Author: Ryan

Posted on October 10, 2013

Smoke on the Water
Here is a little doodle I put together on Asfaloth while my main machine was rendering Panoply.

Nothing too fancy, just trying to visualize the famous couplet in the song by Deep Purple (“Smoke on the water and fire in the sky…”).

Posted on October 10, 2013

Panoply v.2
I’ve added v.2 of “Panoply” this morning and I am sure some of these changes are going to be controversial. Unfortunately there was a bit of a file mishap and my original scene file for version 1 was scrambled and un-usable so this is what I have for the time being.

I’ve toned down the lightbeams a little and also desaturated things a bit. It was mentioned that I should cut out the purple/burgandy tones but I wanted to explore those a bit more for this version (sorry!).

I still need get the bottom of the frame sorted out. Let me know what you think of the update!

Posted on October 10, 2013

I’ve added my first Autumn render of the year, “Panoply“, to the Members Gallery this evening. I have long wished the Vue d’Esprit would allow for varying the foliage colors on individual trees but sadly that feature hasn’t arrived yet.

I’m trying a new technique here using Vue’s new “360” instancing to create “Ecosystem” trees. Basically I’ve planted thousands of smaller trees onto larger tree models (trees are fractal by nature after all) and varied the colors that way.

Let me know what you think. I haven’t perfected the process yet but I like the results so far! Look for an update in the days ahead.

Posted on October 10, 2013

Gazebo (2013)
I’ve added my “final” version of “Gazebo” to the Members Gallery this morning. For this render I’ve made the structure transparent again but added subsurface scattering to give it a bit of backglow. I’ve also trimmed down the vegetation at the base.

This was by far the longest of the five renders (the other four are available in the Pickle Jar) so let me know if it was worth it.

In other news: I’ve started on a my first Autumn render of the year. I’m trying out a new technique for making even more realistic fall foliage. Stay tuned!!

Posted on September 9, 2013

Introducing the Digital Blasphemy Site License!

Want to provide a nice perk to your office or group? Purchase a Digital Blasphemy Site License and you can share my artwork on your private network. Everyone in your office or workgroup can enjoy my wallpapers without each person having to purchase a Membership of their own. Please see here for the rules and restrictions.