Author: Ryan

Posted on August 8, 2011

String Theory -- Updated 08/29/11 I was watching TV a few nights ago and had the good fortune to catch “NOVA: Hunting the Hidden Dimension” (the entire episode is available to watch online). I was floored! I already knew a great deal about fractals but this documentary really opened my eyes as to how essential they are to my work.

Of course I immediately fired up my copy of Apophysis and have added my first fractal render since 2008 to the Members Gallery this morning. I call it “String Theory” and I hope you enjoy it.

I developed this one on my MBP while Bucephalus rendered a new Autumn scene that I’ve been working on. It’s not too early for Autumn renders is it? I hope to have that one ready before the end of the week.

Friendly reminder to students, parents and educators: I’ve upped my education discount to 25% for the entire month of August so you can deck out your laptop or tablet with some new artwork. Use the coupon code “learning” to get the discount on all Memberships and Renewals until Sept 1.

“Also Zazzle is offering 50% off all posters until Sept 2. Use the coupon code “DECKYOURDORM” to get the discount.

Posted on August 8, 2011

I’ve added the dual and triple-screen versions of “The Last Throes” to the Members Gallery this evening. I had to make a few changes to the lighting to accomodate the new camera so you may notice this one looks a bit different than the single-screen.

In other news, I wanted to mention that my gallery on is now live. 16 of my most popular images are available at sizes up to 13′ x 8′!

Lastly a reminder to students, parents and educators: I’ve upped my education discount to 25% for the entire month of August so you can deck out your laptop or tablet with some new artwork. Use the coupon code “learning” to get the discount on all Memberships and Renewals until Sept 1.

Posted on August 8, 2011

The Last Throes -- Updated 08/19/11 I worked a bit more on my Vue d’Esprit “space dust” process today and I’ve posted a third version of “The Last Throes” in the Members Gallery this afternoon. I think these clouds are a major improvment over the first version (both previous versions will remain available in the Pickle Jar).

Hope you like it!

Posted on August 8, 2011

The Last Throes -- Updated 08/19/11 I’ve added a second, more “conventional” version of “The Last Throes” to the Members Gallery this afternoon.

This one is without the “dust experimentation” that quite a few thought muddied the scene. The original version will be staying in the Pickle Jar.

Which style do you prefer? I will admit that the Vue d’Esprit dust I rendered did look a bit chunky!

Posted on August 8, 2011

The Last Throes -- Updated 08/19/11I added a new planetscape that I’ve been playing around with recently. It’s called “The Last Throes” and I am experimenting here with some new ways of generating outer space “dust” in 3D.
The scene started in Lightwave (the stellar “phenomena”) and then I used the resulting render as a backdrop in Vue d’Esprit to add the dust. I used the resulting combination as yet another backdrop in Lightwave to add the planets. Then back into Vue for one more layer of dust. Anyway, file this one under “experimental”.
What do you think? Back to the drawing board?