Posted on December 12, 2016
Sorry it’s been quiet around here recently. You can bet when I am not posting on the news page that I am busy rendering something new. It’s taking a bit longer than I would like but I think you will be pleased when it’s finally ready!
In the meantime I am thrilled to announced that the completely re-written Official DB App for Android is now available in the Google Play store. If you have the old app you probably noticed that it has stopped working due to Google changing up how its libraries work. The developer mentioned to me that he no longer had the time to rewrite it so another kind Member, Jeff Richards (who also wrote the iOS app) stepped in to fill the gap.
We used the same backend as the iOS app, which has also been put to use by another Member to create a new app for Windows10/Windows Mobile.
Let me know what you think of the new app. Thanks Jeff and Marc for helping me stay connected with my Members!!
Posted on November 11, 2016
I’ve created similar “microscapes” before using Lightwave, but this is the first time I’ve attempted one using Vue d’Esprit 2015. All of the geometry was modeled using The Plant Factory. I used the same techniques to create a pretty wild alien landscape which is still rendering on Shadowfax so stay tuned!
Since it is “Black Friday” here’s a rundown of the DB related discounts you can take advantage of…
Posted on November 11, 2016
As an added perk for the folks who are supporting my work at the Plus level (and above) and as Lifetime Supporters, I have started adding lossless master files to the download options. These PNG files are the same resolution as when I render them (6827 x 3840 is my current default) and do NOT have the watermark.
Lossless master files are available for the entire 2016/2015 gallery and I will have a zip file available soon. I will be adding master files for the older galleries in the days and weeks ahead. If enough folks are interested I will add multiscreen masters too.
If you would like to have access to these rather large (but beautiful) files I hope you will consider upgrading your Membership.
Not everyone will have a use for these files, but I wanted something extra I could offer the folks who have been most committed to supporting my work!
Posted on November 11, 2016
Almost immediately after I posted “Approaching Asgard” I started getting requests for a night version. The scene in the book took place during the day but I won’t let that stop me from reimagining it as a nighttime scene. Here’s my first crack at it. Let me know what you think!
No one asked but here are…
As a rule, I don’t talk politics on DB. I’m not going to start today. No matter the result of the election, half the country was going to feel like it was headed in the wrong direction.
I’m most sad that we are so divided and the divisions have only gotten more rancorous thanks to hyperbolic social media flame wars and partisan “news” outlets. Go out today (hopefully every day) and be nice to someone who you know doesn’t share your politics. Know that you aren’t going to change anyone’s core beliefs with a tweet or a post. Right and left are both striving to improve our country; they just have different ideas on how to accomplish it.
I am proud to have fans from across the entire political spectrum and whether your candidate won or lost, know that I will be here for you when you are tired of the real world and need an escape.
Posted on November 11, 2016
Every so often I’ll be reading a good book and a particular description or scene will stick in my head. “Highland Spring“, “Temple of the Leaf“, “The Winter Rose“, “Fire Made Flesh“, and “Arrakeen” are examples.
“Approaching Asgard” was inspired by a scene from the third installment of Pierce Brown’s excellent “Red Rising” trilogy. I won’t describe the scene further in case you haven’t read it yet. The scene describes one of the main characters approaching a fortress on a “floating mountain”.
You may recall that when I posted “Class M” I mentioned it being a warm up for a particular scene that I wanted to render. Here it is 🙂
I hope you enjoy it even if you haven’t read the books.