Posted on February 2, 2011
It was suggested (on my Facebook page) that “Island Time” would make an excellent freebie. Looking outside my window this grey February morning I cannot help but concur. I hope my free gallery users enjoy it and perhaps consider the benefits of DB Membership…
My new project is nearly complete and just needs a bit of fine tuning before I start the final render. I would love to show it to you right now but I think would be better to show this one when it is fully complete. For my part I will endeavor to make it worth the wait.
Lastly, it looks like Project Messiah reached their goal so everyone who ordered their animation package for the ridiculous discount will be getting their licenses. I guess there’s a few more hours left to take advantage of the offer so here’s the link if anyone is interested.
Stay tuned!
Posted on February 2, 2011
Valentine’s Day is sneaking up quickly so I thought it a good time to show off my one and only wallpaper dedicated to the holiday. You’ll find “Take Two” at the top of the Free Gallery until Tuesday.
Posted on February 2, 2011
A few items to mention today. First, Members can now the new dual and triple-screen renders of “Inner Workings” Rather than simply widen the frame on the single-screen scene (as I almost always do for my multiscreen renders), I’ve chosen instead to zoom in tight and let the “central object” fill the entire frame. I hope it was worth the wait.
Second I wanted to mention an awesome bargain that came across my inbox yesterday. The good folks over at Project Messiah are offering their $499 3D animation software for only $10 (or the $1199 pro version for $40). The catch is the you only get your license if enough people take advantage of the offer (otherwise your purchase if refunded). Here’s the link and please share it with your friends who might be interested in trying out 3D rendering!
Lastly, my new wallpaper is progressing nicely and, while I don’t have an ETA, I have a feeling people will enjoy it. I definintely haven’t done a project like this for a long time.
Posted on February 2, 2011
As I mentioned last time, my “final” version of “Inner Workings” is ready for Members to download.
I’ve brightened the scene (the inner cells are now more transperant and reflect more light) and I’ve dialed back the DOF blur a bit. I also let Fprime “refine” it a about 12 hours longer than version 2 so it should be a bit smoother.
The new multiscreen is rendering on my other box and I hope to have it ready tomorrow. It’s a very different view than the previous multiscreen. . .
Next up, some magic…
Posted on February 2, 2011
Here’s a revised version of “Inner Workings” that I have been working on. Members can find the full res download in the Pickle Jar. Not sure if this clears up anything with regards to what exactly I’ve modeled here. I’ve really enjoyed reading the theories so far however.
You will notice I’ve changed up the colors. It was mentioned that the original version had Green Bay Packers colors so changes had to be made. I’m not bitter though…
Anyway, as usually happens when my renders go more than a few hours, I’ve found a thing or two I would like to tweak before moving on once and for all. Hope to have the final version up early next week.