they are not organized enough.

    These are minor nits; more something to consider if you ever do a v2 of this. Overall, outstanding job!

  68. Dan

    You did great! I think the tree turned out the best. You nailed the dead, cold look and nature of the tree. The blown snow at the base is also very natural looking. I also really like the natural state of the foreground with the almost dead vegetation peeking up through the snow still. It shows it’s still trying to live for a little longer, great job on that!

    I guess the snowflakes could be a little thicker or differentiated more, they kind of clash with the white of the clouds but hey I understand, I won’t complain. Overall I give it a 10!

  69. Larawen

    I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work. Honestly this is the first time I have ever commented on this site (even though I am a lifetime member). Something about this one stirred something in me. I love this picture and just want to thank you for it!

  70. thorin

    Love the tree and the grass sticking up through the snow – really conveys the feeling of winter! But, I have to agree with MikeD – what are the white dots; seem out of place?

  71. Todd

    Ryan you have out done yourself again. I normally don’t comment but this picture just made me show some appreciation to you & all of your hard work. I have been a member for over five years & I love almost everything you do.

    Another reason I had to comment, after reading some of the other comments. The white dots are what you would call SNOW! See all of the white stuff on the ground. Its a winter picture so the white dots belong. Don’t change a thing, well I guess you could add some lights to the tree for a pickle jar but not necessary.

  72. Scott

    I like it better than the original!

  73. SCM

    I really like this one better than the original. Thank you.

  74. Derek

    I jaw hit my desk when I saw just the little thumbnail come through my RSS viewer. I scrambled to the site, Logged in, and viewed “At World’s Edge” as fast as it could load, which btw, the speed of the site has always been just superb; just so you know.

    You have truly out done your self on this one. The fog, the purple’s and blues, my god, this is by far going to be either my favorite, or just right behind “The Overseer”!

    Truly stunning!

    Truly Amazing!

    I’m floored! Can’t wait to see this on my triple’s at work, and maybe I’ll just “black bar” this one to fit my triples at home. I already love this work of art!

    Work (Three screens – 4800×1200)

    Home (Three wide screens – 5760×1200)

    Speaking of which, I know you said you’ve been doing the triple wide screen renders, and are building up a “pack” of them before releasing them….any chance, in the spirit of Holiday Cheer you might let this one slip out early?

    Ryan, as I said in the title, what have you done, you have created a work of art at a caliber leaves me in awe!

    As always, keep up the amazing works you do, and I feel I’ve gotten my fair use of my Lifetime subscription. I think for the holidays, from my family to yours, I’m going to “Renew” my lifetime subscription.

  75. TibbyV

    Seriously, this has taken my breath away. Just incredible.

  76. Gabe

    Very peaceful – I love these serene scenes. Great job on the clouds too – not sure what you used to generate them, but they look very relaxing and dream like. The same dream like that you see when flying on a plane through real clouds.

    Love it! Love it! Love it!

  77. Natalie

    This is outstanding! I put it up on my desktop and strangely started to feel chilly *lol*

    It snowed here all day yesterday (I live in Denver)and yes folks it can still lightly snow when the sky seems mostly clear 😉 Ahem. . .MikeD. . .

    I think the “white dots” (obviously snow) are great and without them it would look unfinished.

    The hues in this are so subtle and beautiful. I don’t know if I could brave it now, but I know I want to go sit on that lonely rock come summertime 😉 Nice touch.

    I agree that a bit of lights on the tree might be fun for the picklejar, but it is a beautiful piece as is.

    It has been so fun to watch the evolution of your talent and your work, Ryan. You are a wonderful artist. Keep up the good work and thanks, as always, for sharing your imagination with us 😉

  78. DoctorJ

    That is one fantastic looking picture. Looking forward to dual-screens soon.

  79. Kate

    This is hands-down one of my favorites that you’ve done lately. I loved the original too, but this is just so… spare, and evocative. Gorgeous. I can’t wait for the dual-screen version so I can have this up at work!

  80. Randy

    Nicely done. Went looking for animal tracks in the snow.

  81. Sahnsey

    This image appeals to me in a very soul-stirring way. Defintely one of my favorites. Well done!

  82. Getwired

    That’s one GNARLY and NUTTY tree, man! I completely dig it. Like with some others, the snowflakes threw me for a minute (stars? / lights?), but I figured it out pretty quickly. Overall, FANTASTIC image! 9.0, bro!

  83. Ryan

    Thanks for all the great comments! I’m so happy to most of you seem to enjoy it.The flying snow was definitely the most time consuming part of this piece. When I tried making the flakes larger they ended up looking too fake and obscured too much of the scene. In the end I settles on smaller, sparser flakes going for a “snow flurry” sort of look.Given the amount of confusion it seems to have caused I might have done better to leave them out altogether, but I wanted to give it a shot.The multi-screen is rendering now and should be up sometime tomorrow.

  84. John

    These “World’s Edge” images are absolutely your best work in a while!! You have outdone yourself.

    You continue to set the bar so high. So, eventually the super awesomeness (it’s a word…ok maybe not) of the images might just get taken for granted by your grateful users.

    Please do not be offended if this ever happens. Let me say now (in case I ever take your work for granted) that your work is just plain super, with a whole lot of awesome.

  85. Walo

    This is like the total oposite of the original. Needless to say that this is another excellent work, as you know that already 🙂

  86. Curtis

    What can i say that hasn’t already been said before?

    Ryan you continue to impress me with your new images of absolutely beautiful work.

    What i enjoy is how realistic the tree and the dead grass on the ground is. It’s improved with the new program.

    Very pleasent, thank you.

  87. Hunter

    …Ergh, I hate saying “awesome”, “amazing” and “brilliant”… so let’s just leave this as “exceeds expectations”.

    Also, people might want to try opening it up in Photoshop and going to:

    Image > Adjustments > Auto-levels

    It gives it a cold, winter morning feeling to it, and completely transforms the lighting.

  88. Tyson

    This is one of your best in my opinion!

  89. JeffL

    Ok, I love the autumn version. Everytime I see it on my monitor it just floors me. It looks like a painting more than anything.

    I have a problem though with this one. It not about the artistry of the picture but the logic. First if its cold enough for snow would it be cold enough for fog in the valley? If those are clouds in the valley then where are the snowflakes coming from? Plus, if those are clouds then the tree is above the cloud layer and I dont think that type of tree would exist above the cloud layer. It would probably be coniferous, not deciduous.

    Still, its a great picture. I agree with others though that the snow looks a little too perfect on the ground. Anyway, thats my 2 cents.

  90. Ryan

    Great work!! This one feels like its straight out of a wintery fantasy tale. I might have to get another framed print! Your work only gets better each year, even when I thought it was impossible to improve. Thanks so much.

  91. Jon H

    I love the snowflakes and the complexity of the tree.

    I gave it a 9.

    Thanks and great work!

  92. Jef

    Can we get a triple widescreen (1920×1200) of this pleeeeease?

  93. Mirage

    I think this is a really beautiful winter addition.

    I wanted to comment first to whoever mentioned that the coulds above look to thin to produce snow, maybe they are. But where I live, I’ve seen it snow when the sun is out with several patches of blue sky.

    I will agree with some of the thoughts on the snowflakes themselves. It’s not so much the size, in fact I think the size is perfect, but more like others have mentioned that it seems like it’s only snowing over the edge and it makes it look ‘off’. If the snowflakes could also overlap the grass, rocks, the tree and other parts of the foreground, it might look more natural.

    Just some thoughts, looking forward to the dual screen render so that I can add it to my work computer 🙂

  94. cmmnoble

    Beautiful picture. I love to put up “cold” desktops in the winter to match the feel of the season, and this one has just the right mix of blues to capture a snowy twilight feel without the desktop being too dark. 🙂 Some of the other people have suggested lights on the tree–if you do make a lights version (maybe for the Picklejar?), I think “warm” colored lights (such as gold) would make a really neat contrast to the cold blue of the rest of the scene.

    As always, thanks for your wonderful artwork!

  95. Kris

    I must say that I like this version better than the last worlds edge. And, I don’t mean this in a bad way, but this picture makes me feel depressed. It just looks like such a sad scene. However it does look very good. None of your work has made me feel depressed before, but the fact that it can shows how great of an artist you are. Overall great job Ryan.

  96. cavefish

    this is a cool one——wish i was there smoking a pipe——nice one bro

  97. Ryan

    Absolutely gorgeous… you’ve been on a roll lately.

  98. Hawk

    I love it!

    I even noticed that the snow is only falling at the world’s edge, not on the world (even though there is snow on the ground). Nice touch!

    Keep up the good work!


  99. Blurr

    Beautiful. Keep it up mate.

  100. Jordan

    By FAR your best work! This even beats out ENDLESS BLUE! Seriously! This makes me think about what this will be like in just a few short years! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

  101. Jason M. P

    Is one hell-uf-a nifty-neet-cool-wow-man, very nice job!!

  102. Terry

    Not commented for a while but thought I would on this. Your images are evolving, they’ve gone from the early days where you were limited by technology to when I thought things were becoming real, maybe too real. Now you seem to to pushing the envelope and your images are becoming truly art carving your identity. Love the tree. Keep up the good work and all the best for the festive period.

  103. Sean W

    The original was fantastic, but this version sent chills down my spine when I first saw it. This is AMAZING!! Ryan, this is so awesome! This picture practically frosts up the monitor, it looks so cold. Fantastic piece; a hands-down 10, and an instant background! Well done sir!

  104. Richard

    Yes I am there now. Listening to how quite it is and feeling the cold nip at my fingers and nose and my breath freeze in front of me.

    you really did do an amazing job on this one.

    Must get my wolly hat out as my ears are getting cold now! but I am not moving from that view.

  105. Mark

    You’ve done one phenomenal job on this one. Technically it is brilliant, that tree has to be the best I’ve ever seen you do. And creatively, It is nothing short of spot-on.

    Thank you!

    Even though it’s summer here in New Zealand, I still love these snowy images. It’s great!

  106. cbw 80

    wow. i love both versions!

  107. Nathan

    The winter version of this image blows away the fall version IMO, and the fall version is nothing to sneeze at.

    Great work. I love the tree.

  108. Jenanne

    Ryan, you’ve outdone yourself. This is a wonderful piece of art! The color, the texture, the composition — everything is perfect. The misshapen tree seeming to reach for the world’s edge is particularly splendid. And I love the way the snow is falling only over the clouds — beyond the world’s edge, even though we see snow on the ground. Terrific, wonderful, this is going right on my desktop. Thank you so much!

  109. Mark

    Simply the best, in all the years I have been coming here.

  110. CPinTX

    Song of the Sky (either/any version, including the Yuletide now) has always been my all-time favorite, with Tropical Moon and Endless Blue following right behind. (Blue blue blue–love the blue!)

    I now have a new all time favorite!

    Thank you!!

  111. D. Tran

    Wonderful rendition of a winter scene!

    Awaiting the Christmas image. 🙂

  112. Chuck

    Ryan this is great. Count me in as another fan of this jaw-dropping work of art!

  113. Adam K

    Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

    One comment though…I think the “stars” or “snow” (the sparkly stuff) on the clouds are a bit much…

  114. Brad

    This has to be one of the best DB images ever

  115. Matt

    I must say this one is a new favorite of mine.

    My favorite part of this was surprisingly not the tree, but the lighting you used. The long shadows on the grass in the foreground give such a great look. Simple, but very impressive.

    Along with what others have said, the foreground snow seems a little TOO perfect, 9/10 (10/10 if not for the strangeness in the snow.)

    Other than that, I was blown away by this.

    Please, keep up the stellar work.

  116. Nate F

    I really think that this is one of the best images ive seen here. I also think that the past couple months have had some of your best works yet.

    Just thinking back to some comments that I read a while ago from Green and GoldRed and Gold. Any thoughts of making a Zazzle poster with these two and those two images with a kind of four seasons look? I havent put them side by side yet so i dont know if it would go together that well; but I would morethan likely buy a poster like that if i saw one on zazzle. ive been thinking about a couple for a while and i think that one would really sell me (especially in x-large).

    Anyhow thats my idea for the day.

  117. Patrick

    It’s a lovely reworking of World’s Edge, but I wonder if it is worth considering replacing the sun of the original with the moon and darkening the sky a touch to increase contrast? An alternative is keeping the sun, which could add in some pinks and reds to the image.

    I gave Winter World’s Edge a mark of 9. So I am very happy with the current image, just making suggestions. 🙂

  118. rw1171

    Love it!!!! Gorgeous!!!!

  119. Jason

    Absolutely love this one! I think it came out better than the original.

  120. Bel

    I like this version much better. Really good. Thanks 🙂

  121. magnus

    Wow amazing, I like this so much better than the autumn one 10/10

  122. James

    I like this scene so much better. The snow bank fog and the lonely tree are perfect. It really reminds me of the New Hampshire hills. I’m really glad that the limbs all reach to the trunk. 🙂

  123. Steven

    The Autumn one was my wallpaper before, but this Winter one took my breath away. Amazing job Ryan

  124. Oxymoron

    Im always loving your art, this just shows your are only getting better. love it.

  125. Grant

    Needs some colored Christmas lights on the tree and the glow from the colors reflected on the snow below!

  126. Kyle

    Amazing work… it captures a wonderfully serene winter mood.

  127. Kyle

    Yet again you blew it out of the water with this one. A+

  128. dejerdejer

    The tree is fantastic, your program upgrade is superb. Get that Christmas pic going, can’t wait for it. Would like to see lots of color!

  129. dejerdejer

    I like this pic alot as i’ve mentioned, but if you look at the snow it looks like it is only snowing over the edge. It doesn’t look like any snow is hitting the ground. Just being picky but it would be perfect if this was fixed. But its still a great picture!

  130. Arthur

    love this one! when are you going to do a 3200×1200 version?

  131. Josh

    I can’t even tell you how much I like this one! Outstanding!

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