Author: Ryan

Posted on December 12, 2013

The Shaded Path (Winter/Night)

I’ve added a Winter/Night version of “The Shaded Path” to the Members Gallery this morning. This one actually took longer to put together than both of the previous versions and I am still not 100% pleased with how it turned out. Rather than sit on it for another 4 or 5 days while I made adjustments, however, I’ve decided to let you guys be the judge.

This was to be my first scene rendered using the new version of Vue d’Esprit (Vue 2014) but a few showstopping bugs sent me back to my “trusty” Vue 11. Perhaps I will be able to go back to Vue 2014 for the day version (I would love to the use new “photometric” atmosphere). Stay tuned over the weekend!

Posted on December 12, 2013


A have a couple of renders going right now and the first one finished was my multiscreen version of “Perseverance“. I am not 100% happy with how this one came out so don’t be surprised if I get it an update in the near future. The render took quite a while on Asfaloth however so I offer it here until I can rework things.

Posted on December 12, 2013


I was curious as to how my “Fluorescence” mushrooms would look with only back lighting (rather than glowing themselves). Not sure if this one deserves its own place in my gallery or not, but I think it makes a nice wallpaper nonetheless.

I rendered this one using Asfaloth while Bucephalus worked on “Perserverance“. Let me know what you think!

Posted on November 11, 2013


Members can download my newest render, “Perseverance“, from my New Images page this morning. I’ve had this image rattling around in my head for about five years now and I’m happy to finally let it out. This one is still in the early stages but I thought it looked nice enough to share. It’s still pretty raw so stay tuned for updates!

Posted on November 11, 2013

Traveller (2013)

All the recent news about Comet ISON inspired me to create my own comet, something I haven’t attempted since 2009’s Harbinger. Whereas that comet was completely created using Apophysis, I used a combination of Apophysis and Lightwave’s particle effects this time. The planet is an adapted version of “Roche Limit” (recall I did say I was going to explore the moons of that system…)

Here’s the original “Traveller” from 1998 if you are curious.

I am also proud to announce that I now offer a new payment option for would-be Members. You can now join the Members Gallery, download to your heart’s content, and take up to 30 days to pay when you sign up through Affirm (US only for now). Check the green button on my signup page to start your journey…

Updated 11/16/13

Morning Glory
I’ve added my second version of “Morning Glory (2013)” to the Members Gallery this morning. Mostly fine tuning here since the first draft was pretty well received. Maybe one more render to go. Let me know what you think so far!

EDIT: I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions this morning. Let me know what you think of the new composition!


I have two new interviews available online now. The first is a Q&A I did with the nice folks at AMD Gaming about how I was enjoying my Radeon 7990. The second is a more in-depth profile published this month in “3D Art Direct”. I don’t overlap a whole lot so I hope you will read both. Feel free to share any comments or questions you might have in the comment thread below!

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