Author: Ryan

Posted on September 9, 2011

The “Elegydual and triple-screens took quite a while longer to render than I had anticipated (115 hours!) but it is finally finished and available for Members to download. I’m thrilled that folks seem to really enjoy this latest render (it has even dethroned “Highland Spring” as my top rated wallpaper!).

I also celebrated my big 4-0 birthday yesterday by taking Ian to his first football game. We had an unforgettable time. It’s hard to believe I was a 25 when I started DB!

Here’s to another 15 years and beyond!

Posted on September 9, 2011

Elegy -- Updated 09/06/11 Back in August a Member (thanks Manu!) sent me a link to a photo on National Geographic’s website which reminded him of my “Autumnwood” wallpaper. I thought it would be a fun project to make my own version of the scene and this is the result. Now, it isn’t a complete copy. I didn’t have the photo open in another window while I was working on it, but it was definitely inspired by the NatGeo photo however.

I call this one “Elegy” as it has a bit of a mournful feel to it. Truth be told it took me a few hours to think of a decent title. I didn’t want to explicitly remake “Autumnwood” because I think that series still stands pretty well on its own. Don’t be surprised, however, to see a few seasonal variations of this one.

Please click through to the higher resolution version as the thumbnails don’t really represent this one very well. I hope you enjoy it!

PS: Here’s a print version on Zazzle (rendered a 5600 x 4500) if you want to place an order while their 50% off sale is going. Use coupon code “DECKYOURWALL” to get the discount.

Posted on September 9, 2011

A number of folks have asked if I could render a few different color variants of “String Theory”. I tried a few different combinations yesterday and found this one that I thought looked pretty good. It is available now in the Pickle Jar (multiscreens included).

I have also added a print version (rendered at 7680 x 4800) to my Zazzle collection.

Look for my first Autumn render of the year early next week. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Posted on August 8, 2011

I’ve added dual and triple-screen versions of “String Theory (Blue)” to the Members Gallery today. As much as I love blue, I couldn’t see adding another blue abstract to my gallery so soon after “Clockwork” so I chose with a different palette for this one. Of course I am all too happy to provde options (especially when they only take a couple of hours to render).

My new Autumn picture is rendering right now on Bucephalus and I’m hoping to have it done before the weekend. But I’m still torn about whether or not to post Autumn pictures before Labor Day. Maybe I should hold onto it until Tuesday…

Last reminder! Today is the last day for students and educators to get the 25% discount. Use the coupon code “learning” to get the discount on all Memberships and Renewals until midnight.

Posted on August 8, 2011

I’ve added dual and triple-screen versions of “String Theory” to the Members Gallery today. This one was a bit more complicated to make so I haven’t posted multiscreens of the blue render yet.