Posted on February 2, 2024
Soon after creating “High Country (Winter)” I knew I wanted to try to render the scene in springtime. Unfortunately I didn’t foresee what a technical challenge that would be. VUE fought me every step of the way, even on my powerful Rochallor workstation. I fought through it though and managed to banish winter from the high country. I hope you enjoy it and that spring comes soon where you live.
Posted on February 2, 2024
I hadn’t really planned on doing a night entry in my Trade Wind series but after adding the cumulus clouds to the day version I thought it would be fun to light them up from the inside with lightning under the moonlight. I hope you have enjoyed this little midwinter virtual getaway!
Posted on February 2, 2024
Happy Friday! I thought it might be interesting to give a totally different look to the “Trade Wind” sky with some towering cumulus clouds in the distance. I know this might be a bit too sunny for a lot of folks but I hope some of you enjoy it.
EDIT (2/11/24): A few folks mentioned that the beach was blown out in the original render and it was difficult to see where the water ended and the sand began. I’ve rendered a new version which should fix this, and at the same time I adjusted the camera settings so you can see a bit more of the beach. It’s a wider field of view than the twilight version but the foreground is a bit more important in this version. Thanks for the feedback everyone!!
Posted on February 2, 2024
This one started as an experiment with Gaea attempting to produce a “grooved” alien landscape. After spending a few weeks on familiar themes I wanted to break out and try something very different than anything I’d done before. It’s a bit odd but I hope you enjoy it!
Posted on February 2, 2024
Around February my love for winter scenery begins to wane and I feel the need to create something warm for my monitor (and, hopefully, yours). The tropics are preferred destination for this sort of escape and this scene fits the bill nicely I think. I love rendering the ocean because it leaves a lot of room for my favorite subject, the sky 🙂
I hope you enjoy it! This is one of two new projects that I’ve been working on and the second (coming soon) is quite different. Stay tuned!