Posted on April 4, 2011
I’ve added an updated version of “Tropic of Thetis” to the Members Gallery. The water in the first version was a little flat so I’ve employed Vue’s displaced ocean here. I’ve also added some underwater reflections and parted the clouds to reveal a risen Thetis. There may be one or two new palms scattered about as well.
In other news, I am still tweaking the mobile-site so check it out an leave feedback if you have any.
This is the first of three renders (including a new freebie) that I will be posting in fairly short order so be sure to check back soon or follow me somehow to stay updated!
Posted on April 4, 2011
I’ve been playing around with a stripped-down “mobile-friendly” version of my gallery for while now and I think it works well enough to open it up. It’s pretty basic right now (linear access through my gallery by most recent). Over time I will add more functionality but I do want it to remain pretty simple.
How does it look on your device?
Posted on March 3, 2011
Just wanted to mention a little sale going on over at DecalGirl. For the past year or so I’ve partnered with them to offer my work as precut “Skins” for the most popular devices (including the Kindle
, and even the PS3
If you don’t see the design you like in the product gallery you can simply pick one of my base designs (I added 10 new ones yesterday!) and create a custom skin for any just about any device under the Sun.
As for the sale, DecalGirl is offering a 15% discount on any skin featuring my work (mine only) until Midnight Eastern tonight. Just use coupon code DB15OFF when you check out with them.
Why just my work? Funny you should ask. DecalGirl runs a very active Facebook page and is accumulating fans quickly because they are always having cool contests and promotions. One of these is an “Artist’s Sale” where they ask people to post their favorite DecalGirl Artist and then discount the most popular.
I’ve seen a few of these come and go and always thought it would be nice to win one. Really though, a lot of the other artist’s work just blows me away and I can see why more people vote for them. Vladstudio‘s “Library” Skin for Kindle is about as perfect (not-to-mention ironic) a design as you can get for the ereader.
Still, I wanted to get the coupon not only for you guys but for the other DecalGirl customers who haven’t heard of my work yet. When DecalGirl announced their most recent Artist’s Sale and I saw a few votes for me pop up in the early going, I decided to juice things a bit by asking my Facebook/Twitter followers to vote for me. As you can see in the original thread, it went pretty well.
It was pretty underhanded of me though and I promise not to do make a habit out of asking for things like this.
As promised when I asked for the votes, I am offering the same 15% discount on my Memberships and Renewals (including Lifetime) while the DecalGirl coupon was active. Feel free to use the coupon code DB15OFF to get the discount on my signup/renewal pages.
I had new versions of “Tropic of Thetis” and “Dolmen” rendering right now and I hope to have them up shortly. I also have a special render dedicated to one of my family’s favorite video games. Stay tuned. . .
Posted on March 3, 2011
Happy Friday! A few items to mention today.
First, confession time. I posted “Dolmen” unfinished not only because I wanted it to be ready for St. Paddy’s Day but also because I was heading out the door that morning for a little holiday with my family in Florida that we’d been planning for ages .
We just got back last evening (some pics here if you are interested) and I haven’t really had a chance to start any revisions on the dolmen, but I do appreciate all the wonderful feedback!
While waiting for the Dolmen to finish rendering I doodled a little tropical daydream on my laptop. I set it to render on my main machine while I was away and, though it is still in the very rough stages, I thought it looked nice enough to share. I call it (tentatively) “Tropic of Thetis” and I’m thinking it will be a day render in my “Tropical Moon” series (the planet will be added later).
Just a heads up: I am going to have a little “flash contest” on my Facebook page to give away a free 1 year Membership (or renewal) sometime in the next few days. “Fan” me to make sure my posts show up your feed or be sure to check in from time to time if you are interested. If you would like a leg up on the contest take a look at the t-shirts here (specifically the “House” shirts).
Lastly a HUGE to the folks who have been donating to my “new workstation fund” ($14035.97 since 3/3!). My goal with the donations is enough to get me two more 30″ monitors so I can finally have a triple-head system of my own (I will be covering the new workstation myself). If you own multiple monitors and want to see a “multiscreen reniassance” at DB, please think about chipping in because these suckers are expensive!
Stay tuned!
Posted on March 3, 2011
Added “Dolmen” to the gallery this morning. I had wanted to have this one ready for St. Patrick’s Day (it was inspired by an Irish dolmen after all) but I think it is only about halfway there.
Still, I think it looks nice enough to share and I would love to hear your thoughts.