Author: Ryan

Posted on December 12, 2023

For my last project of 2023 I wanted to try something a little different with my landscape rendering.   Whereas I usually set my “camera” focal length to capture a wide angle here I wanted to set it to a narrow field of view.   I feel it yields an interesting effect with reduced depth-of-field.   At the very least it insures that my trees don’t exhibit barrel distortion when I render the scene for multiple monitors.

I do have a night version of this scene in the works and might attempt to revisit it in the springtime.

I hope you have enjoyed my work this year!! If you feel like I’ve done an especially good job in 2023 please feel free to leave me a year-end bonus in my tipjar 🙏🏽

Posted on December 12, 2023

One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is how we transform our day-to-day spaces into festive wonderlands of light as the days shorten.    I’ve decided to make that my theme for Christmas 2023, decorating two of my scenes with lights.   The first, “A Christmas in Paradise“, takes the holidays to the tropics.   

This piece, a Christmas version of “Park Place (Spring)” is a bit more traditional in nature.   I hope you enjoy them both and have a wonderful holiday season wherever you might be in the world!

Posted on December 12, 2023

I wasn’t planning on doing a night version of “Tropic of Aquarius” but I received many requests for one.   Fair enough!   They are always fun to create and I know lots of people prefer darker wallpapers.   For a night scene like this (where the planet in the background is lit from above) you will have to believe that the foreground sunlight is being eclipsed by another moon in this system 😉

I hope you enjoy it!!

Posted on December 12, 2023

Experimenting here with VUE’s new render modes for volumetrics.   It was meant to be a simple quick scene but I ended up playing around with different variations a bit more than I expected.   I will probably add at least one of those to the Pickle Jar in the near future. 

I hope you enjoy it!!

Posted on November 11, 2023

I usually try to do one or two Christmas themes every year and this year I wanted to try something a little different.  Perhaps inspired by the famous Corona beer commercial I thought it would be fun to light up one of my tropical scenes for the Holidays.   

I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful holiday wherever you might be in the world!