Author: Ryan

Posted on July 7, 2015

Added “Valley of the Sun” to the gallery this afternoon. With this piece I was trying to learn how to properly texture my World Machine creations inside Vue d’Esprit. Like all of my “post-Shadowfax” projects, this render was designed first and foremost as a multiscreen wallpaper so I will probably have to go back and create something special for the single-screen majority.

You will notice that my Membership options have changed. Renewals too!

You can now get started as a DB Member for as little as $5 a month, with higher options available for folks who want to really help support my work. Yes, that’s a bit more expensive than before. I am hoping that if enough people sign up for the new options I might be able to bring on someone to help manage the site so I can concentrate more on the artwork.

Please let me know if you have any questions!!

Posted on July 7, 2015

With this new version of “Ring of Fire (Night)” I’ve replaced the “fake” glow of v.2 with “real” volumetric light. The effect is a lot more immersive and creates a nice contrast with the moonlight. Triple-screen users gets a bit of lightning on the right screen.

This one took nearly 28 days to render on Bucephalus. It simply wouldn’t have been possible for me to produce this render without Shadowfax!

Members please have a look at my new renewal options here. You can now upgrade your account to “Unlimited” status here and never have to worry about it expiring! CC only at the moment. PayPal coming soon!

Posted on June 6, 2015

With the New Horizons probe quickly approaching its rendezvous with Pluto, I thought it might be fun to imagine just what it might find when it gets there.

I used to model all of my planets using Lightwave, but for this one I chose Vue d’Esprit because it has great options for adding a thin atmosphere and visible relief on the planet surface.

This piece isn’t intended to be 100% scientifically accurate, but rather a fanciful (and hopefully artistic) view of Pluto from its moon Charon.

I hope you enjoy it! I may do a second, strictly single-screen, render of this next because I designed the scene as a wide frame multiscreen first. It took nearly 2.5 days to render at 15360 x 2880 on Shadowfax!

Posted on June 6, 2015

Equip your diamond pick-axe because the DB Sandbox Challenge is here!

The past two Minecraft challenges were (IMO) huge successes. So much so that I thought I should make it a yearly event.

While first two contests focused primarily on Minecraft, I am opening it up this time to any sandbox game.

The rules are pretty simple…

Browse through my gallery, pick an image, and recreate it using your copy of Minecraft or ANY OTHER SANDBOX VIDEO GAME!

Compose and post a screenshot that looks as close to my original as possible.

Submit your entry using this form

DB visitors will pick the winners based on their image ratings.

IMPORTANT:If you are a DB Member you can choose any of 800+ my images as your subject. If you aren’t a Member I would ask that you choose from my free images.

The contest has always been Minecraft based in the past but this year I’d like to open it to up to other “sandbox” games. If enough people enter I would like to have prizes in multiple categories along with the grand overall winner.

Some other sandbox games and level editors…

Some Past Winners

Prizes (starting point: these are subject to change):

  • The Unobtainium Pickaxe

    The Grand Prize winner (chosen by my expert jury) will receive a Lifetime Membership to DB. I will also try to render something you built as a DB wallpaper (if possible) using my considerable tools and post it for the world.

  • The First Prize winner will receive a 1 year Membership to my gallery.
  • Honorable Mention will receive a 1 month Membership.

I am providing these prizes as a baseline but folks are free to donate more. Simply address a gift certificate to [email protected] and include Sandbox Challenge in the comments.

Spread The Word!!

Encourage your favorite Minecraft YouTubers to enter and film their entries. Who’s really the best? Which game or platform is most suited to this sort of challenge?

Tweet #dbsandboxchallenge

Here are the prizes, rules and instructions on how to submit your entry.


Posted on June 6, 2015

Ever since I started my Members Gallery I’ve been slowly removing free wallpapers from my site, hoping that the people who visit would sign up for my massive collection. Well, I’m not sure that’s worked all too well.

Instead of a site that everyone could get something from, I ended up with a site with little to offer unless you were a Member.

That’s about to change. As of today DB now offers more free HD wallpapers than at any time in the past 12 years. However, instead of having a separate “free gallery”, as I did in the past, you will find the free images mixed with the rest of my collection.

Look for images with a white border in my gallery (you may need to reload the page for the border to show up). Once you click them you will find the “Free HD Wallpaper” link at the top of the page. Let the 1920 x 1080 images load fully and the right-click on the image to either save it to your computer or set it as your wallpaper.

I am considering adding some more free resolutions to the sample pages in the future and I will definitely be mixing them up from time to time.

Start here and work back through the years…

Basically I want everyone, regardless of means, to find a great wallpaper in my collection. If you happen to become hooked, and you feel like giving a little back, then I hope you will think about either signing up as a Member or purchasing a wallpaper a la carte. Enjoy and please share with your friends!