Author: Ryan

Posted on May 5, 2015

My second render using MandelBulb 3D. This one combines the famous “Menger Sponge” with the “Ruckerbulb” and “Amazing Surf” fractals.

Posted on May 5, 2015

This one is still sort of “in-progress” but I thought it the first draft looked good enough to share in the gallery. I rendered the single-screen version on Bucephalus while Shadowfax is rendering the triple-5K. Hope to have that version finished soon!

Posted on May 5, 2015

Serpentine” is my first hi-res render using Mandelbulb 3D (not to be confused with Mandelbulber which I have used a few times before).

In some areas it seems more powerful than the other app, but in others it isn’t. It’s a 32-bit program, for example, so I can only use 2 GB of my 128 installed GB to process images. This means some of the post-processing options (like DOF) run out of memory on large images.

I still think it’s worth learning though. Let me know what you think of the first effort!

PS: You can now use the R/L arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate through my gallery 🙂

Posted on May 5, 2015

I started creating a “ground view” of my “Accretion” render but decided instead to use the scene I created for my revision of “Moonshadow” (that render will remain in the Pickle Jar here). The wider frame better suits the multiscreen “Accretion” and the resulting image is a little brighter and less gloomy.

The multiscreen finished rendering first in this case and then I had to wait until the single-screen was finished before I could post it here. Sorry for the wait!!

Here’s the single screen for comparison…

Posted on May 5, 2015

I had such a great time discussing my new Shadowfax workstation with the redditors at /r/battlestations and /r/pcmasterrace that I was inspired to render a new multiscreen version of my “Fluorescence/Reddit” hybrid. I rendered this one on my Asfaloth mobile workstation.

Just for fun I added a few more aliens in the background 😉

Here’s a free triple 1080p version if anyone is interested. Members can download resolutions up to triple-5K here.